Chapter 2- YOU

Puppet Love

Chapter 2- YOU

“its been a while huh?” he curiosly asked

“Yeah, you’ve been too busy” she stated.

“I know, I’m sorry” he apologized guilt eating him up

“Don’t be” she said while sitting down on the sand staring at the sunset

“I know it’s hard to be the heir of a very well-known company” she continued

“It’s hard being forced to be something you don’t want to be” Key replied, sitting down on the sand with her

“I understand Key” She said. They sat in silence, enjoying the warmth each other gave.

“I have to go” Key exclaimed, standing up and brushing the sands stuck on his pants.

“Yeah me too” Sooyoung agreed and stood up. Walking towards her scooter ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Sooyoung dropped of Key at their home and went home directly. She was studying for her midterm exam. It was a week away but, why waste precious time right?

“I need some air” she mumbled to herself. She went out to her balcony and saw the amazing view of Seoul at night. She was the type of person who had enough money to buy a scooter, an apartment and for tuition. Her parents were very strict of her. Controlling her every movement. She was once the proud heir of the Choi Group of Companies but then she wanted to be free and left.

“It’s been 3 years since I met you, 3 years I have loved you, 3 years that you only saw me as a friend, it’s been 3 years, what should I do?” she whispered to her herself. While she was relaxing she heard a knock on her door.

“Who would come here at this time of night?” Once she opened the door, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a person who she never wanted to see again.


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hyukjaesays #1
Yaaah >< Le MEEE (your brother) is itching for this fic to be updated by YOU already XD AHAHA. I'm sure your readers would agree with me! lol
U UPDATED!!!! *let me die*
i really hope u update this.
hyukjaesays #4
So this was the story XD I remember you writing it on a cattleya filler XD lmaoo :)) I kinda wondered what happened to this story since you stopped writing it X33 Anyways, I love it <33 hahaha XD
hyukjaesays #6
omona~!!! bro kamsahamnida ^^ I really like it >.< You're killing me here, do update soon for me and your other readers to be happy XD ily~ (finally had the guts X33)!!! lmaoo X33
why are you doing this to me? ;'(<br />
chapter 1 please .. .:)
kimleigh #8
waah:0 i can relate this story:<..can't wait to read the chaptersss:) i like it...pls update sooon:)