Chapter 3- An Unwanted Visitor

Puppet Love


Chapter 3- An unwanted visitor
“Won’t you invite me inside your home?” her father stated
“O..Of course, come in”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” more than a ghost
“No, not really, please sit” she gestured at the sofa
“I like your apartment” his father said while examining the apartment
“Thank you, it took me a while to save up for this” she replied while pouring her father coffee
“Back to why I’m here” she gulped
“I need you to return to the family”
“Why? I heard everything was fine with the company”
“It is but there’s a family matter we need you for”
“HEY SOOYOUNG! Open up this door its noon already! We agreed to have lunvh today remember! SOOYOUNG!” Key screamed pounding on the door
“SHUT UP! Do you want to get arrested for disturbing peace you idiot!” Sooyoung shouted. She dragged him inside her house by his ear
“Ow, ow, ow, my ear” he complained
“That’s what you get for being too loud, idiot”
He mumbled something to himself that Sooyoung can’t seem to make out. He looked at her face and he was shocked to no end. Her hair was messy which was usually neat considering the fact that it’s almost noon. Her big brown beautiful eyes were red and puffy indicating that she cried. Without thinking, he stood up and held her face in between his hands. She blushed at the sudden contact.
“What do you think you’re doing Key?” she tried to lower her head to hide that evident blush, but he was stronger.
“Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?” his concerned voice echoed through her head.
“It’s nothing Key” she said successfully prying her head away from his hands
“It can’t be nothing Soo, I’m your best friend just tell me” he grabbed her wrists before she could walk away
“Listen, I don’t wanna talk about it right now. I’ll tell you when I’m ready but for now let’s just go” she pleaded him
“Understood, but would you please change your clothes it’s a bit…………….street-ish” he said surveying her appearance from head to toe and thus, getting rewarded with an awful hit in the arm.
“Never, ever make fun of me Kim Kibum” she glared at him, walking towards her room, leaving Key in pain.
After a while of waiting she finally went out, leaving –the most fashionable- Key in awe, she was wearing pedal pants with a green shirt saying ‘Something that you can never have’ and a bracelet with matching earings. She tied her hair with a bit of long grown bangs beside her face. In short she looks like a Japanese teen-ager.
“What? Do I look like a street child now?” she asked, wondering why Key was looking so intently at her
“Uhh no, you look great” he answered with a bit of blush on his face
“Sureeee, where are we going today?” 
“Ummm, video games?”
“Seriously Key? Video games?” she asked, shocked with what he has decided
“What? It’s been a while since we went to an arcade”
“That was 3 years ago! When we still consider ourselves kids”
“Why? Aren’t we still kids? What are we adults?”
“Young adults idiot!”
“FINE! Stop screaming like an ambulance!” he received –once again- a hit in the head.
“So, what do you want to do?”
“AHA! I know let’s go painting”
“I’m not artistic like you Key”
“That doesn’t matter let’s go!” he exclaimed and grabbed her practically running to his convertible like a mad man.
Double Update. Just wait :P
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hyukjaesays #1
Yaaah >< Le MEEE (your brother) is itching for this fic to be updated by YOU already XD AHAHA. I'm sure your readers would agree with me! lol
U UPDATED!!!! *let me die*
i really hope u update this.
hyukjaesays #4
So this was the story XD I remember you writing it on a cattleya filler XD lmaoo :)) I kinda wondered what happened to this story since you stopped writing it X33 Anyways, I love it <33 hahaha XD
hyukjaesays #6
omona~!!! bro kamsahamnida ^^ I really like it >.< You're killing me here, do update soon for me and your other readers to be happy XD ily~ (finally had the guts X33)!!! lmaoo X33
why are you doing this to me? ;'(<br />
chapter 1 please .. .:)
kimleigh #8
waah:0 i can relate this story:<..can't wait to read the chaptersss:) i like it...pls update sooon:)