Too fast, too easy

Love at Non-Sight

Chapter 2


Kyuhyun clutched the handle of his suitcase tight, anxiety and nervousness surfacing once more as the excitement of travelling to a new country faded into the background. This trip was the farthest he had been since he had only been to Japan a few times and the odd trip to the Philippines or Thailand. He had already passed the customs officer of Charles de Gaulle airport and was now heading towards the main exit where someone was to meet him.


A staff of Lady Onslow.


Kyuhyun was sure he was going to throw up very soon. So apparently, his twin had not only nabbed a scion of one of the wealthiest families of Seoul, Siwon’s maternal grandmother was a daughter of a British earl as well. And here he was, about to commit something he was sure, was punishable by law.


“Mr. Cho Kyujong?” A well-educated voice in accented Korean intruded his thoughts and Kyuhyun came face to face with a trim-looking man in somber but stylishly cut, tailored clothes.


“Y-Yes?” Great. Less than fifteen minutes on foreign soil and he already wanted to take the next flight back.


The man gave a little bow, “Welcome to France. I am Calvin Davies from Lady Onslow’s household. I am here to you to the manor.”


Kyuhyun felt a little faint which was just as well since he relaxed his death grip on his suitcase and the man called Calvin Davies was easily able to take it from him. Kyuhyun followed him to an ostentatiously shiny, dark grey car where another uniformed but older man was waiting. He bowed to Kyuhyun before taking the suitcase from Calvin and putting it in the trunk.


“If you please, Mr. Cho,” Calvin said with a smile as he opened the car door for Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun gingerly entered the vehicle, afraid to scratch anything. He wasn’t much of a car enthusiast but he recognized the hood ornament even if he didn’t see the overlapping Rs in front to confirm that he was indeed riding in a Rolls-Royce. It was a good thing to know since the knowledge that he was sitting inside a car costing millions of won and he didn’t have money to pay for damages if he threw up all over managed to settle down his queasy stomach.


He was now just deathly nervous.


He almost jumped when Calvin asked, “I hope you had a comfortable flight, Mr. Cho.”


Kyuhyun mentally slapped himself to get a grip. It was no use now to regret agreeing to Kyujong’s crazy scheme because if he got found out, deportation was probably the best thing that could happen because the alternative was getting prosecuted for fraud in South Korea, the United Kingdom and France.


“I-I did. Thank you,” Kyuhyun tried talking nonchalantly, the way Kyujong would. Then because he was genuinely surprised and curious, he commented, “Your Korean is good.”


Calvin, who was riding in front, turned his head and smiled, “I was actually employed by Mr. Han, that’s Lady Onslow’s husband, Master Siwon’s grandfather, because I spoke Korean.” His smile grew wider, “I did a one-year exchange program in Korea during university.”           


“Oh really? Where?” Kyuhyun was pleasantly surprised and forgot his visions of doom. By the time they arrived at Paris-Gare de Lyon where he was supposed to ride the express train to Bourg-en-Bresse, he and Calvin had been chatting amicably and had even managed to get a few replies from the seemingly quiet chauffeur which Calvin translated to Kyuhyun.


Alighting at the station, Kyuhyun was given his ticket, assurances that he would be met by someone when he arrived and friendly handshakes from both Calvin and the chauffeur. The trip would be just a little over an hour and Kyuhyun was thankful for the bit of respite. Lady Onslow’s employees were very polite and friendly but Kyuhyun needed to organize his thoughts. The name on the train ticket bore Kyujong’s name and since Kyuhyun had categorically refused to use his twin’s, he used his own passport. Kyujong assured him the conductor wouldn’t check it so Kyuhyun was understandably terrified when the conductor went on his rounds. But after a cursory glance at his ticket, the conductor just smiled and handed it back to a pale-faced Kyuhyun.


As the train left the capital, Kyuhyun was able to see the swiftly passing countryside from his window. But as new and beautiful as the view was, Kyuhyun was too preoccupied with remembering everything Kyujong had told him to memorize. Siwon’s full name, how they met, the names of their mutual friends, his likes, hobbies, etcetera and etcetera. Kyuhyun was certain he would forget everything once he came face to face with the man.


Kyujong had of course shown him Siwon’s picture. Kyuhyun knew Kyujong was probably used to seeing good-looking people on a daily basis but Kyuhyun thought that Siwon was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his entire life. So it was just as well that Siwon wouldn’t be able to look at him with what Kyuhyun knew, would be quite piercing eyes.


Alighting at the station, he was met again with a staff but this time, he recognized the face.


“You’re Korean?” Kyuhyun pretended not to know. He had seen this man’s picture from Kyujong’s list and knew that this was Siwon’s assistant and good friend.


The man smiled and shook his hand, “I am Park Leeteuk. Here, let me help you with that bag. The car is parked right over there.”


Sure enough, it was another Rolls Royce. But Kyuhyun wasn’t as nervous as earlier. It might be because he was glad to see a fellow countryman in this far country. Or the jetlag was kicking in and languidness was starting to creep in.


“I saw you before at a shop opening when I accompanied Siwon but we didn’t get to be introduced,” Leeteuk continued, handing over the small luggage to the driver so he had missed the momentary stillness from Kyuhyun. Then he got inside the back beside Kyuhyun.


The languidness vanished completely as Kyuhyun was now alert. He hastily went through the things that Kyujong had coached him. Leeteuk had seen him before! Or rather his twin! In his panic, Kyuhyun forgot that he and Kyujong looked exactly alike.


“I- Is Siwon okay?” Belatedly, Kyuhyun remembered why he had flown here in the first place. And it would serve as a distraction for Leeteuk not to bring up that shop opening which Kyujong hadn’t told him. That was Kyujong’s first tip: if you can’t answer something, create a distraction.


Leeteuk’s smiling countenance suddenly became serious. “Physically, yes, aside from his injury of course. Mentally and emotionally? Siwon has always been a strong person, but…” He spread his hands in a gesture meant to convey unsureness, “I guess when you’re used to being physically fit all your life and then suddenly, that condition is severely threatened…even those with a strong will can feel, well, afraid.”


“So you mean, he might- he might go permanently blind?” Kyuhyun asked almost in a whisper, emotions making his voice soft.


Leeteuk smiled again and he suddenly patted Kyuhyun’s hands in sympathy, “Now don’t you worry about that. The doctor’s prognosis is very optimistic. It’s more of Siwon, well dare I say it? I think he feels sorry for himself more than anything. It’s the first time that he found himself in a helpless state.”


Kyuhyun just nodded in agreement and murmured vague assurances that he’ll help cheer up Siwon. The rest of the ride was spent in companionable chatter with Leeteuk trying to distract him in what he thought was Kyujong’s concern over his boyfriend’s health. Kyuhyun was thinking the same although he prayed that Siwon would be alright, partly because he felt sorry for the man and partly because he knew that if Siwon didn’t get back his eyesight, there was that very big possibility that Kyujong would leave him.


Then as they neared their destination, Kyuhyun was suddenly jolted with a thought. He had somehow wondered if the same situation happened to him, would he also leave his boyfriend? Granted that Kyujong’s relationship hasn’t been that long yet, but would he himself enter a relationship that he wasn’t serious about in the first place? His first relationship left him sad because of the parting rather than the person and he hoped he was wiser now. And as Kyuhyun slowly got to the answer, he realized that he was like his twin more than he thought. Kyujong had always been in love with the idea of being wanted by someone to brag about while he had been more in love with the idea of being in love.


This last thought was enough to distract him from his earlier nervousness about meeting Siwon. So it was a bit of a surprise when Leeteuk told him to look outside as the house would soon be in their view.   


Kyuhyun tried not to open his mouth in awe when the car entered the driveway and onto a very elegant porch. A porch that boasted very solid-looking and imposing double doors that swung open at once when the car slid to a stop. Kyuhyun supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised considering that the large house had been visible from the wrought-iron gates that they had entered earlier but standing in front of it and being confronted with its massive size was something else.


A tall, severe looking woman met them and Kyuhyun could feel dread in the pit of his stomach as he got out of the car. Almost stumbling, he righted himself quickly and shook hands with the woman as he exchanged greetings of welcome with her. Smooth move Kyuhyun, you’re supposed to be always poised like your model brother!


The severe expression on the woman’s face softened as she took in the open, almost innocent look of the boy in front of her. She had heard some unfavorable things about her young master’s boyfriend and so she was very pleased to see that the rumors were wrong. Kyujong looked and acted nothing like the snobby and liberated young man she had heard about. Looks can be deceiving but she had never been wrong about first impressions before. The smile that Leeteuk exchanged with her was also assuring as Leeteuk had been one of the people who had been somewhat disappointed with Siwon’s choice.


“This is Cho Kyujong, Mrs. Kim. He’ll be staying with us for a few days,” Leeteuk explained by way of introducing Kyuhyun. Hearing his twin’s name, Kyuhyun’s nervousness came back in full force. “Is Lady Onslow receiving?” Leeteuk asked as he ushered Kyuhyun inside.


Mrs. Kim shook her head, “She went for a nap as she wanted to be well rested for tea with her guest later. And she expected Master Kyujong would probably want to rest first,” she looked questioningly at Kyuhyun who had paled somewhat. She had been about to say something but changed her mind and motioned for a maid to assist Kyuhyun upstairs.


Leeteuk had seen the hesitation and almost asked but Mrs. Kim just shook her head. Kyuhyun saw them however and even though his nerves were on edge, he asked curiously, “I- Is something wrong?”


Mrs. Kim looked at him and smiled assuringly, “Ah, I apologize Master Kyujong, I had wanted to say that Master Siwon didn’t go for a rest and is up but I’m sure he would want you to get settled first before visiting him. You did have a long flight after all and you look a bit pale.”


Kyuhyun steeled himself. All instincts told him to play up the jetlag and wake up tomorrow morning so he can avoid meeting Siwon as long as he can but he knew he couldn’t hold off seeing Siwon. He did agree to go here for pete’s sake! There was nowhere to hide unless he ran back to the airport and get the first flight back to Korea.


“W- Would it be alright if I see him? I mean, j- just for a few minutes so I won’t tire him?”


Leeteuk and Mrs. Kim both smiled and nodded their heads understandingly and Kyuhyun mentally groaned. They probably thought that when he said “just for a few minutes”, he couldn’t wait to see Siwon and wanted to assure them that he won’t tire the patient. They couldn’t know that he did literally mean just a few minutes so Siwon wouldn’t be able to get suspicious of his identity.


Leeteuk waited for Kyuhyun to freshen up first while Mrs. Kim went ahead to inform Siwon about his arrival. Kyuhyun tried to busy himself with questions to Leeteuk about the house, ignoring the dread creeping up in his chest as they slowly but surely made their way to Siwon’s room.


As if in slow motion, Kyuhyun saw Leeteuk knock on the door and hearing permission to enter, he swung the door open. Kyuhyun vaguely felt the gentle nudge on his back as Leeteuk ushered him in, he didn’t see the kind smile directed at him nor hear Leeteuk tell him that he would see him at dinner as he closed the door behind him.


Kyuhyun had been more focused in calming his heart as he fought down the panic of knowing that he might get unmasked as an impostor. But now, inside Siwon’s room, his heart started beating uncontrollably for altogether a different reason.


The windows to the room were open, and the afternoon sun filtered inside, right onto the bed, creating a somewhat soft glow around the handsome man sitting up on it.


And Kyuhyun knew at that moment why Kyujong had clearly warned him away even though Kyuhyun silently thought at that time that all he would be able to think about was making sure to fool Siwon and his family.


Because as cliché as it sounded and how utterly stupid it was to do, Kyuhyun fell in love with the person he should never be in love with.



A long silence filled the room after Leeteuk left the room with just the two of them.


Kyuhyun tried to steady his breathing even as he fought back the tears that brimmed in his eyes. The knowledge of what happened to him was warring with his common sense, scolding him not to do anything stupid like flinging himself onto Siwon and tearing up over his injuries. It was the smallest consolation that Siwon couldn’t see right now although Kyuhyun thought that even with the bandage around his eyes, Siwon still cut an imposing figure.


“So…” Siwon began and Kyuhyun tried to suppress the shiver that went down his spine at the man’s voice, “…you came at last.” There was bitterness in that voice, “You were very busy when I called. Tell me, did halmoni threaten you just so you’d come?” 


Kyuhyun clenched his fist to steady himself, “N- No! Of- Of course, I’d come.” Then swallowing the lump in his throat, he added, “I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I- It was Jessica’s first solo show, I couldn’t get someone to replace me at the last minute. Bu- But I came as soon as I could get away.”


Siwon furrowed his brows and Kyuhyun nervously wondered if his excuse sounded weak. Or if that last statement sounded like what it was. A lie.


“Come here,” Siwon commanded while Kyuhyun visibly jolted, he didn’t know what to do. But Siwon had his arms outstretched and even without his eyes, his face looked stern and commanding so Kyuhyun approached the edge of the bed…and gasped when Siwon suddenly pulled him into his arms.


Kyuhyun wondered if he would suffer from a heart attack as his heartbeat drummed madly in his chest at Siwon’s closeness. He was almost sitting on Siwon’s lap and Siwon had one arm around his waist, the other one softly hovering on his face. Then slowly and gently, Kyuhyun felt a hand touch his cheek. Kyuhyun closed his eyes and fought the urge to lean into its warmth.


Siwon leaned closer and Kyuhyun panicked. Kyujong had told him that for their charade’s sake, he was willing to let Kyuhyun kiss Siwon but only for emergency reasons and just quick pecks. But Kyuhyun was panicking now for different reasons. It was one thing to kiss your sibling’s boyfriend, it was another thing to have feelings for said boyfriend and kiss him.


But while Kyuhyun was torn between fear and anticipation, Siwon just slid his hand at the back of Kyuhyun’s head and pulled him closer. Kyuhyun settled himself awkwardly in the crook of Siwon’s neck as he was hugged even tightly and he couldn’t help but inhale the very manly scent. Siwon smelled like bergamot and musk and fresh pine.


“You smell different,” Siwon whispered in his ear and Kyuhyun stilled in shock but Siwon just continued, “You’re not wearing your usual perfume, are you?”


Kyuhyun shook his head, mentally cursing himself for being stubborn and refusing to use Kyujong’s perfume because he disliked the overpowering smell. Then again, he didn’t expect to be this intimate with his brother’s boyfriend as soon as he got here, “I- I wanted to try a different cologne. I’ll go back to my usual.”


“No, don’t,” It was Siwon’s turn to shake his head as he nuzzled Kyuhyun’s temple, “I like this one better.” Then his arms tightened around Kyuhyun and his lips slowly traveled around Kyuhyun’s face, leaving soft kisses on his forehead, temples, and cheeks. Then as Kyuhyun breathlessly waited for Siwon’s lips to meet his, a series of short knocks on the door managed to snap him out of his trance.


“I’m sorry to intrude but Lady Onslow woke up and learned of Master Kyujong’s arrival. She wants to meet him,” it was a French maid although she spoke in English.


Kyuhyun’s face flamed as he was still in Siwon’s embrace but both Siwon and the maid seemed unperturbed. He heard Siwon sigh, “Very well, I’ll go with him.”      


Kyuhyun’s English was limited but he understood what Siwon said, coupled with his pushing aside the blankets as he prepared to stand up.


“Don’t get up,” Kyuhyun gently pushed Siwon back. “Your ankle is still healing, isn’t it? Leeteuk hyung can accompany me.”


Siwon frowned in confusion and there was a pause before he asked, “Are you sure? You told me before that you were afraid of my grandmother.”


“Er, I did?” Kyuhyun quickly corrected himself, “Well, uh, that was me just being silly. She invited me here and is taking good care of you. I hope my visit won’t be an added burden.” He remembered Kyujong told him that Siwon’s English grandmother was approaching ninety, a bit frail but still mentally sharp. 


Siwon slowly smiled and took Kyuhyun by surprise as he unerringly cupped his cheeks and guided by a thumb which touched his bottom lip, Siwon’s lips followed in a quick kiss.


Kyuhyun felt his knees go weak and it took all his willpower to stand up. He managed to croak out for Siwon to rest well before he dazedly followed the maid outside. His heart beating frantically and his thoughts all in a whirl. It might or might not be his imagination, but Siwon seemed to be grinning when he left.


It didn’t matter now though since he probably had the stupidest smile on his face as well.





A/N: So after unsuccessfully trying to log on to Livejournal for 3 days, I gave up and just posted this here first. I have some of my drafts on my LJ though, including the ones I was going to post for a late 1013 compilation. This is giving me a headache, I can’t rewrite everything from scratch. Anyway, thanks for subscribing and commenting, I can’t reply individually but I’m happy to see familiar names. :-)

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Chapter 2: Good plot, got me hooked then i saw the date.... damn! I really hope to read the rest of the story.
littleprince5 #2
Chapter 2: 2015 last update !
Damn it
Sma77_96 #3
2019 and i'm still hoping u will update this.. Really dying to knows the rest of the story
Sma77_96 #4
I just read this for Idk how many tones of times and I am dying for the 'stuck'.. please update soon.. It's been ages
ohmysuperjunior #5
Chapter 2: its 2017 and i'm still going to pray you haven't abandoned this wonderful fic ;-;
chesirepuppy #6
Chapter 2: Hi there Author! I see your last update was nearly a year ago but this story has so much potential! It is interesting and unusual. I hope to see it continued, and I am sending spirit your way!
Novemberstorm #7
Chapter 2: Oh please update
Chapter 2: I looove the plot! Please update sooner authornim. T___T I'm only in chapter 2 but I already fallen deep in this story.
Kyufollower #9
Chapter 2: Dear Authornim ,
Please update soon . I love this story :-)
ohmysuperjunior #10
Chapter 2: I've commented on the first chapter on Live Journal and i didnt know you had trouble logging in but THANK GOD I THOUGHT OF SEARCHING FOR YOU HERE CUZ I HAD NO IDEA CHAPTER 2 WAS UP AND DEAR LORD, THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT FOR SO MANY THINGS TO HAPPEN AND I EXPECT SO MUCH GOODNESS FROM THIS BC 1) THIS PLOT IS SERIOUSLY AWESOME.. LIKE REALLY REALLY AHSBIBCEUCBEUICBEU AWESOME 2) ITS YOU AND ALL YOUR FICS ARE BAE A'F. Thank You for Updatingggg <3 (silently hoping you would update a new chapter on Kyu's birthday xD)