a very interesting visit

A Little Crazy

The boys in the van pulled up to quite a large house. It was no mansion, but it wasn't an average home either.

The yard of the house was quite large, with a fountain and evident amounts of gardening all over. There were three brick pathways, one in the middle leading to the front of the house, and the other two leading to what they assumed to be a backyard. As soon as all of the boys stepped out of their vans, the air was filled with sounds of awe and admiration.

"Wow. Can we live here?! This is way better than the tiny dorm we live in!" Hoshi stated as he ran through the yard like a six year old. 

"Oh my god. How many bathrooms do you guys have?" Dino asked excitedly. Seulmi, Jimin, and Jongyul had just gotten out of Jongyul's car and were now staring at the boys with amusement. 

"Uh, like 5?" 

More groans were heard as Jongyul scratched his head in confusion. "Why do you want to know how many bathrooms we have?" S. Coups trudged up to him with a sad look in his eyes. "Hyung. It hurts me to say this, but we...." He gasped for air and gave a dramatic sob. "We only have one bathroom in our dorms."

The rest of the boys shook their heads in equal dissatisfaction. "It's horrible. Do you know how long I have to wait to go to the bathroom if I don't get there first?" Woozi frowned. 

Seulmi scoffed while Jimin giggled at how dramatic they were being. "You guys have probably gotten used to it though, so no big deal, right?" 

"You don't know what it's like to live with these animals!" Seungkwan stated dramatically. "Don't tell me it's no big deal!" 

"Seungkwan, are you kidding me? You're the messiest one here!" Jeonghan smacked him on the back of his head. Seungkwan winced and rubbed the spot on his head that Jeonghan had hit so forcefully. "Geez, you don't have to be mean, I just wanted to be dramatic." 

"You're always dramatic, especially about food." The8 gave him a side frown and shook his head. 

"You're all so mean." Seungkwan said with a little bit of sass. 

Man, these guys liked to tease each other a lot. Seulmi turned to Jimin, about to pull her inside to start making dinner, when she noticed that her gaze was somewhat far off. She followed Jimin's line of sight to see that she was staring at Joshua laughing at how dumb Seungkwan was acting. She smirked to herself. 


"Huh? Oh, what? Sorry, what?" She jerked out of her state. Seulmi giggled. "I see the way you look at Joshua." 

Jimin leaned over and whispered in Seulmi's ear. "I'm whispering because I don't want Jeonghan to hear, but Joshua looks like he came straight from the angels above. I think the world has been blessed." Seulmi tried hard to stifle her laughter, realizing that Jimin was being completely serious. "You know, I saw that kiss earlier." 

Jimin immediately turned bright red and frowned. "W-w-what kiss?" 

"Oh calm down would you? I'm your best friend, I'm obviously so excited that that happened, even if it wasn't really on purpose." 

Jimin shook her head feverently. "No way, I'm going to forget that moment, it was a total mistake and Joshua probably forgot all about it!" Seulmi raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to forget that moment? Joshua's lips, literally made contact with your lips. Who would want to forget that?!" Seulmi whispered in a hushed tone. Jimin stopped her foot. 

"Ugh! Let me sort out my crazy life right now, I'm 99.9% sure I'm dreaming right now." 

All 13 boys were still interacting with each other, teasing and play fighting. Even Jongyul was joining in on the fun. Seulmi took this as her chance to slip inside and start dinner before anyone could complain that they were hungry and that she should hurry up. 

They took the back entrance to the house, so no one would notice that they left. As soon as they got to the kitchen, they got to work. "I was planning on making nicer dinner before those hooligans were coming over but I have all the ingridients for stir-fried kimchi here, so here we go." 

25 minutes had passed and Seulmi was halfway done cooking so much food. Thirteen boys were a lot of mouths to feed, and she had to think about Jimin and Jongyul too. She heard the front door open and Jimin frantically tried to look not as messy with all the food she got on her apron. 

"Finally. They really know who to occupy themselves. It's been like half an hour since we left them outside." 

"Boys will be boys," Jimin retorted. 


"I bet noona already started cooking! Smells delicious."

"Holy crap, is this bathroom number one? Can I see all the other bathrooms??"

"Is this a family portrait, noona looks so pretty!!"


"Oh, you look good too, hyung."

"You guys are so loud I'm leaving. Go explore your bathrooms." 

Seulmi rolled her eyes when she heard all of their comments. Man they were a spastic group of boys. 

"Jimin, will you grab the serving bowl for me please? I need to put the food in to put out on the table." Jimin ran over to the cabinet. "Yes ma'am." 

"And set the table for.... holy crap 16 people are eating and that seems like a lot more than when I first thought about it. I guess we have to use our bigger dining hall. Will you set the plates there please?" 

"Don't worry, I got it." Jimin saluted and gave Seulmi the bowl before walking out to the dining hall to set up all the plates. 

"Thanks Jimin!" She called out before returning her attention to the stir-fried kimchi and bulgogi. She held the pan and flipped the meat using one hand, and used her other hand to mix the kimchi together. She could hear the boys getting closer and closer to the kitchen. 

"Hmmmmm." Seulmi needed the bulgogi sauce that was sitting on the counter right next to her, but she didn't want to call Jimin to grab it for her. "Okay...." 

She lifted her foot to see if she could scoot it a little closer. "Almost..... there....." she stuck her tongue out as she stuck out her foot as far as she could to try and reach the sauce without dropping the pans. 

"Mmm, GOT I-" She managed to reach the sauce but a little bit of the bulgogi she was cooking slipped out of the pan and landed on her wrist. "!" She dropped the pan on the stove as gently as she could in her state and stared at the burn. 

A figure ran over and quickly wrapped her wrist in a cold paper towel. "Ouch... thanks Jimin I-" She looked up, expecting Jimin to be there crouching beside her, but was completely thrown off guard when she was met with an extremely handsome face. "....Mingyu-shii..." 

His eyes were full of concern and Seulmi quickly snapped out of it. "Oh, I uh, yeah I'm okay. I was just trying to multitask while Jimin went to go set up the plates. Not a good idea." Seulmi tried to stand up but Mingyu lightly grabbed her uninjured arm and pulled her towards the fridge. 

"Wait, you should put ice on that." He tried to figure out how the refridgerator worked while she stared at him, kind of dumbfounded more than anything. 

First of all, his voice was deep. Like deep. And second of all, when did he even come into the kitchen? 

That would be so embarassing if he was watching me the whole time. I probably looked really stupid. 

"Seulmi?" She was brought out of her thoughts when MIngyu called her name, and he was giving her a cheeky/embarassed grin. His smile is to die for. Ugh. 


"How do you get ice out of your fridge?"

Seulmi blinked a couple of times before realizing what he said. She then proceeded to burst out in complete laughter. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. Jongyul bought that fridge like 2 months ago because it was 'the latest model' and it took us all this time to even learn how to use the programming on the outside." 

Mingyu raised an eyebrow, looking very amused. "Jongyul is a big spender, huh?" 

"More than you could even imagine. He spends more money than me every month." She scoffed. She pressed an assortment of buttons before ice finally poured out. Mingyu looked a lot more than confused. "So why exactly did your brother want this fridge?" 

She rolled her eyes as she took the ice out of the bin. "He just wants to be updated on everything and anything. Such a nerd when it comes to new technology, I swear." Mingyu nodded his head in understanding. Seulmi began to put the ice in a ziploc bag, but Mingyu quickly stopped her. "No wait, let me do it." 

"Mingyu I'm f-" The ziploc was taken out of her hands, and Mingyu proceeded to to it for her. "or... that's okay too." She smiled softly. 

Damn it. Who ever thought I would be in my kitchen with an idol who's trying to take care of me. She blew a piece of hair out of her face. Seriously, of all things that could happen, how did idols end up at her home? Her brother had met almost every idol group out there, but even this was a first. She was genuinely surprised when Jongyul let SEVENTEEN come over so generously. 

"There. All done." Mingyu said as he lightly pat the ziploc he had taped to her wrist." Seulmi giggled. "It looks like I carry a sack of ice around with me just because I love ice that much." 

"That's possible," Mingyu smiled at the way Seulmi laughed over something so little. He loved her smile. 


Mingyu and Seulmi both turned to each other with wide eyes. "Uh oh, here comes your favorite." Mingyu teased.

Seulmi smiled. "I don't know what you mean though..? Chan is my favorite." She simply stated as she walked passed Mingyu towards the door of the kitchen. Before she left to go find Dino, she turned around to face him. "Thanks for wrapping up my burn, you saved me." She winked and left the kitchen with that.

Mingyu didn't have a chance to say another word before she was out of the room. "What is happening...." He said quietly to himself as he smacked his forehead multiple times. 

"Seulmi! I'm done setting th- oh. Hi Mingyu-shii, what are you doing here? And where's Seulmi?" Jimin asked as she walked over to a drawer to grab some more utencils.

"She just left, I just wandered into the kitchen when I was following the scent of food." He chuckled. "Uh, do you need help setting the table?" 

"Nah, I'm almost done. But thank you." Jimin smiled and waved, exiting the kitchen. 

Mingyu nodded and waved, and he was alone in the kitchen once again. "Noona! Dino won't stop bugging me!" He heard The8 yell. He shook his head and left the kitchen, following the noise all the way to the living room where everyone, minus Jimin were standing around. 

"Chan, please stop bugging him. Go bug someone that's actually annoying. Like S. Coups over there." Seulmi chuckled. S.Coups gave her and offended look. "What did I do??" 

"Heh, I'm just kidding. Dinner will be soon, I'll just go grab the food and we can all go eat in the dining room. I'll call you guys when it's ready." 

"Okay!" All of them, including Jongyul nodded. Man this boy was too lazy for his own good. Seulmi rolled her eyes and walked back towards the kitchen. Before she reached the door, Joshua caught up to her. "Hey, Seulmi. Where's Jimin?" Half of Seulmi wanted to scream in excitement because Joshua was asking for Jimin and she would be so excited. But she remained calm and answered him. "I think she's still setting up the plates and utensils in the dining room. She's been there a while, do you think you could go see if she needs any help?" 

Joshua gave her a gentle smile and nodded. "Of course. Where's the dining room?" 

"Right this way." Seulmi pushed the door open and directed him towards the dining room and seperated from him to go to the kitchen. 



Joshua came into the huge dining room to see Jimin sticking out her tongue and fixing the utensils very nicely. He watched as she set them down one by one, trying to make them look as neat as possible. 

"Hey, you don't have to do that. Knowing these guys, they won't even see how nicely you've tried to make this look for them." Jimin looked up from the plate to see Joshua standing there, leaning against the wall with his left arm. She really wanted to say something, anything, but words wouldn't come out of . 

No way. This is a dream. Joshua is not standing in front of me, smiling at me like the angel he is. I'm definitely dreaming. 

"Do you need help? You have to set a lot of plates." 

"Oh, no. I'm ok, thank you though, Joshua." She blinked a couple of times. "Is it okay if I call you Joshua? Or do you prefer Jisoo...?" She bit her lip. Joshua wanted to touch her face just because she looked so cute as she tried to focus.

"You already call me Joshua, and I prefer that name, so it's perfect." He grinned. 

"Okay!" She chirped. She didn't seem shy at all now. "You don't have to help me set up, I'm almost done anyways." Joshua looked around the table to see that she was setting plates that looked like fine China. "I'll be right back." He slipped out of the dining room and into the kitchen, where Seulmi was currently trying to pour the food into a serving bowl. "Hey Seulmi, do you have any paper plates?" 

Seulmi answered him without even looking back. "Hm, I think so. Look in the pantry, Jongyul has a bag full of them when he's too lazy to use an actual plate because he doesn't want to wash it." She shook her head. He chuckled at ther comment. "Okay, thanks." He opened the pantry and found the paper plates sitting in the corner. "Got them, thanks." 


Joshua returned to the dining room and began collecting all the fine China plates. Jimin looked at him like he murdered someone. "What are you doing? It took me so long to set these up so nicely!" 

Joshua chuckled and looked at her. "I know, but trust me. We may be idols, but we are really messy. We don't eat on fine china. We never have. Paper plates are good enough for us and we don't want to make you guys wash too many dishes afterwards." 

Jimin's mouth formed into a shape of an 'o' and she nodded, slowly collecting all the plates. "I appreciate that you wanted to make everything so nice for us." Joshua spoke. "You don't have to do that for us. We're just normal guys." 

Jimin lightly scoffed. "You guys are anything but normal! You debuted 4 months ago, yet you're loved by a lot of people, and you have more fans than I can even imagine!" She looked Joshua in the eyes for a quick moment before returning to picking up the plates.

"I know we're normal guys, no matter how popular we get in this industry." Jimin didn't say anything and continued gathering the plates and utensils, Joshua following her and replacing each plate she took with a paper plate. 

"Wanna know why I insist we're normal, and not idols?" 

"Enlighten me." Jimin said, not looking at him.

"Normal guys are allowed to tell their crush they're beautiful, and like them, and want to be around them all the time.." Joshua spoke slowly. "I'm a normal guy because I think I'm at the beginning of that process." He could hear Jimin take a soft, but sharp breath and she looked at him. 

"... You're not talking about m-" 

"DINNER!" Seulmi came into the room with two large bowls full of food in her hands. In 5 seconds flat, 14 boys came running in, taking their seats and staring at the food in awe. 

"Awesome! You're the best Seulmi!" Hoshi gave her a thumbs up. They all started digging in, while Jimin was still gaping at what Joshua had said. 

"Aren't you guys gonna sit down and eat? Sit next to each other, here." Seulmi pulled out a chair for the both of them. "Yeah, thanks." Joshua smiled. He looked over at Jimin who sat down slowly next to him, and she still looked a little shocked. 

"Seulmi, sit here." Mingyu waved her over. She smiled and walked over, but Wonwoo suddenly took her seat. "Nope, I always sit next to Mingyu, but you can sit next to me Seulmi." Wonwoo beamed. 

Seulmi laughed and sat down next to Wonwoo. "Thanks, Wonwoo." He smiled at her and put some food on her plate. Seulmi saw Wonwoo bite down on his lip, out of the corner of her eye. He also jerked his hand a little, causing a little bit of food to land on her shirt and pants. Wonwoo kicked Mingyu right back and quickly apologized to Seulmi multiple times. 

"It's ok, I should probably go change this anyways, it smells like kimchi and bulgogi." She got up from the table and left to go change. 

Wonwoo eyed Mingyu. "What was that for?" 

"I wanted Seulmi to sit next to me." 

"Obviously I got the upperhand." 

"Shut it, Wonwoo." 

"Guys I know Seulmi is beautiful and you probably like her, I mean I love her too, but can you quiet down so I can eat? Thanks." Jeonghan gave them a polite smile. 


"Quiet," Jeonghan began to peacefully eat his bulgogi. 



"Hmm what to wear, what to wear..." Seulmi hummed to herself as she took off her shirt. "Damn it all my jeans are dirty." She went through her closet, but the only clean clothes she had left were skirts and dresses. 

She didn't want everyone to think she dressed up just because they were at her house having dinner. But she didn't really have another choice. "Ooook. Dress it is then." She frowned. She hoped Jongyul wouldn't say anything about her wearing something so 'fancy.' It was just a casual dress after all. 

Seulmi pulled it on and ran back downstairs, not bothering to touch up her makeup or hair, she looked fine as it is. 

She pushed open the door to the dining room and sat back down in her seat, not realizing that the room had become a lot more quiet after she walked in. She began to eat her food, but looked up when she realized that half of the boys were staring at her. somewhat full, she uttered, "What? Is there something on my face?"

Jongyul finally spoke. "Seulmi, who are you trying to dress up for?...." Her brother gave her a questioning glare before eyeing the other boys.


Oh brother. 

A/N: WOW DOUBLE UPDATE! And this was a pretty long chapter, I'd say. 

Hehe I love focusing on Jimin and Joshua just as much as I do with Seulmi and Mingyu and Wonwoo. 
I hope you guys are liking the story so far! What do you think is gonna happen next? 
Like I said before (I think) I'm really trying to narrow down, so please bear with me, lol. 

If you guys haven't checked out my youtube channel, please do. I do KPOP reactions and other cool stuff so
please subscribe!


Love you guys!!

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neonfluffyunicorns #1
neonfluffyunicorns #2
Chapter 9: ..... names are confusing me... o_o hmmmm i love it tho pls continue writing good chapters!