newfound friendships

A Little Crazy

Mingyu only gave Dino a look of confusion. "What are you saying now, so early in the morning?" He rubbed his eyes.

Seulmi was sitting right in front of his stomach, and he felt a bit surprised. Why is she so close to me? I remember her falling asleep on my lap but that's it....

"Look at Wonwoo hyung's face," The8 whispered innocently in Mingyu's ear. Mingyu blinked a couple of times and looked at Wonwoo. He didn't look upset at all. In fact, he wasn't even looking at Mingyu. Following his line of sight, he was staring at Seulmi. 

"So... what is that supposed to mean?" Mingyu asked, clueless. 

"You were cuddling all night with Seulmi, and I think Wonwoo knows." Jun nodded as he watched the exchange. 

Mingyu had to process what he had just heard. "I uh... wait, what? I was cuddling with Seulmi?" Seulmi finally turned to look at him after he said her name. Her face was a little bit flushed, a bright pink color. But she didn't say anything. She simply stood up and sat down closer to Jimin, trying to get her to wake up. 

"Jimin, wake up." 

"Five more minutes, mom...." Jimin mumbled in her sleep. 

"Yah." Seulmi said softly while trying to shake her again. Eventually Jimin came to her senses and observed her surroundings. "Morning Seul. Morning everyone else who's awake right now," She mumbled as she yawned and stretched her arms. 

Surprisingly, the ones awake chirped a cheerful goodmorning, even though it looked like Wonwoo was about to kill Mingyu about 2 minutes earlier. Although, Seulmi still didn't really know why. 

"Come on let's go to my room and sleep, it's only 5am. I would still be sleeping if I wasn't awakened by those whispering birdies over there," she smirked at Dino, The8, and Jun with a small but tired smile. 

"And I'd still be cuddling with you if they hadn't woken you up.." Mingyu muttered to himself, but inaudibly. Only Dino had heard what he said. "Just sleep down here Noona, we promise we won't wake you up again." The8 smiled. 

"Yeah, let's just stay down here Seul. I don't feel like trudging up the stairs right now...." She mumbled as she laid back down on the couch. Seulmi rolled her eyes and could feel sleep coming over her again. "Fine. But scoot over, I am not going anywhere near prince charming over there," She frowned. 

Mingyu pouted, but then shrugged and laid back down himself. The other 3 went back to their respective spots and laid back down, silence overcoming the room again. All you could hear was heavy breathing and light snoring coming from Jongyul. Seulmi settled next to Jimin when she spotted Wonwoo sitting still in his spot, glancing out the window, looking at the overcast skies. She looked at him for a couple of minutes, and he sat there, unmoving. Jimin had already fallen back asleep, and it seemed that the other 4 boys had too. How do they even fall asleep that fast?

Seulmi decided to strike up conversation with Wonwoo. He hadn't really said a word since the whole 'Mingyu is taking my woman' thing. She stretched her leg far enough to hit Wonwoo's foot and he immediately snapped out of his daze and stared at Seulmi. 

"Hi," she grinned. 

He looked at her for a moment. "Hey." 

Silence filled the room once again, Wonwoo still staring at Seulmi, and Seulmi trying to keep eye contact with him without feeling flustered. "Can't sleep?" 

Wonwoo nodded. "Once I'm woken up I usually can't go back to sleep unless I'm extremely tired." 

"Ah," Seulmi nodded. She didn't really know what else to say, and she felt a little out of place. "You weren't..... you weren't really mad that I accidentally cuddled with Mingyu right? Total accident." She chuckled, and tried to shut herself up. The thought of Jeon Wonwoo being jealous over someone he just met, made no sense to her. He couldn't possibly be serious when he said what he said earlier. 

He pursed his lips and gave her a small smile, shaking his head. "Nah of course not. I mean not that I think you're not lovely or anything, but Mingyu cuddles with anyone that's close enough to him, so I understand. He even cuddled with me once." 

Seulmi couldn't help but giggle. She clamped her hand over and Wonwoo chuckled at how she was trying to keep herself quiet. 

"Good," she stated. "I would hate to break up the meanie couple." 

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "Everyone says that."

Seulmi put her hands up in defense. "Hey, I simply read what the fans post." Wonwoo smirked. "You are a fan."

Seulmi nodded. "Hm, touche. Go back to sleep Wonwoo." He gave her a small smile. "I'll make sure I dream of you, Seulmi." He winked. Seulmi jsut scoffed and laid back down, gaining warmth from the blanket, and slowly drifting back to sleep. 



Everyone in the house groaned and began to wake up when the doorbell rang througout the house multiple times. "Ugh, who's here so early in the morning?" Jongyul said as he hid his face in his blanket. "Go away!" 

Seulmi rolled over and reached for her phone, glancing at the time. "Oh my gosh it's already 11am." She groaned. 

"WAIT WHAT?!" S. Coups shot up from where he was lying and checked his phone too. "Oh no, 23 missed calls from manager hyung. We have a schedule today! EVERYONE UP NOW!" 

Sungcheol's voice rang throughout the room and everyone jolted up, some getting extremely lightheaded. "God what are you yelling about now hyung?" DK rubbed the back of his head and stretched. 

"It is 11am! We have a recording to get to in 30 minutes! Up! Now!" Sungcheol threw the blankets off of all the boys and ran around like a madman. Jongyul stayed put, not affected at all by the boy's yelling. In fact, he tried to cover his ears to block out the yelling. Seulmi and Jimin were sitting up, watching the boys practically go crazy as the folded their blankets and tossed them away. 

"Yeah hyung, we're on our way out." Sungcheol spoke into the phone. As soon as he hung up he turned to Jongyul, who seemed to have fallen back asleep already. He then turned to Seulmi and Jimin who were mindlessly staring at the chaos of boys ensuing before them. 

"Hey, thank you so much for making us dinner last night, and uh, letting us crash here. We were pretty tired." Seulmi only nodded and gave him a smile. "It's no problem. It was definitely a first to have idols in my house, even considering my brother meets so many. I should be thanking you I guess." 

"Bye Seulmi noona and Jimin noona! I promise we will hang out again soon!" Dino hopped up and down as he ran over and hugged them. Jimin and Seulmi giggled and hugged him back. He was way to adorable for his own good. "I will hold you to that promise, Chan."

He nodded vigorously and headed out of the room. All 13 boys waved and blew small kisses at them before exiting. Joshua gave Jimin a particular smile as he walked out. She smiled back and hoped she'd be able to see them all again soon. 

Mingyu and Wonwoo were the last ones out. Wonwoo's arm was around Mingyu's shoulder as they walked out, still looking sleepy. They both turned to the two girls at the same time, and beamed at them. Seulmi smiled and waved enthusiastically, mouthing 'meanie couple' to them before they walked out. They were all gone now, the only sound in the room was Jongyul's snoring. 

"God that boy could sleep for days," Seulmi rolled her eyes. 

Jimin sat quietly and stared at the door for a while. Seulmi took notice of her action and hugged her. "Don't worry. At least they know us now, we're bound to talk to them again soon. Joshua is bound to be in your arms by next year." She teased. 

"They're idols though, this is like a one time thing. I'm overthinking. I watch too many dramas.." She said as she laid back down.

Seulmi sighed. "Well I believe in Chan," she said with an affirmative tone. "He promised he'd see us again, so I believe him." Jimin nodded. "Yeah, they were really great company. I miss our three little 'babies' already." Seulmi giggled when she realized Jimin was referring to Dino, The8, and Jun.

"Yeah, I miss them too." She quickly bounded to the window to see their vans driving off to wherever they had to go.

"Yup, see you guys soon.." She spoke to herself. 

Maybe it was just optimistic thinking.

But Seulmi, Jongyul and Jimin didn't see them again for a while.

A/N: Lol guys I didn't mean to leave it so mysterious here at the end but it had to happen.
What will become of this newfound friendship with the boys of SEVENTEEN? They are 
idols after all.... Being friends with fans might be a little difficult in their world, don't

Lol jk. THANKS SO MUCH for 31 subscibers I love all of you, and please leave comments,
I love the 3 that have been left so far haha.




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neonfluffyunicorns #1
neonfluffyunicorns #2
Chapter 9: ..... names are confusing me... o_o hmmmm i love it tho pls continue writing good chapters!