Meeting New Friends and an Old Acquantence

I Never Thought that I Would Fall for You

While eating there is a banging of footsteps and laughter coming from the apartment above theirs. Sabrina continues to eat but the guys put down their chopsticks and stare at each other for a split second. All of a sudden Kangin gets up and races to the door.

Voice: Hey, open up. We know your there.

Kangin: Go away!

Voice: Hurry

Siwon: (from the living room) Just open the door and let them in

Sabrina: Who is ‘them’?

Siwon: You’ll see

Heechul: Yo, man. How you doing? What’s up?

Kibum: Hey, tried to stop him but it didn’t work.

Hero: Oh, food. (Sits down and starts to eat)

Ryeowook: Hey, that’s mine. Give it back. (Starts to whine) Hyung!

Siwon: You guys are still the same as ever. Kibum, moody and quiet. Hero, hungry and doesn’t care about another person’s food. And Heechul, you still look girly and give the same greeting to everyone.

Heechul: When did your house become so clean? Oh, a girl. (Notices Sabrina and sits down next to her)

Sabrina: (Confused) Hi

Kangin: Who is she?  

Kangin: Siwon’s wife

Hero: (spits out the food and everything lands on Kangin’s face) Wife?! Oh no! Please let me off this once.

Kangin it getting up from the table and walking toward Hero with an angry look on his face. He has his hand stretched out to hit Hero.

Kangin’s hand is about to make contact with Hero’s face but Kibum grabs his arm.

Kibum: Just go wash your face

Kangin: Why do you always protect that guy? After living together with me for more than ten years you still protect him.

Kibum: Because I know that after you start to hit you can’t stop, Mr. Violent

Kangin: Why you!

Sungmin: Shut up will you!

Ryeowook: Why are you both fighting? Don’t fight, please.

Heechul: So she’s your wife, huh?

Siwon: Yes

Kibum: Why didn’t you tell us you were getting married? We could have come you know.

Siwon: We got married in Canada

Hero looks up and looks at Sabrina who is looking at her food. Sabrina looks up and meets Hero’s eyes. And recognition sparks in her eyes.

Sabrina: He...He…Hero?

The others fall silent.

Hero: Sabrina?! Oh, my God. It’s you? How have you been?

Sabrina: I never thought that I would see you again. Wow!

Hero: Even your KKorean has improved. You look different from the last time I saw you.

Hankyung: You know her?

Hero: Ya. Remember how I went to Canada for like three months. Well, there I helped my friends with his Korean classes. At that time she was there, and boy, you should have heard her speak. She would be trying to say “Hello” but it sound so weird.

Sabrina: Hey! At home I spoke English. And then cause of the dramas I watched I wanted to learn.

Siwon just quietly gets up and walks away to the balcony as Sabrina and Hero are engrossed in conversation. Sungmin follows him.

Sungmin: Hey, where are you going?

Siwon: No where. Why?

Sungmin: You jealous that they know each other so well?

Siwon: No

Sungmin: Then why walk away?

Siwon: No particular reason

Sungmin: We’ll I’m going back. You actually like her right?

Sungmin joins the others and Siwon follows after a couple of minutes. He overhears Hero and Sabrina talking, so he stays where he can’t be seen.

Hero: So do you like Siwon? (Sabrina doesn’t answer immediately)

Sabrina: Yes. Why?

Hero: Doesn’t it feel awkward. I mean one day your single and then you’re suddenly married.

Sabrina: Honestly, I guess I feel in love with him when I was little. I didn’t remember much about him until I saw him again. But when I was little I remembered that there was a guy that I liked but I never saw him again. When I saw Siwon at the airport, there was like this sudden recollection of when we were little and how much I loved him back then.

Hero: You really must love him

Sabrina: Ya

Siwon walks away with a smile and Sabrina is still talking with Hero. After some time Hero, Heechul and Kibum leave. The others switch on the television.

Kangin: Sabrina, so how did you meet him again?

Sabrina: Like he said, I attended the classes that his friend held

Ryeowook: So if you didn’t go for those classes you wouldn’t know how to speak Hangul?

Sabrina: Well, I could speak, but it was all broken mixed with English. (Siwon is sitting next to her and is unusually quiet but there is a smug smile on his face) Siwon, are you ok?

Siwon: Huh? I’m fine.

Sabrina: Are you all going to work tomorrow morning?

Kangin: (Glances at the clock) Oh, no I’m going to be late. (Gets up and rushes to the door) Bye everyone

Sabrina: Bye?

Hankyung: He’s a late night radio host. He’s supposed to get there by 10 which is going to be kind of impossible right now

Sabrina: That must be cool. (Yawn) Excuse me. I think that I should go to bed now.

Boys: Night

Sabrina gets up and walks into the bathroom. After a couple of minutes she heads to the room and the guys are still talking.

Hankyung: Hey, Siwon why are you smiling so much

Siwon: Am I?

Sungmin: You’ve been smiling like crazy since the time that you came in from the balcony but at the same time you also have a weird look on your face

Ryeowook: Hyung, what’s going on?

Siwon: Nothing, honestly (Huge smile on his face)

Hankyung: Shouldn’t you get to bed?

Siwon: I will. Anyway good night I’m going to use the bathroom.

Boys: Night!

Siwon walks to the bathroom and the guys give each other smug smiles.

Sungmin: Even though he told us that he married her because he had to I think that he like her

Meanwhile Sabrina is in the bedroom and is starring at the bed. There is only a single bed in the room. Sabrina walks over to the closet and pulls out a blanket and places it on the floor near the door and then grabs a pillow off the bed. Siwon walks into the room and sees the blanket on the floor but doesn’t say anything. Sabrina goes out of the room and the other guys are still in the living room. She smiles at them and walks into the kitchen gets a glass of water and then heads to the room. The guys go into their room. Sabrina looks at the floor for a moment, Siwon comes out and bumps into Sabrina.

Sabrina: Ouch!

Siwon: Sorry

Siwon is on top of Sabrina but they are both frozen and don’t move. The door to the other room opens and the guys are all at the door. When they see the two of them they stop and silently go back to the room.

Sabrina: Uh, Siwon can you get up? You’re kind of crushing me

Siwon: Huh? Oh, sorry

They go back into the room and Sabrina gets onto the blanket. Siwon turns around and sees her on the floor.

Siwon: What are you doing on the floor?

Sabrina: Uh, I just feel like it

Siwon: Get up here. I’m not going to do anything to you

Siwon grabs her hand and gets her onto the bed. He then picks up the blanket and places it on the two of them. Sabrina moves to the edge and does not face Siwon. Siwon likewise is on the far side of the bed and is looking towards the door. Siwon’s rolls over to face her back.

Siwon: Hey, do you remember anything about me when I was little?

Sabrina: (Pause) No. Why?

Siwon: Just curious. I was looking at your pictures of when you were little and you don’t look that different. By the way do you know who took the picture of us when we were little, you know the one when we were kissing.

Sabrina: (Turns over suddenly) You saw my baby pictures? When?

Siwon: I was going through my stuff when you were in the bathroom and found the album your omma gave me

Sabrina: She gave you an album? Where is it? (She starts to get off the bed but Siwon sits up and pulls her back onto the bed) Hey, what are you doing? I want to see the pictures my omma gave you.

Siwon: Don’t worry the album is in the room. I didn’t leave it in the living room. You loved doing the summersaults though. There was a picture of you doing one.

Sabrina: And you said that there were no embarrassing pictures

Siwon: It was cute. Are you sure that you don’t remember anything about me when we were little

Sabrina: Not really. (Yawn) I remember a bit but I… (Falls asleep)

Siwon turns to face Sabrina and sees that she is sleeping smiles to himself and then offs the bed side lamp.

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supergirl92 #1
hehe sorry for not updating for so long. Honestly I kinda ran out of ideas for this story so I have been neglecting it. But now I sorta have some let's see if I can keep updating. Gotta re read everything I wrote though......please wait for me
leeliiy-suju4ever #2
please update!i cant wait!!
Cool, thanks! I will. Thanks for making this story, its really good :)
supergirl92 #4
@shawol-elf he is not the main character but rather a side couple but I will include him more often if you keep commenting ;)
does kibum have a big part in this? Just wondering, I love him, so I kinda wanna know...
supergirl92 #6
@starmonkey! cools finally one reader from toronto lol
starmonkey #7
Love ur story!
Update soon.
Im from Toronto too!!
leeliiy #8
please update !
celestine #9
maybe u should add in actions? like...
she smiled at Siwon, saying '......'
keke is easier to imagine this way~ ^^
leeliiy #10
when are you going to update it again??i like it~