
Your Beautiful Scent...

Holding the bouquet of flowers, I stride over to the dressing room. It was the last day of Phantom of the Opera and I wanted to surprise her. 'You're blushing again, Hyunnie!' I was about to knock on the door when I heard his voice and the laughter that came after that. Feeling the familiar feeling rising in my chest, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before knocking on the door again.

'Knock Knock!'

'Come in!' Her voice, light and full of laughter. I pushed the heavy door slightly, peeking my head in. I let out a breathe of relief when I realized that there were a few others in the room with her and that annoying mouse looking guy. 'Kookie?' She gasped, jumping to her feet as she rushed to the door. I could feel my heart swell seeing her so happy and excited.

'Hey baby..' I greeted her as I pull her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead, forgetting that there were others in the room.

'I thought.. you're only flying back tonight? I miss you so much, Kookie...' Her face break into her big smile, her eyes teary. The last time we met was before I travelled to Europe for the tour which was two weeks ago.

'Surprise baby.. I miss you too... I took the morning flight... I couldnt wait...' I replied, pinching her nose. She blushed as her co-actors started clearing their throats loudly. I pulled her to my side, smiling sheepishly, my hands holding her corseted waist.

'Oh where's my manners... I'm sorry, Sunbae... Please meet my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook...' She introduced as I bowed politely to the senior actors in the room.

'Anyeonghaseyo Sunbaenim.. Please forgive me for my rudeness... You guys were fantastic earlier on... I truly enjoyed myself...' I said, putting two thumbs up as I greeted the occupants of the room.

'Its alright.. Jungkook-shi... We heard a lot of things about you from Joohyun here... We understand that you guys didnt see each other for 2 weeks.... Dont worry, boy...'  Cha Hwa Yeon, one of the seniors in the room said. 

'Hwa Yeon.. I think we should leave the two lovebirds... Lets continue our small discussion in the other room...' Kim Jihwan, the other senior actor said, standing up, wiping the invisible lint on his black pants.

'Sunbae... It's alright.. You can stay here with us...' I said, feeling apologetic that I had interrupted their discussion.

'Jungkook-shi.. He is just pulling your leg... But still, we had to move to the other room to remove our stage costume... It was nice meeting you...' Cha Hwa Yeon sunbae said, as she patted me on the back. 

'Sunbae.. Thank you for guiding me... It was a pleasant experience working and learning from you...' She said as she engulf the older woman into a bear hug.

'Jungkook-shi.. She's a rare one... Hold tight before someone else steal her from under your nose...' Kim Jihwan Sunbaenim joked as he shooked my hand and walked out of the room. 

'I would listen to the old coot if I was you... I'm getting addicted to her sweet lips...' The idiotic Ji Changwook whispered as he walked passed me. I could feel my nails biting into the palm as I forced myself to not punch him there and then.

'Chang Wook Oppa!! Thank You for your help...' 

'Anytime for you... You know I would always be here for you...' He replied, his hand resting on her shoulder, alittle too long for my liking. 

I know that it was his way of annoying me and I refused to let him spoil the mood, I walked over to Joohyun, pulling her waist to myside again, staring back at him.

'Oh yes she will.. If she needs help... but I doubt so.. Nice meeting you Ji Chang Wook-shi...' I muttered, faking a smile. 


'Jungkook... I cant.. I really need to go now...' Her voice trembling. I took a few steps closer, hearing her weak reply. Her eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks pale unlike her usual rosy cheeks.

'Hey.. Is everything alright? What happened?' I asked, lowering my voice.

'Jungkook.. Appa.. Appa just had a heart attack..' Her eyes teary as she grasped her car keys tightly. Seeing her in her vulnerable state, I couldnt help it but pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly as she sobbed into my shoulders.

'You're not in the right state to drive.. Hand me your car keys... I'll drive....' I offered, caressing her head gently.

'Thank you, Koo... Jungkook.. ' She sniffled softly as she pull away. 

'Where's your car?' I asked, my hands reaching for her car keys. 

'Over there...' She pointed, to the red mercedes parked at the side. Nodding my head, I grabbed her hand as I pulled her to the car. Opening the passenger door, I guided her into the seat before striding to the driver seat.

'I didnt know you could drive...' She whispered as I started the engine. Glancing at her slightly, I shrugged as I manourve the car out of the carpark.

'I took it as a distraction from the breakup... But I prefer to be driven around... Seoul General?' I asked.

'Yes... Thank you again... for doing this...' 

'You know I would do anything for you...'


'You should go in and see your father now... I'll wait outside here...' I pushed her gently into the room. She gave me a look of gratitude before she walked into the room. Taking a seat at the waiting area, I leaned back into the seat, closing my eyes.

'Jungkook?' The familiar voice called out. I opened my eyes, standing up immediately, greeting the tired looking woman infront of me.

'Mrs Seo... I'm sorry about Mr Seo.. He'll pull through this.. I promise... He is a strong man...' 

'Thank You Jungkook... I know he will... Since when I became Mrs Seo? I thought I was Eomonim to you?' She replied, patting my back as she took a seat beside me.

'I.. I just...'

'I know what happened between you two... And I couldnt say that I forgive you for breaking my daughter's heart... but I also know that you are also suffering... And that is enough to make you learn from mistake... Just dont break her heart again... She loves you too much to be away from you for too long... You two just need to talk things out...' 

Nodding my head, I tried to find the right answer. Hearing the footsteps, I looked up to find Joohyun, standing infront of us.

'Umma? Appa is asking for you...' 

'Thank you dear... I believe you two need to talk... I'll go now... Jungkook.. It was nice meeting you after so long my dear...' Eomonim winked as she walked to the room.

'What did Umma say?' She ask, seating beside me, filling my senses with the familiar strawberry scent.

'I miss you, babe... I miss you so much.... Please forgive me for my foolishness...' 


'Please... I'm sorry...'

'Its not that easy...' 



Sorry guys for the late update...

Hope you guys enjoy this update...

Hopefully I could end this fic before year ends so I could start a new one... 

or finish my other pending fics 1st before i start another one...



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mcobilo888 #1
Chapter 5: Plsss update I really like your story❤️❤️❤️❤️
mcobilo888 #2
Chapter 5: Plsss update I really like your story❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Please make seokook together. Update soon
Chapter 5: Even though this haven't been updated in while I read it. I like this story.
_paperheart_ #5
So beautiful /wipe off fake tears/
mobina #8
Chapter 4: Really awesome chapter
chika_s_exo #9
Chapter 1: Yeay updates~~, update soon