

    Jihoon sighed loudly as the bell that signalled the end of second period rang. His classmates and teachers quickly filed out of the room, but he stayed glued in his seat. Slowly he slid down until his head rested against the back of his chair, and he reached a hand to ruffle his newly-dyed hair. From what he’d seen, so far his new appearance and ridiculously uncomfortable clothes weren’t getting to Seungcheol. Sure, he’d reacted when Jihoon first talked to him, but now there was nothing. He hadn’t even seen the boy since he ran out of homeroom. In fact, he hadn’t seen Hansol or Seungkwan either. With his luck, they were all conspiring against him.


    Sighing again, he finally sat up and gathered together his books. As he was standing to leave, a young girl, he recognized her as a freshman Chan had mentioned briefly, stuck her head in the room.


    “You’re Lee Jihoon, right?” She asked softly, just loud enough for Jihoon to her.


    Jihoon nodded, “Yeah. Why?”


    “I think there’s someone out here looking for you. It seems pretty urgent, you may want to hurry.”


    Jihoon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he leaned past the girl to look into the hallway regardless. To his surprise, it was Seungcheol running around the hall. He looked between the groups scattered around almost frantically. The older locked eyes with Jihoon almost immediately, and quickly crossed the hallway. He grabbed Jihoon’s arm lightly, a stark comparison to how desperate he was acting, and pulled him back into the classroom, closing the door behind him. Frowning, Jihoon pulled his wrist free and crossed his arms instead, raising an eyebrow as Seungcheol silently stared at him. With his hair sticking up and clothing rumpled, the older looked like a mess.


    “I need to talk to you.” Seungcheol finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity of silence had passed. He was still breathing heavily, and his cheeks were pink, but spoke firmly.


    “Can’t it wait until after school? I sort of have somewhere to be.” Jihoon turned to leave, but a hand captured his wrist once again. He sighed and turned back to Seungcheol, who’s fingers stayed wrapped around his wrist.


    “No. It can’t actually.”


    Jihoon was taken aback by that, but he continued to stare back at Seungcheol calmly. It was sort of a shock to him, honestly, that he was able to act relatively normal around the older. Only yesterday he would’ve felt like crying at the mention, or thought, of him. Maybe he was better at this whole acting thing than he thought.


    “What is it then?” He finally responded when Seungcheol continued to only stare at him.


    “I-” Seungcheol paused, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. Years of sly comments and daydreaming should have helped him in this moment. He knew how Jihoon would react to anything and everything, the things he liked and the things he hated. But now he felt completely in the dark. There was nothing that could’ve prepared him for how scared he was of Jihoon’s response and how badly he wanted him to say yes. Seungcheol took a deep breath, his fingers relaxing slightly around the younger’s wrist, thumb softly rubbing over the skin there. Jihoon continued staring at him, but his expression slowly softened. The anger in his eyes had almost completely melted away, and that gave Seungcheol the power to continue.


    “I know that I am the biggest idiot in the entire world, but I promise you that everything that I’ve done is because I thought it would be the best for you. Dating Doyoon,” He frowned at how the younger’s jaw locked at the mention of Doyoon, but continued anyway, “Was because I didn’t want to hold you down, I didn’t want you to have to deal with me, I needed to get over you. Because, truth is, I am so extremely in love with you, Lee Jihoon. Have been, ever since we met. And I’m so sorry that I put you through all of that bull, but I’d never take it back. Because it just made me realize how ridiculously, head-over-heels in love with you I am.” He finished with a smile, but it quickly faded and he dropped the younger’s hand, “So that’s it. I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I needed you to know that.”


    Jihoon stayed motionless in front of him, continuing to stare at Seungcheol with an emotionless face. Seungcheol could feel his heart slowly crumbling as no response came, he should’ve thought more before he randomly proclaimed his love for Jihoon. It obviously put the younger in an awkward position, especially if he didn’t feel the same for Seungcheol. The dark-haired boy sighed softly, this was definitely a bad move.


    “You’re not on anything right now, right?” Jihoon’s quiet voice broke through Seungcheol’s thoughts.




    “Are you on anything right now?” Jihoon repeated, his voice getting stronger, “Drugs? Maybe you’re just drunk? Because I swear to God you just said that you loved me.”


    “No, no, Jihoon, I’m not-”


    “Am I on something?” Jihoon muttered to himself, his eyebrows furrowing, “Or maybe I’m dreaming. , I’m going crazy aren’t I?”


    Seungcheol wanted to laugh, but poor Jihoon really did look confused, “No, Ji. You’re not dreaming, or going crazy, and neither of us are doing any drugs, Jisoo would kill us. But I really did say that I love you and I really mean it so if you could give me an answer I’d really appreciate that, because I’m starting to feel kinda sick-”


    Jihoon quickly moved forward, cutting of Seungcheol yet again as their lips crashed together. Seungcheol’s eyes widened, startled by the quick move, but he relaxed quickly as Jihoon’s arms wound around his neck, fingers tangling in his hairline. The older smiled into the kiss. Finally, finally, he was kissing Jihoon, something he had daydreamed of millions of times since he met the younger. And it was so much better than he could ever imagine. Jihoon’s lips were soft and warm and, as cliché as it was, fit so perfectly together with his.


    Too soon, though, the younger pulled away. Seungcheol was only granted a peak at a blushing face before Jihoon hid it in the crook of Seungcheol’s neck. He smiled at the feeling of Jihoon’s breath blowing across his collarbones, his mind replaying the past minute over and over.


    “So can I take that as an ‘I love you too’?” Seungcheol finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over the pair.


    Jihoon chuckled, “I think that would be okay.”


    “ing finally.” A voice sounded from the doorway. Jihoon’s head whipped around to where the owner of the voice stood. Seungkwan leaned against the doorway, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Hansol stood beside him, an arm around Seungkwan and a smug grin on his face. Jeonghan and Jisoo were behind the couple, Jeonghan looked ridiculously pleased while Jisoo looked extremely uncomfortable. Seungcheol could almost feel the embarrassment radiating off of Jihoon.


    “H-how long have you guys been there?” Seungcheol almost squealed at how cute Jihoon sounded when he was embarrassed.


    “Long enough to enjoy the show.” Seungkwan replied, turning to glare at Jeonghan when the older smacked his arm.


    “For the record,” Jisoo chimed in as his boyfriend and Seungkwan started to bicker, “This was all Seungkwan’s idea and I did not want to be here.”


    “Hey! Don’t throw me under the bus!”


    Jihoon groaned as the small group started to bicker, turning back to Seungcheol and burying his face once again in the older’s shoulder. Seungcheol only laughed, wrapping his arms around the red-faced boy and pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head. God, was he thankful for his nosy friends.


A/N: omg I can't believe it's over!! I know it was a bit of a fast-paced fic, but that's what I wanted for it and I hope it worked out well!! Thank you all so so much for all of the love and support you have given this fic. As I'm typing this out, it has 23 votes, 351 subscribers, 4780 views, 79 comments, and I've even seen it recommended a few times. Honestly I am so extremely amazed by that. I never expected that people would actually love this story, or just my writing in general, but here we are. Every view, or vote, or comment has inspired me and made me so happy.

As promised, I'm working on another jicheol fic. I'll be uploading the first chapter within a few weeks. But for now, you can check out the foreword and such here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1067690

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Momobun #1
Chapter 8: Wow how precious :) I'm so happy that it worked out in the end!!
BLoved_97 #2
Chapter 8: I ship DoCheol but JiCheol is life adghkxdnshjakjxn TTwTT <3
Chapter 8: That last chapter reminds me of Got7's "Confession Song" xD <3
He17oAlice #4
Chapter 8: This was all so cute omg I really enjoyed it. Confession scene is so precious~ I absolutely loved Jihoon in this story! ^^ Thanks for the story! ♡
Thank you so much for providing us this cute story! I love it and enjoy reading this so much <3
Gonna anticipate your new jicheol as well as the coffee shop!au ;;;
Chapter 8: Aww ing finally they are officially together now. Omg asdfghjkl i love this fics so much >< and i've read ur new fics too and looking forward to it <3
Chapter 8: Aww ing finally they are officially together now. Omg asdfghjkl i love this fics so much >< and i've read ur new fics too and looking forward to it <3
swagonmeh #9
Chapter 8: Ohmy jihoon is so cute. What a cutie pie. Aww seuncholliee
JulyChans #10
Chapter 8: The story not this as completed and i never thought that this would be the end, ¡OMG! everything was so cute, i loved, thank you :3