The Collision


Morgan never wanted to move. All she wanted in life was to go to The Manhattan School of Arts but her mom thought differently.

Now stuck in Seoul, South Korea for a year for school, all she wants to do is just get it over with. But when she collides with a man running from a hoard of fans one night, that all changes. Through a tornado of events, she ends up with Park Chanyeol of Exo's phone and finds herself Exo's new personal assistant. 

How will it turn out?

Read and you will find out.




****cover created by Dreamingxoxo at Berceuse Graphics****


This is my first fanfiction. It might take a little while and please excuse my lack of knowledge in Korean culture. But if you wanna help me out just send me some info, I would love to hear from you guys! Don't forget to subscribe and upvote. Now go and read the damn story!



An update is coming soon! I'm sorry that I've been gone for...over a month. Oh wow. That's absolutely horrible to you guys. Sigh. Well okay more action soon!


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TeaCow156 #1
Chapter 15: Lay you adorable little unicorn!!!!!!
a_shah27 #2
Chapter 9: Ahh love my Chanyeolie :)
TeaCow156 #3
Chapter 11: I really like this chapter :D
exokai333 #4
Chapter 2: I like in it
TeaCow156 #5
Chapter 4: I like this :D update soon!
fira_bunny #6
Chapter 3: Good and slow....
I like
To be natural sweety love story?
Or angst love story?
fira_bunny #7
Chapter 2: why first meeting not a....
Flying butterfly?
Not love in the first sigh?
fira_bunny #8
Chapter 1: Well...
It's good.