one // promises.


Promises are worse than lies.
You don't just make them believe,
You also make them hope.

'Wonwoo, dear. Behave well, okay? Your Dad is very happy to have you live with him again.

'But Mom, are you really have to go to Busan?'

'Wonwoo, I'm very sorry. You have to understand that it's hard for me to leave you.

'But you leave anyway.

'It's not like we will stop meeting after this! We can still meet in holidays and weekends. Please, Wonwoo.

'Goodbye, Mom.

That dream again. It's been three years since that thing happen in Wonwoo's life, yet he still dream about it sometimes. It's a nightmare for him though, because the day when he stop living with his Mom is the worst day of his life. 

He still feel bitter about the fact that his Mom choose his new life than him, but he know he need to understand. His Mom suffered long enough because of his Dad, and it's time for her to be happy. It's also him who choose to stay in Seoul, because of school and friends, and he totally regret his decision. His friends keep leaving anyway, and none of them stay long enough in his life. 

"Wonwoo, wake up! It's seven already!" 

"Yes, I've wake up!" 

Wonwoo groans as he get up from the bed. Today is Monday, the first day of school this week. Wonwoo doesn't hate Monday like most of students do, but decide to remain neutral about it. Monday is not that bad actually, it's just like any other day.

The only thing he dislike about Monday is the fact that his Dad always work at home in Monday. It's not like he hates his Dad, it's more to the fact that both of them are really awkward to each other, even though her Dad always act like both of them are very close. It's just, Wonwoo is a stiff one, so do his Dad. So most of the time, Wonwoo will just remain silent while his Dad always try to talk to him. He just doesn't like to be alone with his Dad. Wonwoo does feel bad for him, though. 

When Wonwoo arrive at the class, neither Junghan or Soonyoung, his closest friends in the class, have arrived yet so he decide to just seat in his place and playing with his phone. There are other people in the class, but Wonwoo isn't close enough with them to join in their conversation. Sure, they are friends, but in Wonwoo's perspective, they aren't close yet so it would be awkward for him to suddenly join in. 

Ten minutes passed, and Wonwoo let out a sigh of relief when he sees Junghan make his step towards his seat in front of Wonwoo's. Junghan greet Wonwoo with his signature warm smile. 

"Soonyoung hasn't arrive yet?" 

"Yeah. It's usual for him though. He always come three minutes before the bell rings, right?" 

"Ah yes," Junghan chuckles. "By the way, I got a really interesting news for both of you." 

"Interesting news?" Wonwoo raised his eyebrow. "What kind of interesting are you talking about?" 

"Well, I actually want to say this when Soonyoung has arrive too," Junghan said, Wonwoo feel weird when he see a slight blush? appear on Junghan's cheeks. "But I just can't wait to spill this!" 


"Jisooconfessedtomeyesterday." Junghan said with such a fast speed that Wonwoo can't catch his words. 

"Sorry? You are too fast, I can't hear you clearly." 

"Okay, so," Junghan said as he exhaled his breath. "Jisoo confessed to me yesterday." 

"Jisoo? Jisoo as the Jisoo you always talk with the dreamily tone of yours?" Wonwoo said as he widened his eyes. "If that's him, then wow." 

"Yes, that Jisoo!" Junghan said with an excited voice. "I just can't believe that he likes me back! It feels like a dream."

"So, you two are dating?"

"Eh?" Junghan's expression quickly change to a sad? expression. "Well, no, we aren't dating. Thanks to my stupid mouth." 

"What? What do you do, exactly?" 

"I, said no to him because I'm too surprised," Junghan said with a sad tone. "I'm such a dumb." 

Wonwoo can only look at Junghan with his mouth wide open. He can't believe that Junghan said no to his long-time crush. Wonwoo and Soonyoung is the only one who knows about Junghan feelings towards Jisoo, and both of them know how much Junghan like him. And he just can't believe that Junghan is stupid enough to say no when Jisoo confess to him. 

"Wonwoo, what should I do?" Junghan whines. "I'm such a stupid one! I have the chance to date the hottest guy in school and I said no!" 

"You can just say that what you said yesterday is a mistake," Wonwoo said, coming up with an idea. "You can just say the truth, that you are too surprised that you automatically say no without realizing it. If Jisoo like you so much, I think he would just laugh it off and you two can be a couple."

Junghan's face brighten up upon hearing Wonwoo's words. He smiled brightly, and then he hug Wonwoo very quickly. "It's a great idea! You're the best, Wonwoo!" 

"Well, well, what's with the hug?" A familiar voice can be heard by both of Wonwoo and Junghan. Both of them look up, and they can see Soonyoung with his signature bright smile. "What's happen? It's unusual to see both of you hugging like that. Even the hug is very quick, I caught a glimpse of it." 

"It's actually Junghan who hug me," Wonwoo said. "It's not like we are hugging, because Junghan is the only one who hug." 

"Whatever, man," Soonyoung said as he just brush it off and go to his place beside Wonwoo. "So, mind to tell me what's happen?" 

"It's your own fault that you are so late," Junghan chuckles. "But because I'm in a good mood, I will just tell you. So..." 

"Wonwoo, please accompany me to come to Jisoo," Junghan said as it is already the break time. "Please. I can't face him alone." 

"Why don't you just ask Soonyoung to go with you?" 

"Because he laugh when I tell him that I say no to Jisoo just because I'm surprised," Junghan frowns. "And you're the one who come up with this idea. So, please?" 

"Okay, okay," Wonwoo sigh as he get up from his seat. "I will only accompany you, but I won't help you when it comes to talk to him." 

"Tch, meanie." 

"You can say I'm a meanie and I won't even accompany you." 

"Okay, okay!" 

Both Junghan and Wonwoo then walk towards the canteen when Soonyoung is still in the class, working on an assignment he should have done the night before. Soonyoung can be so lazy sometimes, but Junghan and Wonwoo can't do anything about it since Soonyoung is so stubborn and he always said that he is okay with the way he is right now. So both of them decide to just shrug it off. 

When Junghan and Wonwoo, arrive in the canteen, Junghan's gaze quickly landed to the guy who sit on one of the middle table in the canteen with some of his friends. Hong Jisoo, the guy who already caught Junghan's eyes since the first day of school. Junghan likes him so much, no, he even think that he loves him. But because of his stupid mouth, everything is ruined. And Junghan is determined to fix the mistake he did. 

Or maybe not. Why Jisoo has to have so many friends? There are likes, seven other people in that table, and Junghan doesn't have the courage to ask Jisoo to talk when there are seven pairs of eyes (plus one, because there is Wonwoo too) watching him as he ask Jisoo to talk to him for a sec. 

"Wonwoo, let's just go back to the class and I can talk to Jisoo afterschool, okay?" 

Wonwoo only rolled his eyes, and then without further saying, he drag Junghan to the table where Jisoo and his friends are currently eat their lunch. When he arrive there, Wonwoo quickly wear his smile, and he tried to act confident even though he feels like he wants to run away from there as soon as possible because of the gaze landed upon him. He doesn't like attention and all, and he usually likes it when nobody notice him and he is able to fade into the crowd, but this time, he tried because of Junghan. Junghan better to treat me something for this, Wonwoo said inside his mind.

"Hello, you are Jisoo right?" Wonwoo actually doesn't need to ask though, because Junghan always make sure that Wonwoo do recognize the face of his crush. But Wonwoo keep continue when the boy he ask nod his head. "Okay so, this idiot beside me wants to tell you something." 

Junghan quickly pinch Wonwoo's hands when Wonwoo has finish his statement, and Wonwoo flinch a bit but he decide to just shrug it off. Junghan will thank me later anyway. "So, you're up for it or not?" 

"Well, I'd love to actually," Jisoo said as he smile to both Wonwoo and Junghan. "But, what do Junghan want to talk to me about?" 

"Do you really need to ask though?" Wonwoo sigh. "The thing is, he wants to talk to you, privately, if i may add. Right, Junghan?"

"Well, yes," Junghan sigh as he finally admit the truth. "Yes, I want to talk to you privately." 

"Okay then," Jisoo smiled as he get up from his seat, and he excuse himself from his friends first, then he face Junghan. "So, where do you want to talk to me?"

"I actually haven't think about it?" Junghan said as he let out his awkward laugh. He then glance at Wonwoo, and Wonwoo can only sigh again. 

"Just bring him to the rooftop. Think simply, Junghan." 

"Oh yes! Let's just go to the rooftop then," Junghan said. Jisoo then nod, and both of them start to walk together towards their destination. Wonwoo let out a relieved sigh as he sees both of them. Mission accomplished

Wonwoo then realize that there is still seven pairs of eyes that land their gaze upon him. He then face them with his awkward smile. He is always bad with strangers. 

"So, that guy is the one named Junghan? And you're his friend?" 

"Yeah," Wonwoo nod his head. "Now, because my mission is accomplished, I need to excuse myself." 

Wonwoo awkwardly smile again before he make his way outside the canteen. He still feel embarassed by the fact that he act so confident when Junghan is there, but act so awkward and shy when he is gone. It might give them an impression that Wonwoo's confident act is fake, which is sort of true though, but Wonwoo doesn't want anyone else to notice it. 

He promise to himself though, that one day, he would let someone see his true self, without his fake smile and his fake cheerful-ness. But it would be hard to find that someone, because even his closest friends haven't seen him without his cheerful-ness.

Well, so here it is! The first chapter. I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update. I had writer blocks otl, and I actually don't feel satisfied by this chapter but I don't want to make you wait any longer, so here it is. I'm sorry for mistakes though. And thanks for all of you who have subscribed to this story, please let me know about your opinion in this first chapter! 

See you in the next update!  


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3036jonestom #1
Chapter 3: update please!!
Chapter 3: Wahhhhh i found a cute story ~~~~ update!
Chapter 3: omgomgomgomgomg mingyu finally appearing~
continue it jebaaaaaal ><
mikitalka #4
Chapter 3: Aaaah my meanie feels ;) cant wait to read more;)
About albun, hide has more pics, seek has diaries. I prefer hide but its up to u
Chapter 1: Loved this fanfiction just from the first chapter. I'm curious with the next chapter!! ><
Muknip #6
Chapter 1: It's so good so far! I hope you update soon!
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting and your writing is good but you should add more descriptions of the happening. :)
Muknip #8
Ooh this sounds really interesting, I hope you update soon!