Chapter 2: Let's Roll

After Case

You sighed loudly as you walk towards your new office with a coffee in one hand, hoping today will be a productive and fulfilling day for you. Arranging interviews with victim's families and friends yesterday was already tedious, they weren't being any cooperative at all. 

As you reach out to push the button of the lift, you accidentally brushed your hands against someone, who had reached for it at the same time.

"Sorry." You apologised quickly, then realising it was someone familiar. "Oh, Wonwoo-sshi, good morning." He nods at you. 

"Let me guess," he points at your coffee, "Extra milk and sugar."

"Uh... Yeah..." You try to hide your amazement at his, yet again, strangely accurate deduction. 

He snickered. "Aren't you too predictable for a detective."

"Don't tease me in the morning, I'm cranky enough without sugar." You scowled at him, taking a sip of your very much sweetened coffee.

"Good morning my new friends!" You suddenly find yourself hooked under someone arms, surprising you. You coughed and choked on your coffee, but Mingyu was oblivious to your struggle. 

"How are we friends if we just met yesterday." Wonwoo slipped away from his arms and enter the lift at the same time, making Mingyu pout. You being still coughing continuously, Mingyu drags you in with you hooked under his arms. 

"No way, ______, are you already sick just because we went home a little late yesterday." Mingyu shakes his head as you pulled away from his grasp. You coughed louder at his disapproved tone, hoping that the lift would reach the the 5th floor soon so that you can get a quick cup of water. 

As the lift open, you were greeted with a scene that is rather familiar. 
"Like I said, they are accomplice!" Seungcheol was glaring at the same tall blonde again. 
"How do you even came to that useless deduction." The other scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
"Good morning, boss." You and your colleagues said in unison and bowed at Seungcheol. 
"Ah my lovely team has finally arrived. Meeting room in 5." Seungcheol gesture you to move quickly. "Oh, by the way, this is Kim Namjoon. He's team C leader." You bowed at him as well, trying not to look at him in the eyes since he look quite intimidating. Namjoon grunted something that was quite unaudible, and you and your team members quickly scurried off to your desk.
"Morning," Junghan greeted you arrived. "Ah water thanks Junghan." You grabbed the cup that was in his hands gulped down the cup of water, sighing happily as the soothing sensation finally settling in your throat. Missing Junghan's buffled look, you quickly gathered your notebook and dash towards the meeting room.
Seungcheol enters the room soon after. "Alright, let's not waste any time. With the datas collected, I have sorted out everything to who we should approach first. Mingyu and _____, approach the first victim, Jung Minah's families and friends. Wonwoo, Junghan and I, you will be approaching the 2nd victim, Lee Soorim. Collect as much info as you can, we'll gather back here after 6 hours. No questions? Let's roll." 
His speech practically took about 30 seconds. Before you could even react, Everyone starts to move out and hurried over to their desk. 
"______, grab everything I'll start the car." Mingyu said and dart out of the room. Finally sensing the urgency, you quickly grab the recorders, warrant, notepads and several other essential items. Not forgetting your cup of coffee.
"Here," Mingyu calls as you got out of the building. You slide into the passenger seat and enters the address of the victim's house into the GPS. He drove out of the carpark with a serious look on his face, looking into the rearview mirror without uttering a single word. Which you have to admit his serious expression looks rather attractive and musculine, contrary to his personality.
"Ooh is that a coffee? Let me have a sip." Mingyu grabbed your coffee without waiting for your approval, and then wincing when the sweetness finally hits him. He coughed. "Ack, its so sweet!"
You held back your laughter and take away the coffee from his grasp. "Yeah, I ordered it with extra milk and sugar."
He frowned. "How do you even drink that. Anyway, this will be our first task working together. Let's do a good job." He gave his usual side smile. You nod and smile back slightly. "Yeah... Oh right. I'll just talk about the victim's information." You shuffled your bag and pull out a yellow file. 

"Name: Jung Minah, age 26. Was last seen at the club. Hobby: Clubbing, reading. Graduated from Ewha Womans University. Only keeps in contact with her mother. No siblings. A bunch of casual friends, none really close." You read off the profile. 
"Okay... So I'll just take it she doesn't really have a boyfriend either? So it could be an act of seduction?" Mingyu said thoughtfully.  
"Maybe. But we shouldn't leave out any possible scenarios either." You shrugged. 

"Hello, is Jung Minah's mother in?" Mingyu called as he knock onto the door. After a few knocks, the door was opened slightly. 

"Are you the police rats again? I've given my statement a few months ago. Stop bothering me." She was about the shut the door when you slit your foot quickly into the ajar door. 

"Please assist us, Mrs. Jung. There have been many other case similar to her and we don't want the same thing to happen again." You plead her.

"What's the point? My daughter is already dead. It's been months and case isn't solved." Her voice shook slightly. You exchange looks with Mingyu and he nods at you to keep going. 

You made your voice softer. "Please trust us Mrs. Jung, we are a new team that is made to solve this crime and catch the murderer. We are putting everything on the line, and we do not touch any other case that is irrelavent from this. You will be an excellent help to us." You pulled down Mingyu neck and bowed along with you. 

There was a long silence before a deep sigh can be heard. "Come in, its Ms. Lee by the way."  She widened the door and went back into the house. 

Mingyu grins at you and pats your head as he went into the house, leaving you exhaling the air that you have been holding during the silence. 

"5 minutes, make this quick." She sit on the chair. You nod and pass Mingyu the recorder. 

"Like you mention just now, Ms... Lee, is there any reason behind....?"

"Divorced, since Minah was born." You nod as you scribble on your pad. 

"Do you know about Minah's friends well?" 

"No, she doesn't brings her friends home. In fact, she doesn't comes home everyday." Her gaze was lowered, eyeing at the flowerpot on the table.

"But she studies well." You say firmly, remembering the profile that you read.

"Yes. she never really had trouble with her studies, so I'm fine with whatever she was doing." She started to play with her fingers, probably starting to feel nervous about the inteview.

"What about your relationship with her then? Are you close to her?"

"I... She hates me." Her voice suddenly shakes. "She thinks I'm the one who made her father leave me."

"Did you tell her the truth then?"

"If I told her, she might think that no one loves her. At least this way, she'll think that her father still loved her." Her eyes starts to look glassy.

Thinking that persuing this topic might break her, you quickly change the topic. "What do you know about her friends?"

She close her eyes. "I remember... Park Eunsoo? She was the one that brings Minah into the clubbing culture. I don't know anyone else other then her. Eunsoo could be the last person that sees her."

"Where do we find her?" You try to keep your voice flat, concealing the excitement you are feeling inside.

She scribbled onto a piece of paper. "She works in this cafe."

Your blood pumped at the possible lead. "I see. It's exactly 5 minutes now, we shall take our leave. If there's anything you remember please contact us." You pass her your name card. "Thank you for you time."

"Alright, please see yourself out." She says, trying to keep in her composure.

You and Mingyu bowed and exited the house, exhaling simultaneously. 

"Well, that wasn't so bad." He grins at you. "You did a great job."

You smile wryly. "Yeah, at least we have a possible lead now."  You stare at the name circled, Park Eunsoo.

"Yes, let's go!" He chriped and mess up the back of your head at the same time.

"Aish, why do you keep touching my head?" You frown at him and smooth down your hair. 

He grinned gleefully. "Your hair looks soft, it annoys me."

You gave him your side eye and reach over to try to mess up his hair too, but he duck quickly and runs over to start the car. Grunting, you slip back into your passenger seat and reach over to the GPS to enter the cafe address.

"Ah," You yelp in surprise and bounce back to your seat. Reaching to the back of your head, you realised that your hair has caught up in the head rest. Mingyu laughed softly at the scene of you tugging on your hair blindly with your hands.

"Stop laughing! It's your fault for messing up my hair." You glare at him as you tug harder.

"Fine, let me do it, I can see the knot better. " Mingyu reach over to you and peered at back of head. His face inches closer to you as he inspect the knot, and you quickly turn away from his face.

"Don't move, you're making it worse." He frown and tilt your head towards him. You blink at the closeness of his face and the sight of his exposed define collarbones. Having his face in this small distance, you realised how good looking he really is (for the god knows how many times), and you have to admit his smile is indeed really charming. You felt yourself blushing unconciously and then clear your throat to remind yourself to remain calm.

"Quickly," you grumbled.

"If you keep moving I might have to cut it off," he teased.  "And... Done. We're even now."  Mingyu grins at you and smooth down your hair.

"Right. Please turn on the a/c, its getting a little warm."



Aaaand I'm finally done with this chapter! Aye new subbies, thank you for subscribing huehue.  A little fluffy ending? Hing, imagining the scene myself makes me squeal in my chair. /blushes

Comments will be lovely, they make me feel like typing an entire new paragraph. Till the next chapter //// (✿◕ ‿◕ฺ)ノ

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yangyoungjaee #1
Chapter 2: if you also describe why wonwoo would came with such deduction then he will definitely reminds me of sherlockㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ i cant help but laugh at this
"Right. Please turn on the a/c, its getting a little warm." lmao bcs gurl its not getting warm its getting hot. Anw i love it so muchiee
Chapter 2: Oooh a moment with mingyu xD
Kkk i know that his smile is charming, yeah i've fallen for him because of that too xD
Uhh,, why do i feel like wonwoo knows something, correction, a few things about me? :/ (i mean, the character)
Ah anyways, thanks for the update. I love it
yangyoungjaee #3
Chapter 1: This is great because its rare to find a svt fic with a genre like this and it makes me excited!!!! Im waiting for the next chapter!!!! Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 1: Hey there~~
Say hello to your new subbies here kkk :3
I like the story line.. And ofcourse meanie couple (honestly i'm a fan of hiphop unit, especially seungcheol xD)
And somehow i'm anticipating the full story.
I bet it'll become a best one. Soo,, yeah keep up the good job'-')b
i'll wait for the next chapter :))) hwaiting '-')9!!!