Sound of the Sea

A Whisper of Silence


I could feel the sun against my skin. I sighed as I watched the waves gradually climb up the shore, the water moving closer to where I was sitting. I could imagine what the waves sounded like as they collided with each other. If only I didn't have to imagine and just listen to the sounds myself...

My thoughts were interupted as I could feel someone's presence behind me. I turned around from curiosity to find a girl around my age standing there. I guessed that she was another fresher since she deffinately didn't look like any teacher I've seen here so far. Her soft brown locks were wavy and grew past her shoulders by two or three inches. I watched as she opened to say something, her lips opening and closing just like a goldfish. No sound was detected by my ears but I could translate every word by the movement of her lips.

"Is this seat taken?" She waved her hand lightly to the space next to me and I shook my head in response. I am sure that I am the only person who isn't crowding around the social area where the barbeque is taken place. My mind started to wonder why this girl was even here.

She sat down next to me and cocked her head to one side vuriously before asking me another question. I turned to watch the movement of her lips once again.

"The scenery is beautiful here, isn't it?" She gave me a smile, waiting for an answer.

I ped my bag and grabbed the all too familiar pad of paper and pen and wrote back: it's okay I guess, nothing new.

I knew she would notice my disabilty by now and would probably excuse herself. No one wanted to converse with a guy who couldn't even speak for himself. To my surprise, she only looked confused by my actions. Surely no one was thick enough to not figure me out by now?

"Why aern't you talking?"

Apparently not.

Her face looked hesitant as she asked this and I shook my head in wonder. Somehow her question angered me. It wasn't like I wanted to not speak! Socializing is one of my weak points. I cringe at the thought of me standing with a crowd of teens, scibbling away on my pad of paper while others chattered in a animated fashion. I would miss most of the conversation anyway as I lose track on who was speaking at certain intervals. I wrote another message and ripped the peice of paper from the pad before giving it to her. It read: I'm deaf. Now do you get it? If you excuse me, I have to go.

I picked up my bag and began to walk away from the girl as she read my note. She obviously didn't get the message as I felt an arm pulling me back. I looked at where her hand grabbed my arm and she let go, a flustered expression visible on her face.

"I'm sorry!" I saw phrase as she gave me a quick bow. Her apology seemed sincere enough as she blushed at her own stupidity. I have no idea why but I couldn't bring myself to accept it as I know it wasn't her fault. I was far too annoyed at myself to do so.

I decided that ignoring her would be the best option that I was done with this conversation. I continue to walk off into the campus, picking up the scent of sausages being grilled. I could tell that this girl was persistent and was probably still following me so I increased my speed, walking through the crowds until I lost her. After a few more steps, I looked over my shoulder to make sure that she had disappeared and had given up on me. As I couldn't see her rushing towards me, she obviously has. I began to walk back to my own room, ignoring the beach party that everyone seemed to be enjoying.


A/n: Poor Kyu :( Just want to say I hope no one gets offended by this as I'm not disable myself, so this is all from my imagination. If I wrote anything wrong then please tell me and I will do my best to correct it. Hope you enjoed reading and give feedback on whether this is worth continuing to update :)

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This story seems interesting but it'sdeaf not death...
Chapter 3: Hellllooo~~~ New reader here! ^ ^

I love your story so far!!! fbsevjkbrv please update soon! ;3; <3
KyeopTaemin #3
update soon :)))))
Konayuki #4
@WhiteAsian: Yeah, I could imagine that too since you do get slightly more cautious when someone has a diability around you. You just feel careful not to offend them but they can take it the wrong way :/ Thanks for commenting ^^
it must to have ppl apologies to you all the time.. so frustrating<br />
lol perceptive sungmin :P<br />
i hope they get closer!!<br />
:)<br />
update soon^^
Konayuki #6
Thank you everyone for commenting!! ^^
poor kyu.... imagine a voice like that being locked away because he is deaf... rly sad :(<br />
aish, i would be like that girl. i would have been unsure y he wasnt talking.<br />
><<br />
update soon^^
Poor Kyuhyun :(<br />
He can't hear a thing.<br />
Update soon~