two // he knows me.


When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats,
Dance with them to that rhythm
For as long as the song last.

The minute Junghan walk into the classroom with a wide smile plastered on his face, Wonwoo knows that he suceed. Junghan finally able to make Hong Jisoo his, but Wonwoo doesn't expect Junghan to hug him tightly. So tight that he can't even breath. 

"I'm so happy!" Junghan said, with a cheerful tone Wonwoo never ever heard before. "Thanks Wonwoo! You're my savior! I will treat you everything you want in this world, really! But not really since I don't have much money. But! I'll do anything to--" 

"Junghan, I think Wonwoo will be very thankful to you if you release your hug," Soonyoung, who have been in the class all time, said as he tried to hold his laughter over the scene in front of him. "I don't think you want to kill your savior, right?"

"Oh, sorry!" Junghan said as he release his tight hug from Wonwoo. He give Wonwoo his apologetic smile, but then it quickly changed to his wide smile. "I'm so so so happy!" 

"You look like you just meet and hug your favorite celebrities," Wonwoo sigh. "You look exactly like Soonyoung when he finally able to meet SHINee." 

"Hey, it's SHINee, duh! Who wouldn't be excited?" 

Both Junghan and Wonwoo act like Soonyoung doesn't say anything. It's a well-known fact in the class that Soonyoung is the biggest fanboy of SHINee, and Soonyoung is famous for the fact that he can't stop talking about his idol. Wonwoo is the biggest victim of Soonyoung's fanboy self, because Soonyoung always force him to listen to the newest update about SHINee. All thanks to the fact that Wonwoo can't refuse Soonyoung.

"I would like to treat both of you something today."

"Aha, this is why I love being friends with you!" Soonyoung said with his cheeky smile. "You love to treat people! I'm in, because I love free foods!"

"Me too," Wonwoo said. No one can refuse free foods, right? "Where?"

"Me and Jisoo already decided the place. It would be at our usual cafe."

"Ah, I can completely see that our usual cafe would be your cafe with Jisoo," Wonwoo said, trying to hide his disappointment by his smile. It is called 'our' cafe for a reason. It is because there are always three of them going to the cafe, without anyone else. Junghan, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo never invite anyone else before. And now, with the fact that they are going to the cafe with Jisoo, it just make Wonwoo kinda sad. 

"So, you already share information about our cafe to Jisoo? Wow, you've only date for what, one hour? and you already share special information," Soonyoung said. Wonwoo can feel the disappointment in Soonyoung's voice, but Junghan is oblivious to it, especially since Soonyoung tried to hide his disappointment by his cheerful voice. "I wonder if you've date for a year, what information would you share with him?" 

"Ya! Kwon Soonyoung," Junghan frowns. "It's not like Jisoo doesn't know that cafe before. He said he already went there for one or two times already. Afterall, it's not likes that cafe is ours, right?"

"Yes yes, whatever man," Soonyoung said as he shrug his shoulder. "I can really see that love surely makes people become stupid and insensitive."  

Wonwoo nudge Soonyoung's hand, trying to say that he shouldn't say that in front of Junghan. And then, he tried to talk about another topic. "Uh, so, there would be us and Jisoo only, right?" 

"Jisoo said that he wants to bring his friends too," Junghan answers. "You wouldn't mind about it, right?" 

Wonwoo is completely silent after he heard this from Junghan. By Jisoo friends, he knows that it means the seven other people in Jisoo's lunch table. Wonwoo is completely uncomfortable by this fact, because he never used to hang out in a large group of people, especially with the fact that eight of them (including Jisoo, because Wonwoo doesn't know Jisoo that well), are strangers to him. Wonwoo is with strangers, like, he really with them because he would be shy and stiff in front of strangers. 

"Great, seven people," Soonyoung said with his sarcastic tone. Soonyoung loves to make new friends because he is an outgoing kid, but he just does't like the fact that 'our' cafe is not that special anymore because there is more people coming. Soonyoung just already grow so attached to the cafe, and it makes him feel like this. "Whatever. You better make sure that you treat me more than 100,000 won." 

"Ya! Are you insane? I don't have that much of money!" Junghan said as he lightly punch Soonyoung's hand. "By the way, you're okay with it right, Wonwoo-ah?" 

Wonwoo hesitated at first. Because well, he is very uncomfortable by the fact that it's going to be seven more people coming. But he doesn't have the heart to refuse it. Junghan seems so happy and he doesn't want to be the one make him feeling un-happy. "It's okay, as long as there is free food." 

Junghan better to treat me kindly and buy me all the things I want after what I have done for him. 

Junghan, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo are currently standing in front of the school gate, waiting for Jisoo and his friends to come. It's have been twelve minutes already, and only Junghan who keep being patient. While Soonyoung and Wonwoo, not so much. Especially Soonyoung. 

"They better have a good reason for this!" Soonyoung frowns. "But seriously, twelve minutes and no sign of them?" 

"You have to learn to be patient, you know," Junghan said without looking at Soonyoung. His gaze is fixed to the school building, waiting for any sign of Jisoo and his friends. 

"Said someone who can't even wait for five minutes before," Soonyoung rolled his eyes. "Love really makes people become stupid and overly-patient, tch." 

"But seriously Junghan, I would only wait for five minutes more," Soonyoung said after Junghan shows no respond to his words. "I will drag Wonwoo and go to the cafe first, and leave you here because I know you would wait for Jisoo even when he makes you wait for two hours." 

Junghan, again, pretend like Soonyoung doesn't say anything to him. Soonyoung can only rolled his eyes because Junghan is surely act so different because he finally get himself a boyfriend now. Meanwhile Wonwoo, he can only stay silent over the scene in front of him. He doesn't have anything to say, actually, because Soonyoung already said everything inside his mind. 

And then, Junghan's face suddenly brighten. Wonwoo notice that his face is brighten because finally, Jisoo and his friends are out from the school building and currently walking towards them. Both Wonwoo and Soonyoung sigh in relief when they see that, because honestly, they are already getting impatient and ready to leave Junghan behind if Jisoo doesn't show up in five minutes. Or if Junghan wouldn't be stubborn, they would drag Junghan along with them because they just can't leave Junghan like that. 

"Your face look likes Soonyoung's face when he sees SHINee," Wonwoo mumble. He tried to keep it low so both Junghan and Soonyoung wouldn't hear him, but unfortunately, Soonyoung did. 

"It's SHINee, Wonwoo. There are a reason why my face brighten when I see them." 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." 

"Hello, I'm sorry I'm late," Jisoo said as he flash an apologetic smile to Junghan, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo. "Jun and Jihoon class is taking longer than usual, so we have to wait for them." 

"It's okay," Junghan said with his cheerful tone. Both Wonwoo and Soonyoung rolled their eyes because usually, Junghan would be mad when someone make him wait. And he never talk to anyone, not even Wonwoo or Soonyoung, with a cheerful tone like that. "So, can we go now?" 

"Yeah. The cafe near the intersection right?" 

Junghan then nods to Jisoo question, and soon, both of them are walking together side by side, completely forget about the fact that they have their friends behind them. 

"Junghan is really starting to get into my nerves," Soonyoung mutter under his breath. "Wonwoo, let's--" 

"Hi!" Both Soonyoung and Wonwoo can heard the cheerful voice coming from a boy who suddenly stand beside Soonyoung. "That is what would happen when your bestfriend get himself a boyfriend. I'm Lee Seokmin by the way, you?" 

"Kwon Soonyoung," Soonyoung said, a smile appear on his face. Soonyoung always loves making new friends. 

"Jeon Wonwoo." 

When nine of them begin to walk to catch up the couple, Wonwoo is walking behind Soonyoung and his new friend, Seokmin. Wonwoo can only sigh upon this situation, because he doesn't want to suddenly join in their conversation because it seems like Seokmin only wants to talk with Soonyoung.

When Wonwoo is busy with his thoughts, he doesn't notice that someone is currently walking beside him. He finally notice when the stranger beside him decide to let out his voice. "Hey." 

"Eh?" Wonwoo turn his head to see the person beside him, and he can see a taller man, who he notice as Kim Mingyu, one of the basketball club member. He knows him because girls in his class loves to talk about him. Wonwoo can clearly see the reason why he is popular though. 

"I said hey," Mingyu chuckles. "You're Jeon Wonwoo right?" 

"Eh, how do you know?" Wonwoo widened his eyes upon Mingyu's words. He is confused because how do one of the popular kid in school knows about him? 

"Well, let's just say that you caught my interest." Mingyu said with a smile on his face. 

Wonwoo can feel the blush on his cheek after he heard Mingyu's words. Me? Caught Kim Mingyu's interest? What a joke, Wonwoo said inside his mind. Never in his life someone said that he has caught their interest. 

"You're cute," Mingyu said when he sees the blush on Wonwoo's cheek. "By the way, I'm happy that I finally got to talk to you." 

"You must be kidding me," Wonwoo said once he finally able to control his feelings. "No one ever said that they are happy to talk to me. I'm quiet boring, and awkward." 

"I do notice that," Mingyu said. "I notice that you only talk freely with Soonyoung and Junghan, but not with others." 

"Then, you shouldn't say that you are happy to talk to me." 

"But I do feel happy. You caught my interest because when you're in front of your friends, you seems confident and cheerful, and also talkative. But when you are alone, your expression change and I can see that you actually are a quiet one. And, how do I explain this? I think that the cheerful personality you put in front of your friends are fake. It is only a shield that you put, so the world can't see what you actually feel."

Wonwoo look at Mingyu with a shocked expression on his face. Because, how do he knows

So, yeah. The second chapter is here, and I know that this is a short update, but I just feel like writing because I really loves meanie couple nowadays. Oh and about Junghan, don't think bad about him because people who fall in love usually act like that i think (or is it just my friends?) so yeah. 

By the way, I want to buy Seventeen's Boys Be album, but I'm confused if I should buy the Hide ver. or the Seek ver.  Which one is better? I'm confused af odg;;


Thanks for reading, and please let me know about your thoughts for this chapter~!

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3036jonestom #1
Chapter 3: update please!!
Chapter 3: Wahhhhh i found a cute story ~~~~ update!
Chapter 3: omgomgomgomgomg mingyu finally appearing~
continue it jebaaaaaal ><
mikitalka #4
Chapter 3: Aaaah my meanie feels ;) cant wait to read more;)
About albun, hide has more pics, seek has diaries. I prefer hide but its up to u
Chapter 1: Loved this fanfiction just from the first chapter. I'm curious with the next chapter!! ><
Muknip #6
Chapter 1: It's so good so far! I hope you update soon!
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting and your writing is good but you should add more descriptions of the happening. :)
Muknip #8
Ooh this sounds really interesting, I hope you update soon!