I Don't Know, Really

I know this school is weird but I never knew it could be weirder. The guy let go of me and I faced him. "So, are you Mingyu's girlfriend?" I'll be honest that he's cute, but his question made me hate him.

"No. Can I leave now?" If this guy is like one of those in stories which have a lot of admirers I should stay away from him. I turned my back at him and started to walk.

"Wait." Okay. He just blocked my way. "I'm Seungcheol." He held out his hand and I stared at it.

"Nice name." I passed by him and left. He shouldn't give his name to strangers.

"Mio? OMG. Mio!" Omg. It's Jinah! I immediately hugged her.  "Woah girl! I missed you too!"

"What are you doing here?!" She smiled at me mischievously and pulled me to the rooftop. I missed my girl best friend!

"That's what I'm going to ask you. What are you doing here? I was watching my boyfriend's basketball practice. His name is Wonwoo. But I'll tell you about him later. When did you came back?!" I laughed at her being chatty. She missed me. I could feel it. "Why did Mingyu didn't even inform me! I told him to give me an update when are you going to arrive here! I shouldn't have trusted him! He changed in a bad way. I hate it. How's LA?"

"Calm down, Jinah." I wiped a tear off my eyes. "We came back last week. I wasn't able to see you or contact you because I haven't talked to Mingyu either. And LA..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" She cut me off. "You haven't talked to Mingyu?"

"Well, yeah. He doesn't talk to me so why would I?" I shrugged my shoulder. She made a face that says I have something to say but I probably shouldn't say it which she had before I left till now.

"Okay. How's LA? Is there a hot guy you want to introduce me to?" She just changed the topic.

"Yes, though..."

"OMG YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No! Of course I don't have. He's not hot okay. He's the only Korean guy I knew back there in LA and we became close. Like a best friend." I explained. She raised a brow at me with arms crossed over her chest. "What?"

"You don't have a boyfriend but you replaced your bestfriend, Mingyu, to another guy? You're horrible, Mio.  Now I get why Mingyu isn't talking to you right now."  She rolled my eyes at me.

"If Mingyu didn't stop replying to my messages, he would still be my best friend." Jinah's eyes widened as she looked at me. "He didn't told you that? That he stopped talking to me for unknown reason and why he's acting like a total jerk?"

"No. That er! So he's lying to me all this time! I'm going to kill him!" Jinah pushed her sleeves up and stood up. This is bad.

"Just let him be, Jinah." She looked at me. "I'm fine with it. It's probably much better with him not talking to me."

"Well," she sat in front of me again. "I guess you're right. I'll let you two fix your best friend problems. Wait, isn't your phone ringing?" I gave her a confused look and fished my phone in my pocket.

Hong Jisoo calling...

Jisoo?! OMG. I swiped the screen and answered it. "Josh?" I'm so nevous! I missed my dude!

"Hey, Mio." he chuckled on the other line. Jinah went to my side and tried to listen to our conversation. "Where are you right now?"

"School. Why did you call?" I'm probably smiling weirdly because Jinah is giving me a weird face.

"Is your school, ****?" I knitted my brows. How did he know?

"Yes? How..." oh ghad. I ended the call, stood up and ran downstairs. If he's not here it's okay. If he's here, I'm not okay.

When I reached the front gate no one's there. I exhaled heavily and tried to catch my breath. I knew it. I assumed too much.

"Mio!" Jinah was running a mess as she ran towards me. "Y-you! Woah! Hoo!" she panted and I laughed at her. "W-Why did you suddenly ran away?!" She started hitting my arm.

"I thought my best friend was here." 

After that we went back to our classrooms. Jinah was in the other section. Basically, I have no friends in my room. Well it's fine. Mingyu have his own circle of friends. Which includes the girls who was talking crap about me earlier. I don't care. It looks like he's friends with all of them. Which is, I think, good. I just played with my phone. You're the only friend I have, phone.

"Class!" our class president came in. "Our teachers have something to do. They said we could go home for now." The class went wild and started throwing books in the air. Childish.

My phone rang again, sigh, "Hello?" Crap. I answered it in english.

"So we're going to speak english as we talk, Ms. Park?" I immediately smiled.

"Why, Josh, are you tired of speaking in english? Go here then." I got my bag and stood up.

"That's a tough request, Ms. Park. You see, I'm a busy person. Do you want me to go there?" I was about to leave the room when I realised they are all looking at me with weird faces. I just bowed my head and left. "Hey, did you hang up again?"

"Do whatever you want, Hong Jisoo. And, I'm still here. My classmates just gave me a weird face for speaking in english. Why did you call, again?" I wonder where's Jinah.

"Nothing. See you tomorrow!" And he ended the call. What was that for? I shook my head and smiled. Wait. He said See you tomorrow right?

"Yo!" I looked at the guy beside me. He's the guy from earlier. "Remember me?" I nodded. "Then, can you come with me?"

"No, thanks." I started walking.

"It's about Mingyu."

"What about Mingyu?" The guy smiled at me, looking pleased that he got my attention. "Ah. He can handle his own problem. Bye."

"Mio! Where are you going?" Jinah ran towards me. "I told you to wait for me. I'm going to introduce you to Wonwoo." Oh. I blinked. "You didn't looked at your phone, did you? Seungcheol! Hey! What brings you here?"  She beamed at the guy.

"You know him?" I asked Jinah and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, duh Mio, he's Mrs. Choi's son. And he's the basketball team's captain, which is where my boyfriend could be seen. Now c'mon you two." She dragged me to the gymnasium. "I can't believe you're slacking off, Seungcheol. Are you stalking Mio? Stop. She's taken." I hit Jinah's head. "Aw! What was that for?"

"You talk too much." This Seungcheol guy is Mrs. Choi's son?! But she doesn't look like to have one! Tho they look like each other...

"Nope. I was trying to make her help me convince Mingyu to join the basketball team." I thought he's stalking me. "Is she the bestfriend you're always talking about?"

Jinah slung her arm around my shoulders, "Yep! Mio, be nice to Seungcheol. He's a nice person." She squeezed me. I have a feeling Jinah is trying to hook me with Seungcheol. "Besides, he also play basketball."

"Shut up, Jinah." I rolled my eyes at her. I'm not into guys who play basketball, okay!

"Seungcheol oppa, Mio knows how to play basketball." I swear, I'm going to kill Jinah after this.

"Really? I want to see you play." He gave me those puppy eyes. Oh ghad. Have I ever complimented this guy's eyes? Because it's so pretty, I could marry it. BUT NO. "Please?"

STAHP. "O-okay." I looked at Jinah and she's eyeing me as if her plan worked.

"How did you know to play basketball? It's rare to meet girls who are interested in it." This Seungcheol guy thinks we're already friends! He's talking to me!

"Ming-" I covered Jinah's noisy mouth. SHE JUST WON'T STOP.

"My friend taught me how because he doesn't have anyone to play with." That's it. That's the final story from my personal life that this Seungcheol guy will get.

"I'd like to be friends with you." He gave me those eyes again. Is he trying to get through me by his looks?! Because it's working. 😭

"Sure." He smiled at me then ran inside the gymnasium. Well we're already here but he ran to his groupmates I think.

"That was easy." Jinah said, proud of herself. "Seungcheol is made of 100% boyfriend material, I'm telling you."

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend." She giggled.

"But he got through you easily. Admit it, Mio, you kinda like Seungcheol." I flushed.

"No! I'm not the girl who'll like the nice guy I met for the first time, okay?! That's just plain stupidity." I crossed my arms over my chest and I realised there was a tall guy in front of me. Probably same height as Mingyu. Stop thinking of Mingyu! But he looks kinda emo, but he got the charisma.

"I'm Jeon Wonwoo, you must be Mio?" he passed me the ball. "nice reflexes."

Okay. There's so many guys here I wanna go home. I just shoot the ball at a 1pt range and went out. "Mio! Wait!"

"I'm going home, Jinah. I can't stay there."

"You should fix that attitude of yours Mio. You're being rude! You told Seungcheol you'll play basketball with him and you just said 'nice to meet you ' to Wonwoo! Stay for a little longer." She pouted.

"No. She's going home now." We both looked at Mingyu. Crap.

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