Chapter 4

Of unforseen circumstances

The fans started filling up the hall when it was nearing the scheduled recording time. Each and every fan was holding on to the blue and golden towel as well as Vixx’s official light sticks to cheer them on. Soon, it was full house and the performance was ready to go.

Song Ji was seated near the first row of the seating area where Ravi could easily spot her. The fans starting cheering when the lights dimmed. As it was a prerecorded show, the PD was briefing the offstage and onstage staff on the whole procedure of the performance.


While waiting for the performance to start, Song Ji overheard a conversation of a group of girls sitting behind her.

“Yah, I heard Ravi’s sister is here today!” one of them said. Song Ji was shocked beyond belief as she had never expect fans to know of her presence. She perked her ears up and continued to listen.

“Really? How does she look like?” the other girl asked while looking around.

“She must look average since she looks like Ravi oppa.”

“Ouch. Thank you very much for the comment.” Song Ji thought.

“Hey, how come she’s here? I didn’t see her when we were queuing up.” The girl suddenly mentioned. Song Ji was panicking as she thought that they were talking about her.

“OMG. NO. NOT NOW.” Song Ji prayed.

“Her friend probably queued for her. Oh look they are coming out!” the girl squealed. She let out a long breath as the girls diverted their attention to the stage.


“VIXX, please stand by on stage now.” The stage director announced. It was then when the fans roared into loud screams when the Vixx members went up on stage.

“We’ll be doing the mic check now. Please say something into the mic one by one.” The stage director said again.

“Annyeong!” N cheered. The fans started cheering.

“Annyeonghasaeyo Leo imnida.” Leo said and bowed.

“Byulbit annyeong~~” Ken did an aegyo to satisfy the fans.

“Yo, waddup! Ravi imnida.” Ravi acted cool.

“Annyeong~ annyeong~” Hongbin waved at the audience.

“Ann-“ Hyuk was cut off when the sound system received feedback from the mic. The audience winced at the high pitch screech that was ear piercing.

“Joesonghabnida….joesonghabnida…” Hyuk kept bowing as he felt bad for causing trouble.

“Kwenchana! Kwenchana…” the fans cheered on.

After the mic has been settled, the boys were in their positions waiting for the cue.



“3…2…1! Cue!”

The music started and the fans cheered along to the song. Song Ji was quite surprised by the fact that the fans were so well in synced. It was a spectacular sight compared to the one she saw a few years ago when Vixx was not as popular.

"Ohhh they improved a lot since their debut..." Song Ji thought, feeling impresed. When it was Ravi's turn to rap, Song Ji cheered even louder for her brother.

During the bridge of the song, Ken was singing his part when he spotted Song Ji at the far end of the first row. He sent a wink towards her direction and the fans around her went squealing over him.

“OMG! DID KEN JUST WINKED AT US? I FEEL SO NOW!” the same group of fan girls screamed out loud. Song Ji winced at the sudden outburst and leaned away from them.

“Oh god, can those fans control their hormones for once.” She thought and continue watching the performance.

When the song ended, the guys greeted the fans and had a short chatting session. Suddenly, the girl behind Song Ji started screaming N’s name as if she was trying to catch his attention.


That was when N spotted Song Ji seated in front the girl. He pointed at her and went “OH! ANNYEONG!”. Song Ji, on the other hand, sent N a death glare, not wanting to get into any more trouble. N eventually caught her signal and stuck his tongue out at her. Luckily, the fans were oblivious enough to think that he was entertaining the loud fan. Hyuk was whispering something inaudible to Ravi when he suddenly turned to Song Ji’s direction and starting scanning the audience.

“OH GOD. OH GOD. NO. DON’T DO THAT OPPA.” Song Ji mentally face palmed. Ravi finally spotted her and smiled. He spoke into the mic, “To be honest, my sister is here tonight.” The fans started whispering amongst themselves while some of them started looking around for her.

“THAT’S IT. KIM WON SHIK. YOU ARE DEAD.” Song Ji was fuming mad when he announced her presence.

“She’s somewhere around here but I don’t know where she is.” He added while acting innocent. It wasn’t helping when the girls behind her started getting suspicious of Song Ji since she wasn’t in the queue.

“See I told you his sister was here. I wonder if it’s her.” One of the girls commented not so discreetly.

“Alright, we gotta go now. Thank you guys for coming here to support us. We hope that you will fully support our new song and hope to see you soon! And we would like to thank Ravi’s sister for coming!” N joked.

“Jigeum gachi, Real V! V.I.X.X Vixx imnida! Kamsahamnida!” Vixx greeted and went down the stage.


The fans were slowly dispersing as some wanted to stay back a little to spot Song Ji. However, she was smart enough to sneak out of her seat before anyone saw her. On her way out, she was mentally cursing to herself and thinking of ways to kill Ravi.

“Omg, Ravi’s sister is so lucky! She should be thankful for having a brother like him.” One of the fan girls said.

“Yeah, I would thank him for ruining my life.”

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