Chapter 7

You Are, To Me

"Jimin? Jimin?" I hear my name over and over again. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes. I saw HyunWoo there in front of me, and I quickly sat up, startled. He laughs at me.

"Why were you sleeping on the couch?" I hear someone say, right by my ear. I jumped a little and jerked my head to the voice. I saw ChangKyun and his face was very close to mine. My eyes widened and he flicked my forehead.

"Ow!" I shout. He scoffs and looks up, getting up and walking over somewhere. I watched him and he walks straight to KiHyun who was a few distance away from the couch with MinHyuk. It seems as if they had just gotten out of their beds.

"Hyung, did you do something that made him sleep here?" ChangKyun says.

"What? I did nothing." KiHyun says. "He probably just fell asleep there. We were awake at like 1am together last night. I went to bed first!" KiHyun shouts defensively.

They both started yelling and arguing with each other. I looked at HyunWoo and he just shrugged and shook his head. MinHyuk stepped away from them both and walked over to us.

"Guys! It's 8 in the morning! What are you guys arguing about so early?!" JooHeom shouts, walking out his room looking tired as ever.

"They were arguing about Jimin at first and then the yelling started including threats." MinHyuk shouts. Did it really? I wasn't even paying attention to what they were shouting about. JooHeon groans and looks at them.

"You guys keep yelling at each other threats! Is it about this 'girl'? You know, a girl isn't worth it if she's making you guys fight like this." JooHeon tells them. I could tell he tried not to yell at them. Both ChangKyun and KiHyun looked at each other and rolled their eyes. ChangKyun turns away and walks into his room, KiHyun doing the same but towards the bathroom.

"I swear. Those two fight everyday now. They even slightly argues during the interviews indirectly." JooHeon says, with an annoyed look on his face.

I got up and started walking to my room, but then the phone rang.

"Oh, manger. What? Tomorrow? Okay, I'll tell him. Bye!" I say, hanging up. I start making my way towards the bathroom instead, where KiHyun is. I was about to knock on the door, but KiHyun had already opened it. I moved over to the side but he just kept walking, like if he didn't notice me standing there. I grabbed his arm and he stops and looks at me, his eyes a bit wide. I let go of his arms then.

"We have a photoshoot tomorrow." I said.

"We?" he asks.

"Yeah, you and I. Also with the other people that were in the music video. They said it'd be nice to have a photo shoot after the music video."

"Alright then." he says, and smiles.


The whole day today, Monsta X and I had the day off. Even though we had the day off, we all just stayed inside really doing nothing.

"Jimin, would you mind being in our first Deokspatch2 episode? Or unless you want to wait a few episodes." HyungWon asks me.

"Yeah! You should be in all our Deokspatch videos!" MinHyuk shouts, with the biggest smile I've ever seen him put on.

"People will actually beileve he's an 8th member if he did." HoSeok says. "Feature in about 2 or 3 of them. That's good enough."

I smiled and nodded in agreement. I think it'll be fun to film a Deokspatch video with them. They seemed to have a lot of fun on their first season. Thinking about it now, I still can't believe I'm friends with them. Even living with them, and getting the opportunity to go and film with them.

I walked over to my room. Remembering it being my day off, I decided to call my family and ChaeMin.

My mom said that she loved my music video. I laughed when she told me that she told her friends I was her son. They didn't believe her. She said she's still trying to get used to how I'm pretending to be a boy, but she's also proud of how far I've gotten at the moment. She just wishes that I went that far as a female. But, she knows the reason to why I debuted as a guy, so she's not really upset.

When I was talking to ChaeMin, she wouldn't stop fangirling to me about the music video. She was squealing about me at first, and then went on about KiHyun. But then she kept going on about us two together. She couldn't believe her best friend was with Monsta X.

I told her that ChangKyun knew I was a girl. She thought that I was joking, but when she finally realized that I was serious, she squealed again. I told her about him kicking me out but then changing his mind. She wouldn't stop talking about ChangKyun then.

As soon as I hung up the phone with ChaeMin, KiHyun walked in. I jumped and looked at him, and he laughed.

"It's nice to see that you still interact with your family and friends. I'm glad you're not the type that totally ignores or forget abotu who's really important." he says, lying down on his own bed.

"I try to contact them as much as possible. I did become a trainee randomly." I said. He looks at me weird.

"Randomly?" he asks. I chuckle and nod my head.

"Yeah. My manager picked me randomly from the sidewalk. He heard my friend say that I could sing and that my voice was amazing. She said that if I auditioned, they would obviously let me in. He took the risk of putting me for the audition. They surprisingly fell in love with me and immediately entered me into the entertainment. I didn't have the chance to tell anyone that I made it. And that was exactly when I met you guys." I explained.

"Wow, President's that desperate for singers?" he says to himself. I chuckle and nod my head. He looks at me with a smile and sits up. He looks over at the digital clock.

"It's still barely 2pm. Want to quickly go see your family and friends?" he asks. "I can take you."

"Really?! It won't be too much trouble? I mean, with you being famous and all." I say. He laughs.

"You know you're kind of famous too now?" he says. I smiled and accepted his offer. We both went to get dressed and headed towards the door.

"Where are you guys going?" HyunWoo asks.

"Jimin's going to see his family." KiHyun answers. HyunWoo just looks at us, and then looks away. We then walked out.


We visited my mom first. I told her ahead of time to act as if I was a male. It was a funny meeting. She avoided using "he", "her", "she", and even "him". She kept using only my name, which sounded weird in some sentences. I assume it was because she feels like she'd slip out saying "her" or "she". I had to hold in my laughter every time she'd avoid using those words. I never saw my mom so nervous about something.

"Who's this?" KiHyun says, looking at a family photo. It was my mom, dad, my brother, and me. He pointed at me and my mom quickly took the photo from him.

"My niece." she says without thinking, and puts the photo away in the drawer. I tried not to laugh at her again.

After hanging out with my mom, KiHyun decided to take me to my old apartment that I shared with ChaeMin. Before I walked to the front door, I remembered that I'm a guy to KiHyun's eyes. I can't say that this was my apartment, or he'll get the wrong idea about ChaeMin and I. I knock on the door, hoping ChaeMin will catch my lead and follow it.

"Jimin!" she shotus, giving me a big hug. She pulls away and freezes as soon as she notices KiHyun standing next to me. He chuckles.

"I'm assuming you know me?" he laughs. She just looked at him, and then looked at me. I chuckled.

"Come in!" she says, and pulls both of us inside. KiHyun immediately starts looking around.

"Are you hungry?" ChaeMin says.

"No! We're fine." I say. KiHyun picks up a photo. ChaeMin notices and her eyes go wide. KiHyun doesn't say anything this time, but he just nods and puts the picture back down.

"You live alone?" he asks.

"Yeah. Uhm, my roomate moved out recently." she says. I smiled at her small lie.

"Oh, must be lonely. That's why I'm glad Jimin's dorming with us. I had my room to only myself before he come." he tells her. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"When we met, ChangKyun said that you had it all to yourself because you didn't want to share." I tell him.

"Well, true. Even when I accepted the request to take you in my room, I was a bit irritated. But after a few weeks, I'm glad we're sharing." he says, giving me a big smile. I slightly smile back, feeling my heart beat a little. I catch ChaeMin freaking out a little beside me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I used to share a romo with both ChangKyun and JooHeon. That got annoying especially because they're both the youngest." he says. Both ChaeMin and I laughed.

ChaeMin walked over to KiHyun and picked up the photo he was looking at earlier. Her eyes widened and she quickly came up to me and pushed it towards me. I took it and look at it. My eyes widened as well. It was her and I when we were still in high school. I was still a tomboy at the time, but you could tell that I was a girl. My hair was long, and my clothes weren't that guyish, but I never dressed girly. KiHyun was looking at this photo. I looked up and my eyes met KiHyun's eyes. He quickly looked away and walked around the room.

The face is exactly my face right now, just less chubby. I hope he's not being suspicious, realizing that this is me. I hope he doesn't put the pieces together.


After visiting ChaeMin, we leave back to the dorms.

"Hyung?" I say, before he opens the door. He stops and looks at me. "Can I ask you something real quick?"

He looks at me for a while confused, but then nods. I walk away from the door and he follows behind me.

"What's up?" he says. I sit down on a small brick wall and slouch my back a little. He stands in front of me at first but I don't even look at him. Then, he decides to sit down beside me.

"What do Wait, I was just wondernig who's the girl you and ChangKyun always argue about." I asked. I look at him and he's taken aback a little by my question, putting his gaze towards the ground. He then chuckles to himself and looks at me with a smile.

"Why do you ask?" he says. I shrug.

"Well, I find it weird how nobody in there knows who you two are talking about. Is it the girl you guys call ChangKyun's girlfriend?" I gasp. "Do you have a liking for her too?!"

KiHyun couldn't stop laughing. He then ruffled my hair and scratched the back of his neck. He folds his hand on his leg and then shakes his head.

"You know who she is though." was all that he said. I gave him a puzzled look and he chuckles.

"I do?" I asked. He nods.

"You do." He stands up and looks at me. "Well, lets go in now?"

I stood up and followed him back in the dorms. If I know her, who is she?

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144 streak #1
Chapter 20: This was a cute story! Nice work.
Chapter 20: I love tgis authornim.. i'm so happy for them... and good thing kihyun and changkyun didn't hate each other...
I'm happy for kihyun too...
Chapter 5: Okay I just realized Kihyun "confessed" first. Before Changkyun! But.. why is he the one that got her?? I feel sorry for him.. ㅜ.ㅜ

*I used he and him instead of names, in case someone read my comment and accidentally got a spoiler > 3<*
Chapter 3: Now I understand Monsta X better and I can totally imagine every scene clearly
Ah~ what is this warm feelings ~.~
My babies~
Chapter 1: Re-reading it and still enjoying it ^^
I still got the feels~~~
Kaylie3Two #6
Chapter 20: Thank you. I don't know how else to explain my feels right now so I'll go with thank you. You started it perfectly and ended it just as well.
Chapter 20: and when jooheon screamed and freaked out when he found out that jimin was a girl LOOOL THIS IS SO HIM LMAO
Chapter 20: awwww this story was so cute :))) i'm happy she didn't let him wait 2 years haha but ugh as uh as i'm happy for them i feel so freakin bad for kihyun T_T i shipped them since day 1
Chapter 20: this is really beautifully written! Thank you authornim!
Chapter 20: Uwaw. Uwaw. Uwaaw