Before the shock

Before the shock

Kikwang’s POV


I walk through the halls of my new school. This was the 5th time I’ve had to move this month. People keep finding out about my other half, get scared and run. Seriously was my other side that scary? I thought as I walked through the door of my first class.


I sat down in an empty seat at the back, resting my head on the desk. I felt the chair next to me move, I peaked to see who sat down and the sight was breath taking. A beautiful girl with long brown hair and glimmering brown eyes stared down through her glasses at me with a heart melting smile on her face. Umma, I think I’m in love.


She spoke to me but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. I was to mesmerized by her angelic face.


Katrina’s POV


I was trying to talk to the new guy, who might I say was totally HOT! , but he didn’t say word when I asked for his name. Seriously what’s up with this guy but he did have the most beautiful eyes and his hair is very y. Omo, I think I like this guy.


Kikwang’s POV


When the teacher walked in I finally snapped out of my trance. I wish he hadn’t though because I hate science. I felt a tap on my shoulder and dared to turn to my left, she was smiling at me again.


“Hi my name’s Katrina. What’s your name?” she asked


My breath caught in my throat when I heard her voice and I couldn’t respond straight away.


“K-K-Kikwang. Lee Kikwang.” I stuttered


She giggled at my stuttering and replied,


“It’s nice to meet you, Kikwang-sshi”


“Call me oppa” I said without thinking.


Katrina’s POV


“Call me oppa” he said


I froze. Oppa? But but that is so embarrassing >.<


“Ok, O-o-oppa?” Damn. I stuttered


Kikwang’s POV


Oh my goddess! She is so cute...I leaned out to make my move-

“-and that is how you shock a fish.”

Oh crap.


Katrina POV


I watched as his body started to inflate, hair was coming out of every part of his body and he’s purring? What is he? A cat?


Then he leaped out zi window.


I turned to see what the other students were thinking.

Key and Tara were laughing and smiling together, Chansung was eating bananas, while playing charades with Dongho, Emily and Minho, Jaebeom was break dancing to a drooling Jasmine, Jaejoong was making Hannah hold a mirror while he admired himself, Sarah. Taemin were sleeping (>_<), Onew was eating chicken, Taecyeon was grinning cheesily, Michael Jackson and Yunho were moon walking away, Sarah and Jonghyun were bungee jumping off zi school roof and Kevin was mermaid-ing, Eli was impersonating zi pigeons, Nichkhun and Victoria were being all lovey-dovey and Aj( not kikwang, a non-kpop star person) was admiring his flower collection, The rest of 2pm were singing karaoke in cat suits xD, GD and CL were having a rap battle, Yoona was crying over a broken nail, Bom was eating corn in a corner*note ß-WE LOVE THIS CLASS xD* *yah there are 2 mes xD*



....I should have known they weren’t paying attention ==


I stared at zi window after Kikwang.


... I think i’m in love

I ran after him, catching up to his beastly normal body. He turned around with a sweet smile on his face, his hand inches from mine and then-




I picked myself up from the floor....wait....THE FLOOR? WHERE WAS KIKWANG???




                                                                    ZI END 


What do you think? Awesome right?  xD hahahaha


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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 1: Aww.. I tot They are gonna kiss ><
m0zarts0nata-- #3
very sweet~
haha.. very cute...
A crack-fic? lol can't wait!! I love Ki Kwang!! But Jun Hyung is my ultimate bias haha~