chapter 1


chapter 1;

Should I hold his hand or not? To be honest, I'm scared to the point that I want to cry. But holding a stranger's hand? That's kind of weird right? I used to hold my mom's hand on every flight, but I can't since she's not here.  I need my mom right now and I have to make sure to never ever gonna fly alone again.  

“ It alright, I don't feel scared ” Lies. He probably knew that I was lying since he gave me that ' i know you're lying ' look.  

“ I really don't feel scared! ”  I repeated

He nodded and flashed me a smile.  “ Well okay then, let's see how long you can hold it in  ”

I looked out of the window and saw that the plane was already at the runway ready for take-off. Oh my god mind control, mind control, get yourself together Soohyun!  I closed my eyes immediately when I felt the plane moving. 

It felt like the plane took forever to fly in the sky. But the only thing I saw when I  looked out of the window were very dark clouds. The plane started to shake a lot. 

I grabbed the boy's hand immediately when the turbulence was getting worse. “ Hey, forget what I said I feel like dying right now ” 

He intertwined our fingers immediately. It gave me a secure feeling.

 “ It's alright, see there's no turbulence anymore ” he laughed “ You're actually better than my sis.  ” 

 “ By the way I'm Mark ” So Mark is the name. 

The seatbelt sign turned off just when I wanted to tell my name.   “ Ladies and Gentlemen, the seatbelt sign is turned off, but we advise you to keep your seatbelt on in case of sudden turbulence. ” 

I quickly pulled my hand from his  hand and cleared my throat  “ I'm Soohyun  ” 

“ Thanks for holding my hand, Mark. It really helped me a lot. ” It was kind of awkward  since we didn't have anything to say to each other. Should I start searching for a movie on my entertainment screen or would that be disrespectful?  

“ The turbulence wasn't that bad actually  ” He paused and looked at me “ Do you feel sick? You look kind of pale ”

Mark suddenly stood up and went to the galley and came back with a cup of water and took off his coat that he was wearing. 

“ Wear this ”

“ You wear it! It's kind of chilly in the plane so don't catch a cold ”  I said while trying to get a comfortable position on this very small seat. Screw this I just want to go home and lay down on my bed and watch Korean drama's all day. 

He reached in his bag and showed me that the still had a sweater “ I still have this, so you wear it ”

I didn't know what to do so he took my arm and slide them into the coat. Mark's coat smelled really good to be honest and it was really warm. But it was an awkward silence again cause nobody was starting a conversation. Well, Soohyun you should start talking before it gets really awkward.

“So, are you on vacation to Seoul?” I asked breaking the silence.

Mark sighs and shook his head “ I wish, I'm actually starting my trainee life at JYP entertainment”  

“Really?” I was in disbelief. I tried so many times to audition for JYP entertainment, but I failed every time. He's so lucky. No wonder he was so good looking!

“Yeah, I got scouted by a JYPE rep and asked me to audition at school ”  He laughed  “ You don't believe me?”

 “Well, I just can't believe that I'm sitting to a trainee of JYP entertainment !” I said while searching for a good moving to watch, Mark was doing the same, but he couldn't find a movie either.  I really needed to go to the toilet. I should've gone at the airport, but I was too nervous. I regret it now cause I really need to pee.

 “ I'm not sure if I will survive it, though. I can't speak Korean and I can't dance or sing either” So Mark wasn't Korean and he didn't have any confidence.

I patted his head softly “Hey, you can't give up so easily! You can learn to dance, sing and to speak Korean and you'll do fine believe me” 

“Uh, Mark, I really need to go to the toilet”

Mark stood up immediately so I stood up and ran to the toilet. I did my business and looked at myself in the mirror. Gosh, I looked like a ghost. I didn't have any makeup on and my hair was all over the place. The coat of Mark was too big for me. It came until my knees. But the coat was really warm. Now that I think of it, he was really caring for a boy, and he had really fair skin and his smile was so pretty. It could cure anything.

“Stop this right now! He's just a stranger that sat next to you in the plane” I said to myself.

I should've bought my makeup bag just to touch up a little bit to look a bit like a girl. Who knew I would be sitting next to a very cute boy that's also a trainee at JYP entertainment? I went to the galley to grab something to eat and to ask something to drink cause I was actually starving and I was really thirsty. I didn't forget about Mark and made sure to grab some cookies for him and a glass of water. I returned to my seat and saw Mark watching 2PM's MV on his entertainment screen. 

“Here eat this, you're probably starving like I am” Now that I think of it when will they give food like seriously I'm starving even though airplane food taste like I'm still really hungry.

He mouthed a thank you and kept watching the mv  “I have to become like them He muttered to himself. 

“You will, all you have to do is not give up. The moment you give up, your dream to become like them will be gone. You don't want to disappoint your family right? And the most important you don't want to disappoint yourself” Wow who knew I, the child of the family would be giving someone advice. 

“I'm just scared”

The conversations kept on for 8 hours and the flight flew by. Who knew the stranger that sat beside me could change into a crush?

But sadly, Mark disappeared like yesterday's dream. 

Be well Mark, and don't forget not to give up.


So this was chapter 1 and I hope you all enjoyed it! Please comment! :) 

Love, suusxchanyeol



















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Working on chapter 3! :)


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Chapter 2: Really hope that u can update soin, author-nim. This story is awesome for u to keep writing on it. Take ur time tho ;)
Chapter 1: Mark sounds like he's going to flirt with the girl when he extended his hand to hers tho~