
Forbidden ( Werewolf!S.coupsXVampire!Reader)

“ Why are you so quiet? You usually talk my ear off.” Jun said as I play with my locker combination. I give him a shrug, but internally I'm freaking the hell out. Why? Because Seungcheol decided to brag about our study “date” to the entire school and now everyone knows. Not only that but everyones shocked that I said yes. Since I don't date anyone.

“ Yah, Lee Sun Hee! Are you even listening to me?” Jun whines.

“ For the love of- What do you want Seungcheol!?” I said.

“ Seungcheol?” Jun raised an eyebrow as my face gets warm.

“ I-I meant Jun...” I said quickly. Jun suddenly breaks into a smirk. Then he starts laughing.

“ No wonder your so out of it! You're thinking about your boyfriend!” Jun said still cracking up. I glare at him.

“ He's not my boyfriend! I'm just tutoring him!” I said in my defense. Jun gives me an 'are you kidding me' look.

“ Yeah and I hate drinking blood. Sun Hee it's more than obvious you like him! Which is weird since he is a werewolf.” Jun said. I look down at my shoes.

“ I-I do not!” I reply.

“ You at lying. Just admit it!” Jun said poking my cheek. I gather my things, closing my locker.

“ Nope! Anyways I have to go. I need to tutor that wolfboy.” I said walking away from my locker.

“ Yeah right! Have fun on your date!” Jun hollers at me. I clench my fists as I feel my face warm up.

“ Stupid Junhui...” I thought as I make my way to the library. I spot a familiar spiked brunet at the table I sat at yesterday. I tug on my uniform, making sure it's okay. Wait why am I even doing this? It's only Seungcheol, its not like he cares. I walk to the seat next to him.

“ Hey Sun Hee. For a minute I thought you bailed on me.” Seungcheol said with a grin. I groan.

“ Why would I do that? I told you I'd tutor you.” I said. “ Now let's get to work.” I started pulling out my notes and we study for a couple hours. As I explain a formula to him, a piece of my hair decides to fall and covers the side of my face. Seungcheol suddenly takes that piece of hair and tucks it behind my ear. I look at him and he smiles at me.

“ Your ears are cute.” He said noting my ears were slightly pointed.

“ Not their not, its embarrassing.” I said fixing my hair to cover my ears. I glance at him and he's still looking at me.

“ Are you even paying attention to the lesson I'm giving?” I ask glaring slightly at him.

“ Yeah, every word.” Seungcheol said with his voice deeper suddenly. I feel a blush creep onto my face.

“ Why don't we wrap it up and I'll walk you home?” Seungcheol suggests.

“ Uh, sure I guess. But you better not try anything.” I said repeating the words I said yesterday.

“ I can't promise that.” He said with a laugh. I roll my eyes and shove my notes into my bag. We walk out of the library and head towards my street. We walk silently as we pass by street vendors.

“ Do you want anything?” Seungcheol asks me as we pass a vendor who was selling sweet breads.

“ Erm, it's fine I don't want you wasting money on me.” I said awkwardly.

“ But I want to. Besides the guy should always buy their girl something on a date.” Seungcheol said winking at me before going to buy something. I feel my stomach drop after he said that. How is it even possible that he can make me feel this way? I like him? No, no I can't it's against nature.

Suddenly, someone's hand goes over my mouth and drags me into a nearby alley. I get slammed against the brick wall. I look and its some creepy guys from school.

“ What the hell!” I growl out. I try to get out of the grip of the one pinning me, but I can't.

.” I thought. I haven't drunken any blood in twenty-four hours. Which means I don't have any strength since I usually feed every day.

“ Ohh, it's the hottie from class 1B. Why don't we have fun with you?” The guy said as his friends snicker. I glare at them and struggle. It's no use, how could I be so stupid? So human?

“ Stay away from me you freak.” I spat just as the guy leans into kiss me.

“ Stay the hell away from her!” I hear Seungcheol say before the guy flies towards the back of the alley. I look at Seungcheol, his brown eyes now a deep gold color. “ .”

“ Get behind me Sun Hee.” He said sternly as I run to him.

“ Eh man, what's your problem?” One of the guys friends said. They started to gang up on Seungcheol, and he starts fighting. Slowly his ears grow and stand on the top of his head, and his fur grows out. The other guys get freaked out and run off as Seungcheol drags one who was knocked out to me.

“ Need a snack?” Seungcheol asks baring his fangs in a smile. I can't help but laugh. I take the guy from him, and drain the blood out of him.

“ Thanks... for saving me. I didn't think you'd ever do that for me.” I said as we start walking to my house again.

“ Why wouldn't I protect the girl I like?” Seungcheol said with a grin, his wolfish traits no longer visible. I feel myself blush. I can't believe him...

“ Why do you like me?” I ask him.

“ Well, you're different from other girls. Usually they'd throw themselves at me, but you didn't. I love a challenge.” Seungcheol said as we reach my house. We stand in front looking at each other. I don't say anything for a while.

“ Can't you give me a chance?” Seungcheol asks hopeful. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

“ You know if your pack or the vampire council finds out we're dead right.” I said. His eyes widen.

“ Wait, what?!”

“ I'm saying I'll give you a chance you idiot!” I reply with my face visibly red. I look at my shoes, avoiding his gaze. Suddenly Seungcheol wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

“ I'm glad you finally said yes.” He said. I could almost hear him smiling. I smile shyly.

“ Well, lets just say...I like you too.” I admit. Seungcheol uses on of his hands to make me look up at him. He smiles before leaning in and placing a kiss on my cold lips. When he pulls away, I look up at him in shock, then bury my face into his chest. He laughs.

“ You're so cute.”


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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
nikur_chan #2
Chapter 2: Owww this is super cute!!! I like how the story ends