Chapter 1: The Beginning

After Case

The news hit you quite shockingly. 

I mean, who would have thought that an old, neighbourhood police inspector, will be transfered to a big. state detective office?

You knew that you wouldn't be staying in the same division forever, but you didn't know that the day would come so quickly. Although, it quite excites you with fact that new and tougher challenges will awaits you. 

"We're going to miss you, yeoshin." Your juniors wept dramatically, making you laugh and smack their head down.

"Strong men can't cry! Remember, listen to Ssem well okay? I'll visit you guys if I've time." You felt a little sad as you said that, but you shook off the feeling quickly. 

After bidding goodbye to your subordinates and seniors, you head down to your new office, feeling a mixure of both excitement and enxiousness.

"Alright, let's do this!" You cheered inwardly for yourself.



But the scene infront of you wasn't really quite what you expect it to be. 

The room, filled with men, was screaming at each other, breaking into fights and papers was scattered all around the floor. 

"Excuse me..." You mumbled, but none paid attention to you. 

"I told you how many times, he killed her!" A man, dressed in white button down shirt grabs the tie of the other, who was blonde. 

"What do you mean? Do you have proof? Don't around--"

You cleared your throat loudly, making them turning their head towards you. 

"Oh, a woman. What do you want?" The taller blonde, that you interrupted, asked you with a dead voice.

"Erm I'm ______, I'll be working with you from now on, please take care of me!" You said firmly and bowed deeply.

"What? A female? Really?" He laughed. "Aye Seungcheol, you'll be doing well." He pat the latter on the shoulder before going back to his seat. Seungcheol glared at him before laying his eyes on you. 

"Ah, ______. You've arrived? Follow me." He beckons you and you scurried after him quickly. He enters a meeting room, and you were greeted with 3 other males, probably around your age. 

And, coughs, they look rather attractive. 

"Guys, this is our last member, _______. _______ I'm your team leader, Seungcheol. Introduce yourself." He prompted you. 

The guys look lazily over at you with a questioning gaze. "Ah hello, I'm _______, i'lll be your colleagues from now on, please take care of me." You repeated what you just said before and bowed again. 

"Oh hello!" The tallest male latter greet you, beaming widely, revealing his sharp canine teeth. "I'm Mingyu, we're the same age right? Let's be friends." He reached over to shook your hand and you grab it firmly, feeling glad that there is someone that is rather friendly. 

"I'm Junghan, the assistant inspector for this team. Please rely on me." He had long hair tied up at the back of his head, and you nod, taking in his pretty eyes and complexion.

The only one left to introduce himself was staring into his phone with an unfazed expression. His straight black hair falls just below his eyebrows, and his long eyelashes actually cast shadows beneathe his eyes. 

"Hey hyung, introduce yourself." Mingyu albowed him.

"Oh, hi I'm Wonwoo." He look at you with a single glance, before going back to his phone again. His cold attitude makes you slightly disappointed, but you quickly shrug it off, since you didn't want to judge him so quickly, having just meeting him. 

"Great, so we're all here! ______, take a seat." You took an empty seat next to Jeonghan, which was opposite of Wonwoo.

"Basically, this team was formed to solve this serial murder case that has been unsolved for a couple of months. So gathering the ace from each neighbourhood, this team should be pretty strong." Seungcheol look at everyone intentively. "Although I was sure I picked on skills and insightfulness, and not on visuals." He laughed at his own joke, and you exchange awkward glances with Mingyu, who shrugged. 

"Anyway, yes let's be serious now. Take note, I'm not going to repeat myself on this case." Seungcheol suddenly became stern, causing everyone to sit upright with pen and paper in their hands. 

"For the past few months, a repeated murder has been taking place with similiar style. All of them were females, age between 25 to 35." Seungcheol put up the victims' photo on the board, pinning them. 

"They all have long brown hair, double eyelid and high cheek bones." Wonwoo suddenly exclaimed, making you gaped at his quick deduction. 

"As expected from you, quick and sharp." Seungcheol nod approvingly. "Yes, they look similar. What else was similar was that their body was dressed in white wedding gown and was laid on a bed. Regardless of hotel rooms, their own house, or vacant rooms."  He put up scene of the various rooms, all looking neat and clean. 

"From the same wedding shop?" Mingyu asked.

"None of the wedding shop sells the same type. They've checked the gown, it was maded poorly and brandless, we're guessing it was shipped from China." Seungcheol sighed, probably at the lack of information. 

"Moving on, as you can see, the only blood you see is from the patch at the wedding gown, near their heart." He circled all the photos. 

"So they were stabbed in the heart?" Junghan asked.

"We wished." 

"Wish?" You echoed.

"Their heart was... Taken out."

"Ta-taken out?" You were strickened at the cruelty of the murderer.

"It was perfectly cut, no mistakes, and they had their wounds sewn." He pinned up the perfectly sewn wound. 

"So he's skilled and professional. Damn this is hard." Mingyu shook his head. 

"Sad to say but we couldn't even confirm his gender. He, or she, didn't left any footprints at all, nor any evidence." Seungcheol sighed again, spinning the red marker around his finger. 

The room was left in silence, except Seungcheol sighing now and then. 

"Is there any pattern? Which victim might be next?" Wonwoo asked, without looking up from his scribbled notepad. 

"Actually, there could be. We can set a bait." 

"Bait? With who?" You asked nonchalantly. 

"Well, there's only one woman here." Seungcheol narrow his eyes at you. 

"M-me?" You stuttered. Isn't it too dangerous for you to become a bait? 

"She won''t make it. Her her face is too flat and she has single eyelid. " Wonwoo shook his head.

"That's... Offensive." You side-eye him. Everyone squint their eyes at you and sigh simultaneously."Hey!" 

"Damn!" Seungcheol cursed. The room fell into silent again, until Junghan broke it. 

"Well I can do it." Junghan volunteered. Everyone look at him in surprise, but nod approvingly. 


"Junghan looks pretty good."

"Yeah he can totally pull of those girls."

"... Not sure if I just lost to a guy..." You mumbled.

"Alright that's settled then. For now we'll start off to interview close friends and families about their common place to visit, within 3 days. Today let's just settle down and arrange your desk. Dismissed." Seungcheol clapped twice as everyone scooted and bow as he leave the room. 

You took the empty desk next to Wonwoo's - his desk look rather neat and tidy, with just a few books and paper. 

Placing your box on top of your new desk, you unpacked your files, books and papers. Finally, you reached into the last item in the box - a pressed daisy in a photo frame. You let your fingers trail over the glass, feeling nostalgic, and set it infront of your books. 

"What's with that daisy frame?" A voice suddenly came from behind you, making you jump. Wonwoo reached from behind you and grab the frame, inspecting the daisies.

"It was... A daisy crown made by a friend when I was little." Your mind unconciously flashback to a green field. 


"Here, I made this for your hair." He smiled at you and placed it on your head.

You sniffled. "For m-me? Tha-thank you." 

"You look prettier. Now stop crying, I promise that I'll protect you." He pat your head.

"How?" You choked on your snort, making him laugh at your ridiculousness.

"I'll be the best policeman in the country!" He said proudly.

"Then i'll be one too!" You said excitedly. 

"It'll be tough for girls." 

"Hmph I don't care."

"Alright, then let's be the best policemen together, promise?" He reach out his pinky.

"Promise," you curled your pinky over his. 


You flitted back to reality, realising that Wonwoo's face filled your vision. You gasped in surprise and snatched the frame back. He stared at you intentively, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Just wondering.... How long have you been keeping it?" he asked.

"About 10 years? Why?"

"Nothing..." he trailed off and look at you funnily, before walking away.




Hi everyone, I'll try to update asap >_<  Writing the first chapter is always the hardest, I hope it's not too boring or abrupt, putting character and plot development in the first chapter are always the hardest for me. T__T


Please comment, upvote, subscribe and give me many love please~ 



*Yeoshin: Goddess
+Ssem: Short form for seonsaenim; an informal way 






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yangyoungjaee #1
Chapter 2: if you also describe why wonwoo would came with such deduction then he will definitely reminds me of sherlockㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ i cant help but laugh at this
"Right. Please turn on the a/c, its getting a little warm." lmao bcs gurl its not getting warm its getting hot. Anw i love it so muchiee
Chapter 2: Oooh a moment with mingyu xD
Kkk i know that his smile is charming, yeah i've fallen for him because of that too xD
Uhh,, why do i feel like wonwoo knows something, correction, a few things about me? :/ (i mean, the character)
Ah anyways, thanks for the update. I love it
yangyoungjaee #3
Chapter 1: This is great because its rare to find a svt fic with a genre like this and it makes me excited!!!! Im waiting for the next chapter!!!! Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 1: Hey there~~
Say hello to your new subbies here kkk :3
I like the story line.. And ofcourse meanie couple (honestly i'm a fan of hiphop unit, especially seungcheol xD)
And somehow i'm anticipating the full story.
I bet it'll become a best one. Soo,, yeah keep up the good job'-')b
i'll wait for the next chapter :))) hwaiting '-')9!!!