Chapter 2

Bad Boy, Good Boy

Chapter 2

You wake up and feel someone’s arms wrapped around your waist. You slowly turn around trying to see who it is. You can smell a really nice smell (presumably cologne) so you know it’s a guy, you manage to turn around so you are face to face with him. It turns out to be non-other than SungJong. You look at his face for a while and see that he is pretty attractive, not hot like the guy who kissed you last night but cute. You keep looking at him well more like checking him out. When your eyes stray below his neck and you see that his shirt is ed revealing his chest and a fine chest at that. It’s slightly tanned and you can see the faint outline of his abs. You blush and quickly turn your eyes to his face. Deciding that you need to wake him up somehow you start blowing on his face, after several moments SungJong unwarps his hands around you and swats the air in front of him, thinking it is a bug. You chuckle and keep blowing. You lean in very close to him and poke him in the chest, his eyes open. He sees how close you are and almost gets a heart attack, he quickly rolls to the side of the bed. However the bed does not extend to were he rolls to, he falls flat on his face on the ground. You hear a loud thump and then a groan. You laugh and quickly get up to help him up. After he is on his feet he looks at you and then quickly looks away blushing.

“Umm, (~~~~) your um dress.”

You look down at yourself and see that your s are pretty much out of your dress. You quickly pull your dress up and cross your arms over your chest.

“Umm, thanks. But may I ask why are you here? You see I umm don’t really remember.”

As he turns around to face you, you can’t help but notice his abs and then the top of his boxers which is poking out. You blush but keep a straight face and try to stop looking there.

“Umm, well Minzy asked me to take you home last night because you were pretty drunk. I took you home, oh you also kissed me. I promise I didn’t kiss you back or take advantage of you! I’m not that type of a guy, I then carried you to bed because you fell asleep on the couch. As I was about to leave you grabbed onto me in your sleep and wouldn’t let me go. I tried everything to unhook your hands; even tried waking you but that didn’t do anything. So I sort of had to sleep with you.”

“Ohh, I’m really sorry about the kiss, don’t know what happened to me last night. I never go out so yeah. Thank you for taking me home and then sorry again for not letting you go. I’ve been known to do that before to Minzy. She says it’s impossible to wake me. (Bit of an awkward silence)…. Would you like some coffee?”

“Yes please, but only if it doesn’t cause too much trouble.”

“Not a problem, I need a coffee in the mornings anyway and making an extra cup is no problem.”

You walk towards the kitchen and start making the coffee. Once finished you take a sip and breathe in the smell of it. You love coffee, you’re addicted to it, you don’t know how you would survive without it. You grab SungJong’s cup and bring it to him. He has taken a seat on one of the couches in the lounge room. Just as you hand him the cup your phone which is sitting on the bench goes off to signify that you have gotten a text. You get it and look at the screen, after awhile of staring at a smudged screen you realize that your contacts must have fallen out meaning that you need to fetch your glasses from your room, once you have then you can finally read the text.

‘Hey babe, hope you got home safe. Don’t have too much of a hangover. Hand a fun night with you ;)
xoxo, L’

You read it and wonder how he got your number, creep, but he was hot. You look up and see SungJong staring at you. You quickly take a step back.

“What, why are you looking at me, do I have something on my face.”

“No, it’s just that I didn’t know that you wear glasses. They look umm good on you.”

Both of you blush when this is said. To save both of you from an awkward silence the door opens and Minzy staggers in. Both of you can see that she is extremely drunk.

“Wazzz up guys thanks for …(pause)..coming to the party.”

She then starts to lean sideways into thin air. SungJong quickly catches her before she can do herself any harm.

“Common Minzy, I’ll take you to bed so you can rest. I’ll take care of her now SungJong. Thank you for catching her and looking after me. I hope to see you around.”

You don’t wait to see him go, you take Minzy into your arms and help her go into her room. SungJong says byeand is leaving when he almost steps on your phone, it somehow fell onto the floor. He carefully picks it up and looks to see if it’s damaged, as he’s looking at the screen for any scratches he is able to read the text you just received for you didn’t cancel it. Hmmm, I didn’t know she had a boyfriend he thinks to himself. He’ll have to ask either you or a sober Minzy because he was sure you didn’t have a boy. He puts the phone on the table where I’ts safe and heads home, he can’t wait for a shower, a nice hot shower.

As SungJong leaves, you carry Minzy into her room and lie her down onto her bed, you take of her heels and jacket so she’s comfortable when she sleeps. All the while Minzy is blabbering about the party, what presents she got, who came, who hooked up with who, about L, about the drinks.

“Wait, wait Minzy what did you say about L. Do you mean the L that was there last night? The hot creep?”

Minzy looks at you in a confused way. “He’s a creep?”

“No, well yes, maybe I don’t know but he got my number so I started calling him a creep. Like how the hell did he get my number anyway.”

“I might have….um given it to him… he was so attractive and he had this really nice way of talking and you guys would be so cute together. Anyway did I tell you how Hyuk was dared to walk up to some stranger and to kiss them? It was soo…….ny.”

Minzy has already fallen asleep before she has even finished her sentence. You shake your head, so she’s the one that gave the creep your number. Wait if he was given it that means he’s not a creep cause he didn’t find it out on purpose, I guess I have to stop calling him creep. You cover Minzy with the blanket and go out of her room, closing the door on your way up. You look at the time and you see that its 10, the library’s open so you can do some homework there. You have a quick breakfast, make yourself another coffee and grab your stuff. On your out you just write a note to Minzy telling her that you will be at the library for most of the day and not to worry.

Once at the library you study some of the subjects you have homework for but you give up after awhile, you’re just not in the mood for studying. Instead of abandoning it completely you decide that you will take a break by taking a walk around the library, the library is huge so by the time you go around it fully your mind is cleared but your arms are not. On the way you saw some really interesting books some related and some not- related to school work so they very slowly pilled up onto your arms until you became the tower of Piza. You adore books, you would love to live in a library. As you stagger to your desk and dump the books you notice a piece of paper on one of your open books near your DBSK pencil case. You pick it up and read it.

‘Meet me in the reference section, right in the back so no one can hear us’

You look around to try and see if you can spot the person who put it there but no one is looking at you, you shrug and head to the reference section, its not like its going to be an axe murderer or something right. Right? You curse yourself for watching too many horror movies; you’re in a god damn library for god sakes. As you reach the end of the reference shelfs you see someone standing about 3 m’s away. They have their back turned towards you so you can’t see them but you can’t see an axe so it aint some axe murderer. As you get closer the person hears you and turns around, you stare shocked at person.

“It’s you!!”


So guys I came back from my holiday today at 9 in the morning, since then I’ve been catching up on 5 weeks of Kpop. I have fallen in love with teen tops new album (but is that any real surprise, they are amazing), I’ve fangirled like mad over boyfriend, teentop, mblaq and will yet to do all the other stuff. I hope you like the fic so far, left a bit of a cliff hanger XD hehe, however while on holiday I filled like 3 notebooks full of fan fiction so all I have to do is type it up and then edit it so it shouldn’t take me so long to update (I have holidays as well so lots of free time, well not that much cause I have homework but you get what I mean) Any way I hope you keep reading and if you know any infinite readers please tell them about this fic. Also if you haven’t read my boyfriend and b1a4 fiction please read (it’s my first fic so its pretty bad but meh). Love you guys

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Smileonce133 #1
aww >.< sungjong is the best <3333
Taegyo #2
Omfg thanks for update :D
kwonvenus #3
Lol. I was hella pissed when I heard SS4 was canceled in Australia :(
Update Soon ^^
Taegyo #4
Yay~ Update soon~
OMG I LOVE YOU AUTHOR.......L MAINIA........I died and went to heaven.....thank you for the wonderful gifs <3
lolz L^.^
and the answer is Woohyun
Hope you have fun on your trip and please update soon I love your fanfics like a love song !!!! <33333