Forget Something?

Who You Think I Am

Yein POV

I sighed as his van disappeared.

Not a sigh of relief, but more of a sigh of I can't believe what just happened. 

"Oh my gosh! Did you see how Jungkook and Yein acted when the were next to each other?" Kei squealed.

I blushed, "Stop, there wasn't anything. I think the rest of BTS just made us feel awkward." 

I was super excited talking about Jungkook and me, but there was no way I was going to show it.

"Right" Kei winked and giggled.

I rolled my eyes, "I mean seeing Jungkook in person, really does remind me of Yein's ideal type" Mijoo added, grinning widely.

"He does! His black hair, dark clothing, his height, and he's so handsome too." Jiae teased, placing her hand over her wide smile. 

"Yah! Stop it! I don't like him!" I said crossing my arms, pouting.

"We saw the way you two looked at each other, come one now. You can't fool us!" BabySoul said shaking my shoulder. 

"You won't admit it, but we know you feel something for him." Jin said tilting her head to look me in the eyes. 

They all giggled together, but I still stubbornly had my arms crossed and eyes to the floor. 

Thoughts racing through my mind. All about Jungkook. 


Jungkook POV

We all filed back into our van.

"I didn't take you there to socialize. You took my privilege for granted. We won't be back here for a while." Our manager said furiously.

All the members groaned and complained, I had the window seat and all I could do was look out of it and think about Yein.

"It's all Jungkook's fault, is was a perfect chance to about Yein, so we took advantage of it." Suga pointed at me.

I broke my daze, "Yah! Quit teasing me about Yein! I don't like her!" I said, raising my voice.

"Right, pft." Suga said waving me off, and crossing his arms.

"Quit it, the both of you!" Our manager said, turning to face us, "If your attitudes don't shape up, there will be consequences."

I continued looking out the window, rolling my eyes and thinking angry thoughts about Suga. 

He can be so frustrating sometimes. Just because he's older he thinks he can mess with my feelings.

We all made it to our studio and all filed out of the van once again.

We all went to our practice room and changed into our comfortable clothes, to dance in.

"Don't be mad, Jungkook. We only tease you because we're boring people and have nothing else to talk about" Rap Monster said rubbing my shoulders.

I just shook his hands off and since I had changed, I went back to the practice room.

I reached into my pocket for my wasn't there.

I started panicking, I went through all the pockets of my pants and ran back to the dresssing room.

"Yah, what's his problem?" Suga said sarcastically.

I went to my locker and searched all through my clothes. My phone was missing.

"My's gone!" I yelled in panic. "I probably left it at Starbucks on the counter after ordering!" 

"Jungkook-ah, don't worry, we'll go back to get it." Jin said holding my shoulders and looking me in the eyes to try and calm me.

It wasn't working, can you imagine, all the things that I have on my phone, that fans would love to look through and post publicly! 

I needed to get my phone fast. 

We were headed back out to the van, Taehyung leading the way, when all of a sudden, Lovelyz Kei opened the door to the building. 

Taehyung stopped and his lips and stared at Kei for a moment. 

Kei stared back, mouth open and eyes wide. She then retained herself, "I-I'm sorry, you left something at Starbucks and we wanted to return it to you" Kei said, bowing and handing over my phone. 

"We didn't look through it, honest." She said raising up her hands as if surrendering. 

At that moment when I first saw Kei open the door, my heart was racing like horses gone wild.

The rest of Lovelyz was right behind her, including...Yein.


Yein POV

"I think I might just go get a pastry for later, they are so delicious" Kei exclaimed.

"Get a few for us too, unnie." Soojung said cutely poking Kei in the arm. 

"Alright, I will" Kei said smiling sweetly back and patting her head. 

Kei then made her way back up to the Starbucks counter.

Before she said anything, we saw the cashier, holding up a phone to her.

She then looked back at us and then brought the phone back to us.

"Who's is that, unnie?" Soojung asked innocently. 

"I'm not sure Soojung-ah. The cashier at the front said, one of the boys that we were talking to left it here and wondered if we knew them and asked for me to give it to them if we could" Kei said with purpose.

"Well, of course, it's one of the BTS members. Oh no, they are probably worried sick. We should go return it to them" BabySoul said as if she was ready to begin a mission and raised her finger to the sky. 

"Should we see who's it is? We could just look in it, to see which member's it is?" Jin asked curiously.

"No, no, no! We will not invade their privacy. We will just return it to their dance studio, we know where that is." BabySoul said matter of factly. 

"Um, before we go, can we still get those pastries?" Soojung asked showing her aeygo to our unnies. 

We all rolled our eyes, "Yes, SooJung-ah" Kei said patting her head once more with a surrendering tone. 

SooJung did a little victory dance and we all laughed at her ridiculousness.

Once we got all the pastries we wanted, BabySoul drove us to the Big Hit Studio. 

This whole time, my heart had been racing, knowing that I would be seeing Jungkook again. 

Was it fate that we'd be seeing each other twice in one day?

I didn't want to question it, I was just so excited, but I retained it of course. 

My body was getting jittery and I made nervous mannerisms.

"You okay, Yein-ah? SooJung was sitting next to me in the van, she was eyeing my leg going up and down at a lighting fast speed. 

"What?" I said looking at her in surprise and waking up from my daze "Oh, uh, yes...I-I'm fine"

"Are you sure? You're looking nervous or something...I bet its because you're going to see Jungkook again, hmm?" She said nudging my shoulder.

All the rest of the girls then turned around to face me and started giggling.

"I bet you she is super excited to see Jungkook again, they looked so cute together" Jin said grinning uncontrollably.

"If they got together, do you think we might have a chance with another one of them?" Kei said in a daze and smiling nowhere in particular. 

It was no secret, Kei had a major crush on V. But they never about it. Hmph. 

I just rolled my eyes like always, "Its nothing, I think the caffeine from the coffee is just kicking in" I said looking out the front window of the van, to see if I could see their studio yet. 

All the girls were just talking amongst themselves. I on the other hand, was daydreaming about different love scenarios that Jungkook and I could be in.

I sighed and smiled to myself. 

I finally felt the road go over a bump, we just entered a parking lot.

I looked through the front window and saw the Big Hit Studio building.

When we parked, I got super fidgety and my heart was pouding so hard through my chest, I was getting self-conscious that someone could see it. 

I was getting so excited to see Jungkook again but now I'm scared.

I really hope that they aren't there and that we can just drop off the phone and leave.

I started pleading to myself that they aren't there, "Please don't let them be there, please don't let them be there" I repeated to myself a dozen times. 

Kei went first towards the Big Hit Studio door. We followed behind in a line like her little ducklings. Me being the last. 

She was super excited to give the phone to them and see V I suppose, her steps were going faster. 

She got a hold of the handle of the studio door and it flung open.

It was BTS's V, his eyes opened in astonishment and he stared at Kei for a moment. 

Kei stared back, mouth open and eyes wide. She then retained herself, "I-I'm sorry, you left something at Starbucks and we wanted to return it to you" Kei said, bowing and over the phone we had found.

"We didn't look through it, honest." She said raising up her hands as if surrendering. 

From where I was, I didn't see Jungkook but the fact that I knew he was in there, made my adrenaline rush through my body violently.


Jungkook POV

I then got to the front near Taehyung and looked at him, and he handed me my phone. 

"Thank you so much for bringing this back to me! I owe you!" I said bowing at 90 degrees to them.

My body was still in panic mode and I was trying to settle myself back down, but then I realized, Lovelyz was here.

Yein was here. 

Taehyung and I then both looked at the girls, who we saw shivering out in the fall weather. 

It was pretty cold out in Korea, even at this early time of fall. 

"Yah, tell them to come in, they look cold!" Rap Monster said motioning them to come in, he took the words out of our mouths. 

Lovelyz then came in one by one, bowing at each one of us, all our members were in the hallway of the dance studio building. 

The studio was set up with a long hallway with it filtering in to different rooms--practice rooms, recording studios, a kitchen, restrooms, break rooms, and the Big Hit Studio office. 

With each one of them passing I kept searching for Yein.

Then finally at the very end of their line, I saw her and our eyes met and we stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. 

I felt butterflies in my stomach and I broke our gaze, and bowed to her. She stood frozen for a moment, then bowed back.

She passed me and my body went limp, is this what it feels like to have an interest in someone?

I have always been so busy with BTS, I never have thought of having any kind of attraction to a girl but...Yein...Yein, made me feel things.

I followed behind her as she and the rest of Lovelyz looked around our studio in amazement and followed Rap Monster into our practice room.

Yein POV

I heard Rap Monster invite us inside the studio.

I think my heart literally stopped for a moment. 

Part of me was telling me, no, I don't want to go in. The other part was telling me, hurry up, go in faster. 

I slowly came into the studio door and my eyes frantically searched around for Jungkook and I looked to my left and his eyes were frozen on mine.

I didn't know my heart could do acrobatics until I looked into his dark orbs. I took him in--his black sweat pants, his big white T-shirt, and his dark black hair. 

He was so handsome and definitely my type. He looked like such a bad boy. I loved it.

He then bowed to me, and I forgot what I was doing. I froze momentarily and then bowed back.

I past by him and I bit my lip and I could feel my body tensing, I knew he was walking behind me.

Him being that close drove me crazy!

"Welcome, this is our dance studio." Rap Monster said motioning his hands around the room.

All of my members looked around as if this room was super exciting, when it was just a practice room, which we also had. 

The fact that it was BTS' made it exhilarating.

I looked around but then swiftly made it to the other side of the room and faced towards to door, so I wouldn't be so close to Jungkook. 

I feel like if I didn't get away from him, he would hear my heart beat hammering away. 

I would glance at him every now and then while some of my members were talking to some of the other BTS members.

I looked away and got fascinated watching Kei and V flirting with each other and smiled to myself watching them. 

Out of nowhere, I heard a low voice and I looked away from Kei and V and standing right next to me was none other than Jungkook. 


My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, I looked to the floor. 

He titled his head to see what I was doing.

"M-my name is Jungkook, I didn't really introduce myself last time." 

I was still staring at the floor. Then I thought to myself I must look like an ostrich burying my head in the sand.

I jolted back up and he jolted back in surprise from my fast movement.

"Uh-yes, hi..I'm sorry, my name is Yein" I said smiling awkwardly.

He titled his head and smiled a half smile while looking at me. 

I met his gaze innocently. 

"Nice to meet you" he said holding out his hand to shake.

I stared at his hand for a second, all my reflexes have been out of wack ever since I've been in his presence.

Pull yourself together Yein.

I reached out to shake his hand.

His hand was warm and felt very manly.

We kept shaking each other's hand and then I awkwardly wiggled my hand out from his and used it to put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm really awkward" I said putting my hands behind me and looking to the ground. 

He chuckled. It was the most attractive thing I had ever heard. 

He put his hand on his neck, "I am too, it was really hard for me to come talk to you."

My eyes went straight to his and widened like saucers. 

"Not...because...uh..well, there was no one else to talk to, and you were alone and I was alone so I decided to come talk to you" I could tell he was nervous because he was stuttering.

Was that him trying to tell me that he doesn't like me in that way?

Man, I bet he could tell there was some tension between us and he just wanted to come over here to clarify that he's not interested.

Great. Thats just great. I'm a complete fool. 

I started biting my lip, all I wanted to do was just leave now.

"Oh" I said with no emotion. 

He started fidgeting with his fingers. 

"I don't know what I'm trying to say, I'm awkward too. Don't worry." Jungkook said looking around the room, still fidgeting with his fingers.

I giggled to myself a bit, he was so darn cute.

He started giggling with me and we looked into each other's eyes.

Then our giggling stopped as we got engrossed in each other.

"Can we be friends?" he said, his eyes widening, recognizing the awkward air at that moment.

I was still starting into his eyes. 

Then I snapped out of it and looked to the ground, trying to grab my bearings.

"Uh, yes. Yes, of course." I said putting a strand of hair behind my ear once again and looked back up at him. 

"Great. Since I have my phone back, I can give you my number and we can keep in touch" he said unlocking his phone.

My heart was flipping all over the place and I was feeling like I was on cloud nine. 

I was about to trade phone numbers with Jungkook, and he wants us to keep in touch.

I have never been more excited in my life. 

I then gave him my number and then a moment later, I heard a ding from my phone that was in my pocket. 

I pulled it out and it displayed an unknown number.

He looked at it, "thats my number" he said grinning then biting his lip. 

I went to "Save New Contact" then entered under the name "BTS Jungkook"

I knew I would change this name later when he wasn't looking. 





Author's Note: Hey! I'm back! Sorry, I hadn't updated in a while, I was busy with school. But I managed to make some time for this. Thank you to all my new subscribers for subscribing to this story! I hope you enjoy it and continue to give it lots of love. :)

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Update soon please!!
zSecretz #2
Chapter 4: Update soon pls!!!!
jinheeLn #3
Chapter 1: omg I love the way your story expressed their situation and characters . the feels are real! Not like a fanfic but like their real life story. lol. haha l update soon <3
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy and cute^^ Jungkook and Yein fighting!! They look so good together! I approve^^
najwanabilla #5
Chapter 4: outhornime next chapter please ?? im really love ur fanfic . :)
Chapter 4: The way how yein and jungkook replying message each other feels so real. Ah, they're kind of shy type especially jungkook. And Yein is a cool type girl. She is like will be ok if jungkook message her or not.
Chapter 2: Ah, it feels so fluttering. It always be like this when I imagine how will be if BTS meet Lovelyz. Ah, it's another refreshing and fluffy chapter.
Chapter 1: hahaha, well it's so LOL, reading about the girlgroup game. Jungkook's reaction could be so funny, it's so interesting. I'm very curious how about jungkook's hyungs then
eternityexo #9
Chapter 2: Interesting story~! I hope you update soon author-nim! Hehe finally there's a Jungkook and Yein story that I like! Yay!! :D