I Don't Know, Really

love stories. You know it's bad to start a story using a curse but can we just have a moment and think how many love stories we have watched or read then it'll just end up being ty or something? Stories are being plagiarised one way or another like they just have to make a random scene they watched from a really cheesy drama or a hit story which is also full of repeated scenes you may also have read from another story then put it in their story. Yes. love stories indeed. People might hate me for saying stuff like these, but let's be honest here, when was the last time you have read a story which doesn't sound like patched, mixed, and- gah whatever. Why am I even talking about stories? Pretty much my story would have many scenes that will look like I have gotten from another scene like-

"So, how was States, Mio?"  my thoughts were cut off by the warm voice of Uncle Jihyung. He's not really my uncle but he lives next door to our house (which where we are having dinner right now, and literally next door because our houses are so close to each other) and I grew up with them (him and his son, who is ignoring me right now for some reason and I don't give a crap) until we moved to States last year because of my dad's work, and came back again.

"Well..." I placed my fork down and sat up straight. They are all looking at me which made my introvert self come out. "It was fun." I think they were expecting for more details so my mom coughed and started a new topic which old people only understand.

"I enrolled Mio to the same school Mingyu goes to." Wait, what? I looked at my mom and they are all happy about it. How come I was not informed?! She looked at the guy across my seat with a smile. "Please take care of our Mio. You two are best of friends since childhood so you're the only one I can count on Mingyu." HAVE YOU EVER FELT THAT YOUR PARENTS ARE LITERALLY SELLING YOU OUT TO BE YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND'S WIFE?! I DO. AND I'M NOT OKAY WITH IT. "Is that okay with you, Mio?" my mom asked me.

"Yes." Mingyu used to be my best friend before but now? Hell no. I saw Mingyu smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes. That dude doesn't even look like Mingyu. Where did that thin crying baby guy go to? All I can see is a jerk, buff guy in front of me. "What are you looking at?" I asked half pissed.

"You. You still ask obvious questions, Mio." I swear to ghad I want to stab him with the fork I'm holding.

"You two have a lot of warming up to do." My dad smiled at me. Warming up? Why the hell should we warm up? We're not going to do an exercise. "You act like you didn't take baths together before." I blushed at the memory and they all laughed at it except Mingyu and I. Okay, I NEED MY PARENTS TO SHUT THE HELL UP. GHADAMMIT.

"I'm tired. I'll go home first. Thanks for the food." I excused myself and made my way out. I am so pissed. First, I'm pissed with my parents trying to pin me with Mingyu. Second, I'm pissed that Mingyu kept on smirking at me like saying 'hello Mio I'm your bestfriend you ignored for a year, look at how handsome I have become'. WELL I DO NOT HAVE ANY REGRETS BECAUSE IN THE FIRST PLACE HE'S THE ONE WHO STOPPED REPLYING TO MY MESSAGES. Lastly, I'm going to the same school as Mingyu? Are you kidding me? I went straight to my room and threw myself on my bed. I hate it. I hate this day. I should've stayed in States. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Could you please walk faster?" Mingyu glowered at me. I rolled my eyes and half run half walk my way ahead of him. I know he doesn't want me to go to the same school as him, but he should at least try to be nice to me. Do I look like I have legs as long as his?! "Don't you know how to smile?" OKAY I AM VERY PISSED RIGHT NOW. NOW HE WANTS TO START A CONVERSATION. FINE.

I stopped walking and faced him. "No. Don't you know how to shut up?"  He shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk. er. Maybe he sensed that I'm really pissed with him so he shut the hell up all the way to school. The school is quite big, I must say. I didn't know this school exists in our neighbourhood, or maybe I just forgot it exists.

Okay. So now I have to go to the head teacher's room, get my class schedule and whatever crap I'll be needing to survive this school. A bunch of guys at 10 o'clock, looking girls at 3, and people with good attitude looks at 9. Not bad. At least I don't have to- . A bunch of guys ran past me, bumping my shoulders, making me fall face first on the ground. surviving this school I AM NOT GOING TO GO TO THIS TRASHY SCHOOL. I spat out the dirt in my mouth, sat up and glared at those guys who didn't even try to look at their way! I-

"That was a nice welcome." I glared up at Mingyu. "Stand up. We're going to the head teacher."

"How nice of you." I sarcastically said and stood up. Does he even have gentleman bones?! He was supposed to ask if I'm fine and help me up! I want to strangle Mingyu really bad right now. I'm going to do a list on how lucky am I not to be friends with him anymore. I bumped onto his back. "What was that for?!"

He looked back at me and pointed above the door. Teacher's office. I pushed him aside and went into the room. I bowed my head and they all looked at me. "Yes? How could we help you?" A petite girl asked me.

"Uh, I'm Park Mio. I just..." The girl stood up and rushed to me. "transferred.."

"Yes! We're waiting for you! You're going to be at my class! I'm Mrs. Choi!" Wait, what? Mrs? She's married? SHE LOOKS LIKE EARLY 20's! "I heard you're neighbours with Kim Mingyu since childhood. The guy have a lot of potential. I wish you could help me encouraging him to join basketball club. He plays very well but for some reason he doesn't want to join." That's weird, Mingyu loves basketball. He even taught me how to play that thing. "Anyways! Let's go meet your new second home. This is your schedule." She handed me a piece of paper. "And let's go!" She pulled me out of their office and ran to our classroom. I believe she still isn't a mom. She went inside the room and I waited outside. Okay Mio. You survived  America. Well they are all nice. Just y.  "Mio, come in!" I stepped into the room and bowed immediately. "Introduce yourself."

I raised my head up and immediately spotted that ash blue haired guy. He's as surprised as I am. "I'm Park Mio. I just transferred here. Please take good care of me." This day could get uglier. I looked at my teacher and she smiled at me.

"Wait! Wait!" A guy raised his hand. "Where are you from specifically?" They're talkative, I see.

"From Los Angeles." They all made that woah sound.

"You can get to know each other later! But we should start class now. Mio you could take the vacant seat beside the window."  I thanked her and made my way to my seat. At least I'm not near Mingyu. How come he's also my classmate?! 

First period . Mrs. Choi is teaching English. She's great. But I already know what she's already teaching. Second period is math, but our teacher didn't show up so I'm wondering around the school grounds. My classmates are so noisy. It annoys me. They didn't even try to whisper when they are basically talking about me being, probably, not a anymore and is a because I came from LA. I don't want to be friends with them. So, this is the music room. Nice. I love music but I don't know how to play instruments. I'll just stick with listening to it. I went to the gymnasium. I could here squeaking shoes. Maybe they're playing basketball.  I was about to take a peek when someone pulled me and covered my mouth. Crap. I could tell it's a guy (not Mingyu) because the guy is quite smaller than him.

"I saw you with Mingyu this morning."

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