
A Whisper of Silence


I hummed tunelessly as I cooked the bacon in the frying fan. It was sizzling and smelt delicious, making my mouth water. Random thoughts would slip through my mind like a filter, but nothing seemed to be too stressful as most of my essays were done and dusted for the week.

After cooking the meat for Chaeyoung and I, I continued by frying two eggs, one for each of us. I looked at the clock above to see that she was late again and had ten minutes flat to eat and run to the campus whoch was about two minutes away.

"Unnie! Wake up, you're running late," I shouted and I heard her mumble something rude. I laughed and contined cooking. As I finished placing all the food on each plate, I found Chaeyoung rushing out of the bathroom and threw herself into the seat. Her books were strewn all over the sofa.

"You're a life saver, Hanbyul," she said as she grabbed one of the two plates. I handed her the chopsticks which she quickly accepted and started to shove the food into . For a girl who looks so feminine, her way of eating right now didn't match her graceful image. I smiled, shaking my head as I sat down in the opposite chair.

"Morning to you too," I said with a laugh. "I gathered you would sleep late today. You always seem to do that when you have morning classes."

Chaeyoung groaned. "I noticed that! My body clock is an idiot, that's why."

I chuckled at her grumpiness. Chaeyoung is never a morning person.

"Why are you so happy in the mornings? If I remember correctly, someone got rejected yesterday."

My smile faded. Of course, Kyuhyun.

"Don't start," I sighed. I figured that I can never know what is on that guy's mind. He was... difficult to approach.

"Do you like him?"

I thought about her question for a fee moments. "Not in that way. I just want to be friends," I said uncertainly. Is that what I wanted? A friend?

"Really now? What's standing in your way? Handsome? Check. Your type? Check." I rolled my eyes as Chaeyoung ticked off each point with her fingers. "Unless, it's becauseㅡ"

"Unnie, it's not because of that and you know it!" I said quickly, cutting her off.

"Then there's nothing stopping you. I heard from Sungmin he needs to socialize more since he's always in the library. Since you're always so happy, happy, happy, you should go pour some of that sunshine of yours into his life," Chaeyoung said as she chewed on some food. I winced and smacked her head lightly.

"Eat with your mouth closed," I said, attempting to change the subject and thankfully, it worked.

"I'm your elder hㅡ"

"Unnie! You have a minute left to rush to class!" I suddenly blurted and Chaeyoung bounced off her chair immediately. She ran to the sofa to collect her books as she mumbled "I'm going to get killed." and ran to put her shoes on.

"You're let off easy this time, Hanbyul! I'm going, thanks for the breakfast!" And with that, Chaeyoung was gone, the rushed slam of the door echoed in our small apartment. I sighed, and stacked the plates up. As I washed the dishes, I had an urge to go to the library ㅡto revise of course.



I sighed as I flipped to the next page of the textbook. I felt restless and life at university was different to what I imagined it to be. But still, I felt content on being alone and doing the paper I was set two days ago. I could see Sungmin's girlfriend rushing through the crowds ㅡshe must be late for class. I laughed. She really does get on my nerves sometimes as the girl speaks her mind without thinking first. Even though she is such an impulsive person, I thank her for not treating me differently and for always being there for Sungmin.

I stopped daydreaming out of the window and carried on with my maths, trying to crack the complicated question on the page. Just as I think I got the method to use, someone's hand tapped the page and I groaned, feeling frsustrated. If it was that Yoona girl again, I swear...

"Morning," Hanbyul said sheepishly and I couldn't help but glare at her for a few moments before changing it into something more polite. Why is she always popping up out of nowhere?

Why are you here?

Hanbyul gave me a wary smile. "It's slightly obvious, isn't it?"

I slowly nodded.

"I see you're doing maths." Hanbyul winced at the textbook which is filled with complicated trig graphs. "It's sunny outside and you choose you stay in here?"

It's my choice on whether I want to stay here or not.

Hanbyul's smile changed slightly into something more ungenuine, as if she was forcing it somehow. I sighed at how girls are so sensitive and I wrote another message to recover my rudeness.

Thanks for asking though. But really, I'm fine.

I noticed how she gradually looked more comfortable seconds after reading my message.

"No problem." There was a pause before she continued. "Have you and Sungmin been friends for long?" I raised an eyebrow at this.

We're childhood friends since the age of six. I trust him more than anyone else and he's always been there for me, never judging me for who I am.

Hanbyul smiled as she read my scrawly handwriting on the lined paper.

"I guess that means Chaeyoung has found a capable man. Maybe he can even tame her for once." Her expression showed amusement, envy and happiness. I nodded in agreement.

He won't do anything to hurt her if that's what you're thinking about.

Hanbyul eyes widened. "That's not what I was thinking about at all," she said as she waved her hands as a gesture of denial. "Just wondering, do you have any siblings?"


"Really? That's lucky since I have a younger brother and a older sister. You don't understand how hectic it can be to have a large family.

I could feel my eyes harden at the mention of families. I've never had anything close to a proper family relation. In fact, they might as well be dead since they don't exactly exist in my life. I saw Hanbyul wave a hamd in front of my face to get my attention and I looked up.

"You're doing it again."

I made an expression that said 'what?'

"You're about to have another mood swing... You're eyes seem to darken whenever you start to look er, angry."

My eyes widened at how perceptive she was. That was a fact that Sungmin told me quite a long time ago. I'm surprised that anyone noticed. The bell went to signal the start of the next lesson and Hanbyul stood up, slipping the bag over her left shoulder.

"I'll probably see you soon. It was fun talking to you and lighten up! It's really warm outside." She gave me a gentle wave before leaving the table. I watched her go, finding her extemely strange but intriguing. To my surprise, it was actually nice to have someone other than Sungmin to talk to.

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This story seems interesting but it'sdeaf not death...
Chapter 3: Hellllooo~~~ New reader here! ^ ^

I love your story so far!!! fbsevjkbrv please update soon! ;3; <3
KyeopTaemin #3
update soon :)))))
Konayuki #4
@WhiteAsian: Yeah, I could imagine that too since you do get slightly more cautious when someone has a diability around you. You just feel careful not to offend them but they can take it the wrong way :/ Thanks for commenting ^^
it must to have ppl apologies to you all the time.. so frustrating<br />
lol perceptive sungmin :P<br />
i hope they get closer!!<br />
:)<br />
update soon^^
Konayuki #6
Thank you everyone for commenting!! ^^
poor kyu.... imagine a voice like that being locked away because he is deaf... rly sad :(<br />
aish, i would be like that girl. i would have been unsure y he wasnt talking.<br />
><<br />
update soon^^
Poor Kyuhyun :(<br />
He can't hear a thing.<br />
Update soon~