What To Call You

Who You Think I Am

Yein POV

Aish. I can't believe what happened today.

Jungkook and I actually spoke to each other. He is the cutest thing ever.

It's funny because I always thought he looked so tough and manly in his music videos.

When in reality, he is such a shy and adorable guy. 

I mean he is still tough and manly of course, that just comes with his appearance. 

I just can't shake these little excited shivers that run through my body every time I look at his contact in my phone.

Speaking of that, time to change it to something a little more to my liking.

"Jungkook Oppa"...no.

"Kookie Oppa"...still no.

"My tough guy"....ew...no.

Ugh...it's just not coming to me...I don't want him to just be "BTS Jungkook".

"Seagull"....HAHA! Funny, but no. 

Wait, I got the perfect name... "My Shy Guy".

I think this fits him perfectly. It may become more initimate later but for now this will do until I get to know him better.

I want to text him so bad. I shouldn't be the first one to text him though.

I don't want him to think I'm obessed with him...even though I am.

Then all of a sudden I heard my phone ding and my heart started racing. 

Is it him..is it Jungkook?

From: Kei Unnie

"Hey! Are you coming to dinner any time soon? We are all waiting!"

Ah, I totally forgot that we were having dinner tonight a little earlier than usual at 6.

To: Kei Unnie

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry unnie, I totally forgot!" 

a few seconds later I heard another ding from my phone.

From: Kei Unnie

"No worries, hurry! We are hungry!"

I jumped off my bed with my phone in hand and ran downstairs to our kitchen, forgetting about Jungkook for now. 


Jungkook POV

"So..I saw you and Yein-ah getting close here earlier." Rap Monster said nudging me in my arm with his elbow.

We were sitting against the mirror of our practice room, on a break from our dance practice.

These dance practice never seem to end, we've been practicing since Lovelyz came which was about five hours ago. 

I smiled a little to myself, "Yeah, she's really cool" I said with my arms propped up on my bended knees.

"I think the correct word you were looking for was 'cute'." Rap Monster said nudging me almost to where I was about to fall over. 

"Whatever, hyung" I said turning my head to the side blushing and grinning widely but trying to hide it from him. 

"Yeah, thats what I though, see you do like her!" Rap Monster said trying to pull my face back over to him to see me blushing. 

"I do not!" I said pushing his hand away but still grinning uncontrollably.

"Did you two trade numbers?" He said, sitting back again against the mirrored wall. 

"Yes" I said, messing with my hair anxiously and still smiling to myself.

"You should text her! Right now!" He said reaching around me for my phone that was on the other side of me. 

"Yah! No! Stop! Not yet!" I said pushing him off of me and holding my phone to my chest tightly as he started trying to take my fingers one by one off of it.

"STOP!" I said, as he started to tickle me.

I ended up letting go and then running around the practice room after him trying to get it.

"Yah, Taehyung-ah take it!" Rap Monster said to V just as he had turned around from talking to J-Hope.

V immediately caught on and took it from him and also started running around the practice room, as I sprinted after him. 

I finally tackled him into the wall and grabbed my phone from him.

"You guys are too much!" I said looking through my phone as if I was making sure everything was still there. 

"I just want you to text her, Jungkook-ah, please!" Rap Monster said coming up to, as he gave me prayer hands, begging. 

When he got near to me, I begun walking away and then he and V both started walking after me, like little ducklings after a mama duck.

"Stop prying so much! I'll text Yein-ah when I'm good and ready!" I said running into a studio room and locked the door.

"YAH! LET US IN JUNGKOOK-AH" V yelled through the door, trying to twist and turn the door know frantically.

"WE JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT WE LOVE YOU" V said pressing his lips to the cloudy glass door.

"Ew, hyung! Why are you so weird!" I said making a disgusted face.

"You better clean that up cause I'm not"  Suga said, as he passed by nonchalantly. 

I then sat in the studio room chair and gave a sigh of relief.

Man, these hyungs won't leave me alone for nothing.

I started scrolling through my phone, mostly looking a fan photos of me.

A.R.M.Ys are so good at capturing my best angles. I started smiling to myself.

Then, I remembered Yein and began blushing to myself.

I went to my contacts and searched "Lovelyz Yein".

I didn't want to keep her as just "Lovelyz Yein".

She deserves something more distinctive, after all, she sticks out in my mind during all hours of the day and night.

"My Dream"...its cheesy, I know, but that's what she is.

No one would see it anyways.

It still made me feel soft, which was something I wasn't used to. 

I made a disgusted face at myself,

"What is she doing to you, Jungkook?" I said to myself, as I shook my head and looked up from my phone. 

I then looked back down at my phone, maybe I should text her. 

I kind of didn't want to text her today though because I didn't want her to think I was thinking about her all day.

Even though, I was. She might think I'm obsessed with her. I don't want her to think I like her or anything.

Even though, I do. I started thinking about today.

Man, I was so embarrassing. I couldn't even talk right when I was talking to her earlie. My choice of words were all stupid.

She probably thinks I'm stupid. 

Ugh, I leaned back in the studio chair and started rubbing my face. 

I want to talk to her though, I think we hit it off today.

If I didn't know any better, she seemed nervous around me too. Maybe...she liked me too?

No, don't be silly, Jungkook. 

I got up from the chair and started pacing around the room. 

What wrong would it be if I did text her? 

It wouldn't necessarily mean that I like her, it just shows that I'm interested in her friendship.

Just like I would be with a guy.

No, Jungkook, don't compare her to a guy. Secondly, you wouldn't text a guy that you just got number's from that day either.

Because you just wouldn't care too much about him. 

But this, this was a girl. This was Yein. 

I wanted to text her because I want to know more about her. Get closer to her.

Why must it be so hard?

I sat back down in the chair and leaned my head down with my hands placed on my forehead.

Okay, I'm going to do it.

I pulled my phone from my pocket, and went to her contact.

To: My Dream

"Hi, Yein-ah. It's Jungkook."

I erased it all. Of course she knows its Jungkook, stupid. I began typing something else.

To: My Dream

"Hi, Yein-ah. What's up?"

No, maybe I should bring something up about today.

To: My Dream

"Hi, Yein-ah. I enjoyed talking with you today. You're really cool. Whatcha been up to?"

This just might be okay. I feel like I'm still not writing it right, but if I don't send this one. I never will. 

My thumb floated over the send button, and I hit it on impulse. My eyes widenend.

I stood up and put the phone to my forehead, my eyes closed tightly.

I started walking nervously around the room. I hope she answers soon. 

This anticipation will kill me until then.


Yein POV

"This was good, Kei unnie" I said sweetly to Kei.

She always cooks such good meals for us.

Some of us had to go work on some music down in the studio at 7 tonight thats why we had to have dinner early.

Oh well, I'm not complaining.

"Thank you, Yein-ah, I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Kei said patting me on the head and with a big smile on her face.

"Always do!" I said winking at her. "I'm going to go back up to my room, if you need me just text me" 

"Alright, will do" Kei said nodding her head, along with her answer. 

I felt so tired, today felt like the longest day ever. But one of the best.

I was reading a book that I was given from one of my fans who thought I would enjoy it.

I was appreciative, it gave me something outside of my phone to do, which was nice once in a while. 

Then, my phone dinged. I sat up from my bed and opened the message.

From: My Shy Boy

"Hi, Yein-ah. I enjoyed talking with you today. You're really cool. Whatcha been up to?"

After reading it, I almost flung my phone across my room. I started running around my room. 

I was having like an excited attack. Which I named myself, instead of a panic attack, its an excited attack. Because I was so excited.

I couldn't contain my inner fangirl.

He actually texted me. I had actually forgotten about him after our various talks during dinner.

I was so excited. I picked my phone up and read his message again.

He enjoyed talking to me today. He thinks I'm cool. He wants to know what I'm up to.

Is this real?!

All I know is that I want to text him right back immediately. 

To: My Shy Boy

"Hi, Jungkook oppa. I enjoyed talking with you today as well. I think you're also cool. I've have just been reading."  

No, I need to send him something with a little more than just answering his questions. I need to say something different. 

To: My Shy Boy

"Hi, Oppa. You're really cool as well. It was cool hanging out with you and BTS today. I have just been reading lately."

There, that will work.

I called him Oppa, which makes me happy.

I added that I also liked hanging out with BTS and not just him so he doesn't think I'm in obsessed with him (even though I am).

Then I said he was really cool as well. 

I answered all his questions and made my coversation interesting.

I think it will be okay, I will send it...now.

But my finger still hadn't pressed the send button.

I read over my message again, then hit it quickly.

I then proceeded to squeal and cover myself with my blankets.

It's not every day you get to talk to your celebrity crush like a friend. This was too exciting.


Jungkook POV

Ugh. When will she text back. It's already been 5 minutes. 

It feels like its been hours.

I sat back down in the chair and looked at the recording equipment, trying to keep my mind occupied.

"Yah, are you still in there, Jungkook-ah?" I heard Suga's voice as he lightly knocked on the door.

"Yeah, hyung" I yelled to him.

"Well aren't you lucky? I wish I could hide from these losers too." Suga said with no emotion in his voice. 

I just laughed at him. 

"Come out soon, okay, don't worry your hyung by being locked in there too long" Suga said nonchalantly.

Isn't sweet that he cares about me, even though Suga hyung seems to have no care for anyone? Haha. 

"Sure, hyung" I said back and I saw his figure disappear from the door. 

Then I stared at the floor only momentarily, then my phone dinged.

I scrambled to open it as fast as I could. It was from Yein.

My heart sped up. 

From: My Dream

"Hi, Oppa. You're really cool as well. It was cool hanging out with you and BTS today. I have just been reading lately."

I already started blushing when I saw that she called me "Oppa".

I love it when girls I like called me "Oppa".

I got all giddy inside. 

She likes to read. So she must be smart.

That's also an attractive point. 

She's so cute.

To: My Dream

"That's cool. What book are you reading?" 

I asked back, this time it was easier since now we have started getting a conversation going.

A few minutes later, she replied back.

From: My Dream

"Its a book called 'Hush, Hush', its really good."

Interesting, I thought. I wanted to look it up to see what it was.

But since I was talking to her and she likes to read, I'll act like I'm interested in her hobby. 

To: My Dream

"Nice, what is it about?"

Again, she answered back a few minutes later.

From: My Dream

"It's kind of a love story, between a fallen angel and a half fallen angel. It's kind of hard to explain, you just might have to read it. I don't know if you'd like to read love stories though."

A love story? So she's a romantic?

I wonder if she's into that cheesy relationship stuff.

I'm not a guy who likes being cheesy, but for her I feel like I'd do it. If she likes that kind of guy. 

I don't know if I'd do it around my hyungs though. 

But love makes you do weird things, I've heard. 

To: My Dream

"Sounds interesting, maybe you can read it to me."

I wanted to start flirting with her. 

I wanted her to know I was interested but not like obessed. 

I tried to play it cool.

She then replied soon again.

From: My Dream

"I feel like that would be so awkward"

Oh no, I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable.

I immediately replied back.

To: My Dream


She then replied back pretty quickly as well.

From: My Dream

"I don't know, because you're a guy and I'm a girl. Its a love story. I just feel like it would make us feel awkward."

Ha, I think she does like me. 

If she just thought of me as a friend she wouldn't feel so awkward about it.

I continued with my flirtatiousness. 

To: My Dream

"There's only one way to find out." 

She again replied almost immediately.

From: My Dream

"Are you saying you want to have like a reading hang out time or something?"

She's so innocent that it makes her adorable. 

She thinks I want to hang out with her to read.

I just want a reason to hang out with her, period.

To: My Dream

"Yeah, why not? Whenever you have time."

Wow. We might just be hanging out soon.

Now, that it may actually be happening, my inner "Shy-Around-Girls Jungkook" is beginning to come out.

I don't know if I can hang out with her in person without getting nervous and shy.

Texting and being flirtatious with her is one thing. 

I know I would not be able to flirt with her in person. 

I would hide in my shell. She would have to pry me out.

I want to know her better and hang out with her though at the same time.

I can't let this shyness get in my way.

She texted back.

From: My Dream

"Sure, I'm free this coming Friday evening."

I replied back.

To: My Dream

"Cool, me too. We'll talk out details later. I have to get back to practice."

I needed a good way to wrap up the awkwardness that was going to happen after we set up a time to hang out.

My hyungs wanted me to come out anyway. 

From: My Dream

"Okay, don't practice too hard."

She sounds likes she cares.

I can't wait to hang out with her this Friday. 

I'm also scared, things will turn out okay though, right?

I just have to keep assuring myself that, she is just a girl and we are just getting to know each other right now.

Don't get intimidated by it. 

I unlocked the studio door and went back to the practice room.

What's done is done. Fate will decide our future together.








Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thanks for being so patient for this next chapter! I feel like it wasn't super good but it'll get better, I promise. Again, thanks to all my new subscribers! Welcome aboard the JeongIn express! Hope you enjoy! :) 














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Update soon please!!
zSecretz #2
Chapter 4: Update soon pls!!!!
jinheeLn #3
Chapter 1: omg I love the way your story expressed their situation and characters . the feels are real! Not like a fanfic but like their real life story. lol. haha l update soon <3
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy and cute^^ Jungkook and Yein fighting!! They look so good together! I approve^^
najwanabilla #5
Chapter 4: outhornime next chapter please ?? im really love ur fanfic . :)
Chapter 4: The way how yein and jungkook replying message each other feels so real. Ah, they're kind of shy type especially jungkook. And Yein is a cool type girl. She is like will be ok if jungkook message her or not.
Chapter 2: Ah, it feels so fluttering. It always be like this when I imagine how will be if BTS meet Lovelyz. Ah, it's another refreshing and fluffy chapter.
Chapter 1: hahaha, well it's so LOL, reading about the girlgroup game. Jungkook's reaction could be so funny, it's so interesting. I'm very curious how about jungkook's hyungs then
eternityexo #9
Chapter 2: Interesting story~! I hope you update soon author-nim! Hehe finally there's a Jungkook and Yein story that I like! Yay!! :D