Chapter 11

Bad Boy, Good Boy


Chapter 11
WooHyun closes his eyes, wishing that he was in a dream but knowing that he's not. You look at him not understanding whats wrong with him. Minzy gets up from the couch and hugs you.
“How was the performance? Did it go as played?”
“Even better, god I was perfect and not even one stuff up :D We're all so so happy from it. I hope we get a good mark for it.”
“That's awesome, you know what we need some coffee what about we run down and get some and you can tell me everything about it.”
You look at WooHyun because you don't want to leave him but before you can respond properly Minzy grabs your hand and starts pulling you back towards the door.
“Oh I almost forgot, WooHyun this is SungGyu, SungGyu this is WooHyun. Can you guys manage without up for a few minutes?”
SungGyu pipes up before WooHyun can protest.
“Oh course we can, I would love to get to know WooHyun. Looks....very interesting.”
You look at WooHyun and then SungGyu in confusion but you can't do anything. Minzy grabs her coat and then pulls you out of the house asking you questions about the performance and then other interesting stuff.
Back in the living room with WooHyun and SungGyu
“Well isn't this a strange coincidence WooHyun.”
“Yeah I guess you could say that.”
“Common now theres no need to be tense and cold, come have a seat.”
WooHyun slowly sits across from SungGyu and looks down at the floor.
“So what have you been doing with yourself WooHyun, I can see that you have gotten a girl.”
“Me a girl, oh (~~) no shes just my best friend. I haven't had someone since, well you- know.”
“I do know, don't I.”
SungGyu slowly gets up and walks to WooHyun. WooHyun goes to get up but SungGyu pushes him back down and straddles him.
“So, if you haven't had anyone since me it mean that our relationship wasn't just anything. It meant something and you know it. Thats why you got scared and ran away.”
“I, no, its...”
“I know what it is WooHyun, I experienced it myself. You'll gte over it, come to terms with it and not care what the rest of the world thinks. Now to help you along the path of realisation i'll.....”
He then leans in and huskily whispers the rest of the sentence in WooHyun's ear.
“make you feel something I bet you haven't felt in a while.”
Before WooHyun can even stop to think, let alone do anything SungGyu is kissing him with an open mouth. WooHyun shocked yet feeling over the moon slowly starts the kiss back. He doesn't realise SungGyu slowly ing his shirt buttons. It is only when his is being rubbed and pinched does he feel and see what SungGyu is doing. WooHyun feels himself start to harden. God dammit why does he make me feel like this! WooHyun not being able to oppress his feelings slightly moans which makes SungGyu more active and encouraged. SungGyu using the opportunity of WooHyun's moans slips his tongue into the other mouth and tastes him. He missed the taste of WoHyun. He cant lie, he missed WooHyun and he wanted him back right after he left and nothing he could do, no amount of girls or guys could make him forget about WooHyun. WooHyun can't control himself, he moves both of his hands onto SungGyu's back. One starts sliding under his shirt and the other down the top of the fabric of his back and then . SungGyu grins while kissing and gets his free hand and starts unbuckling the belt on WooHyun's jeans. Right at this moment both WooHyun and SungGyu hear you and Minzy in the hallway.
SungGyu quickly gets off WooHyun and fixes himself up while WooHyun is left with the task of buttoning his shirt, fixing his hair and doing up his belt. As you and Minzy enter the lounge room SungGyu has sat back down in his original spot and WooHyun is also sitting but you can see that his belt is undone (he ran out of tie so he just hoped that if he sat down no one would notice it). You look questiongly at him, asking with your eyes if he is ok because you left and the second is why your belt undone. You offer to go make the coffee and along the way you call WooHyun to help you. WooHyun nods and then very stealthily hides his undone belt by putting his hands infront of it but its too late for you because you already think you know what has happened. As you pass your room you pull WooHyun into it and close the door. WooHyun looks at you and as he looks at your expression he can tell that you already have a idea of what happened.
“It's not what you think”
“No, then what is it! You didn't just seduce SungGyu, you didn't just have with him!”
“All those are false! One he seduced me and no we didn't have may have been heading in that general direction.”
“Wait, he seduced you!”
“Ok, ill tell you the whole thing. First me and SungGyu went out for 4 months. He and I were really close and our relationship was going wonderfully until I realised that I loved him, he wasn't just some guy I could have with. I truly loved him and that scared me. How could I love a guy, how could I love a guy in THIS country! I ran away from him, I couldn't face him because I was scared of my true feelings.”
“So you two dated, ok. So that may explain why you looked like you had seen death when we walked into the apartment because you knew it was SungGyu.”
“Yes, exactly and after you guys left. He told me it was fine to be scared. That everyone went through it and I would get over it and then well....yeah. (~~) I don't know what to do, I've never felt like that around anyone. Every time I'm with him I feel wonderful like nothing can get me down.
“You do really like him that much? Wait your asking help from me? Who has never been in a relationship, well all I can think of to say is to follow your heart because it doesn't matter whether some people see it as wrong. It's only wrong if you see it like that.”
“Yeah, I think I just need to think over it and your advice helped... I think. I'm too confused and just I dunno. Common we better make that coffee.”
“Yeah, oh could I um...ask. How is it to do it with another guy?”
“Haha, um no its fine. Umm well its beautiful. You can't experience it with a girl, guys know what make you tick and SungGyu really does. Its just they know what to do to make you feel wonderful if you get my gist.”
You blush brightly and nod. You quickly tell him to move his arse and start making coffee. WooHyun laughs at your embarrassment but doesn't say anything except that it's happen one day to you as well, the not the same gender though that could happen as well. You hit him over the head as you blush again. You guys head to the kitchen and make the coffee, as you come back to the living room Minzy is in tears and SungGyu is just shaking his head.
“What's so funny Minzy?”
Minzy tries to answer but she can't because she is laughing so much. You turn to SungGyu for an answer.
“Well I just told her this joke and she just well ended up like that, I didn't know it was going to turn out like that.”
“What was the joke?”
“It was um: What does a cat with crutches say? It says ME-OW!”
Both you and WooHyun look at Minzy then back at SungGyu.
“That's it, that's what's setting her off? God why do I have someone insane for a room mate.”
After Minzy calms down you all talk and chat for ages, it is only when WooHyun gets a death threat from L do you realise the time, its 7.
“Man I betta be going, have some homework I need to do that I won't have time to do over the weekend. Thanks for having me over (~~), Minzy and ...and SungGyu it was really nice to see you, hope we can do this again. Ok I'll go first, seeya guys.”
“Oh hold up WooHyun, i'll come as well. I should go as well been here long enough as it is.”
“Sure, fine by me.”
“Hey WooHyun before you go can I just have a word?”
You call WooHyun over.
“Please promise me you wont have somewhere in the street, have it at either his or your house. I dont want any of you being by someone else. Ok?”
“Hey who says we're going to have !”
“Have you seen the look on his face every time he looks at you and well your body? Just promise me ok?”
“Ok, fine but it's not gona happen!”
“I'll hold you up to that ad ask you again on Monday! Now shoo lover boy.”
WooHyun laughs and says bye to you and Minzy, he then leaves with SungGyu and you just know they are going to have but you are happy for him. At least he isn't as scared and worried as before. He is following his heart. You and Minzy take the used dishes from the living room and into the kitchen. As both of you are cleaning up you ask Minzy whether she is dating SungGyu.
“What me! No, I wanted to when I first met him and I really thought he had an interest in me, so did he apparently but he finally admitted that the last relationship he had was with a guy and he just cant forget about him. So he's just a friend and man he's such a good friend. Love him so much, why do you ask?”
“Well, ok I dont think I should tell you this but I will anyway but you have to promise not to tell another living soul and it cant leave this kitchen ok?”
“Ok, what is it, common tell me.”
“Well ok, that guy that SungGyu can't forget about is WooHyun!”
“It's true!! I think they got back together today while we were out may I point out. But WooHyun got really scared of his emotions and ran away when he realised that he loved him but I think he has come to terms with it and is accepting that he can love a guy in that way.”
“That's so weird! But omg does that mean they have and will be having together?”
“Umm, yeah.”
“OMG, HOT GUY= ING AMAZING !!!! Man they are lucky!!! Why are the best guys GAY!”
You crack up, ahh Minzy. She makes you laugh so much. For the rest of the night you and her keep making jokes related or non- related to WooHyun and SungGyu.
So guys, how are you liking the amount of updates, im sure liking it. God I realised how much I love my story!! anyway guess what.... ITS HOYAS BIRTHDAY!! PARTY IN THE HOUSE GUYS!!!! heres his twitter:!/hoya1991
tweet him please :D:D:D
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Smileonce133 #1
aww >.< sungjong is the best <3333
Taegyo #2
Omfg thanks for update :D
kwonvenus #3
Lol. I was hella pissed when I heard SS4 was canceled in Australia :(
Update Soon ^^
Taegyo #4
Yay~ Update soon~
OMG I LOVE YOU AUTHOR.......L MAINIA........I died and went to heaven.....thank you for the wonderful gifs <3
lolz L^.^
and the answer is Woohyun
Hope you have fun on your trip and please update soon I love your fanfics like a love song !!!! <33333