Me, a Lonely Boy

Curiosity Kills

Myungsoo hears plenty of things tumble down onto the floor from his parents room. Curious, he peeks his head through the doorway to see his father, groaning while messing up his hair.

He looks at the floor to see tiny balls of crumpled up pieces of paper and ink slowly covering the tiled floor. Myungsoo noticed little stamps and candle wax littered around the desk and remembered.

It had been a month since they took in Sungjong.

Although the doll-like boy brightened the mansion's atmosphere quite a lot, it didn't seem like the Capulets would reply back to any of the letters his father sent anytime soon.

He started to wonder if their relationship is that bad.

"Father, are you okay?" Myungsoo asked. Obviously he wasn't, but asking the obvious meant you care, or so the head maid taught him.

Lord Montague sighed, "Come here, Myungsoo."

The boy did as he told and walked over to his father, letting his forearms lay on his father's lap. Lord Montague patted Myungsoo on the head, although it felt more like a ruffle.

"Do you... Do you think you would mind if Sungjong was forced to stay with us for possibly more than a couple of months?... Years even?" he asked hesitantly.

"Of course not! He's my friend!" Myungsoo said, making his father chuckle.

"Really? It's rather odd how a Capulet can make the Montague mansion grow fond of him," he said, simply laying his palm on Myungsoo's head now.

"Just because he's related by blood means that he's like his parents!" Myungsoo pouted.

"Of course, my son. I'm just worried that his father will be out for my head once he finds out we're raising his son," Lord Montague lifted his hand, "That is, I won't ever know until he responds a letter of invitation of some sort."

"Then if they don't want to treat him like a son then we'll keep him!" Myungsoo declared, pushing himself back up.

Lord Montague blinked in a dumbfounded way, then chuckled, "Maybe we will. He did make that cold seven years old boy go away and replaced him with a regular boy."

He saw how his son immediately brightened at the words.

"I'm joking. We can't keep him here forever like he's ours," he sighed, "Then again, your mother has always wanted a daughter."

"Jongie's not a girl though," Myungsoo said, that brightness in his eyes disappearing after hearing that.

"Of course not. But if he was, maybe we could have had some sort of treaty by making him your fiancée or something," he took note of how his son's cheeks became red. That worried him a bit.

"I...!" Myungsoo wanted to protest but those words immediately burned out due to growing way too flustered at the thought of marrying Sungjong.

"Myungsoo..." Lord Montague worded carefully, as though he was trying not to destroy a glass vase with his voice, "Do you happen... to love Sungjong...?"

He saw how his son's eyes widened and somehow yelled in a meek voice, "M-M-M-M-Maybe...!"

Even though Myungsoo denied- well- it was too obvious that it was a lie, "Maybe... we should get you a fiancée."

"H...uh...?" he saw how his face lost the crimson red color and was now pale from shock.

Lord Montague gently held Myungsoo by the shoulders, "Myungsoo, this was why I was hesitant on letting Sungjong stay with us for possibly years. If this world can barely handle the idea of people of two different ethnicities loving each other, I worry greatly about what they would do if people of the same gender and ever anounce that they love each other."

It hurt his heart how downtrodden his son looked. He bit his lip before continuing, "Of course I want you to be happy, but not everyone during these times are as open-minded as myself and your mother, so if possible, try not to get too attached to Sungjong."

Sungjong was laying on Myungsoo's bed, having invaded the older boy's room a long time ago, and reading one of Myungsoo's books from his bookshelf when he heard the door slowly creak open. He sat up and saw how Myungsoo slowly came walking in, making Sungjong worry.

"Myungie...?" Sungjong got off and ran over to Myungsoo.

He silently rested his head on Sungjong's head, making them both fall to the ground and onto their knees.

For the first time, he broke, bursting into a sobbing mess as he clung onto Sungjong as though his depended on it. Myungsoo could feel thin arms slowly and gently wrap around his back, rubbing it soothingly.

"There, there..." Sungjong softly whispered. All Myungsoo could do was continue crying.

He couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe how unfair the world was.

He wanted to take heed to his father's words, but how can he get over his first love so easily? As though Sungjong never made a difference in their lives in the first place?

As though you can simply stop loving someone when your affection for them is already growing into something deeper?

Once Myungsoo grew tired of sobbing, Sungjong gently pushed him up by the shoulders and wiped the tears away from his cheeks, "What's wrong?" he softly asked.

"N...Nothing..." Myungsoo mumbled, just paying attention to Sungjong's thumbs soothingly wiping away the tears.

"Myungie, I'm not going to bother asking 'are you okay', because it's way too obvious you're not if you sobbed your heart out onto someone else. Please tell me what's wrong."

Myungsoo sniffled, not even sure where to begin or where to end it- heck- how was he even suppose to end his growing affection if Sungjong was always so nice to him!

"If... If I got a fiancée... what would you do?" Myungsoo asked with a barely audible voice.

"It depends, I guess," Sungjong thought for a moment, "Like, if your fiancée was mean I would disagree with the marriage, or if your fiancée doesn't even love you like a normal wife I would disagree too."

"What if... I fell in love with someone other than my fiancée?" he hesitantly met Sungjong's gaze.

"Depends on if that girl even deserves your love."

"And... if that someone wasn't a girl?"

Sungjong looked at him oddly, "A boy? Well it's dangerous to even marry someone from a different country, so... maybe keep the relationship a secret? I don't know, if you get an understanding fiancée she might understand it."

" I... see..." Myungsoo was a bit disappointed that the younger barely talked about his own opinion and rather stated the obvious. He was wondering if Sungjong might get the tiniest of hints that he had a crush of some sort on him.

"Wait, don't tell me you're still in your girlhood phase!"

And that ruined the moment.

"Really?!" Myungsoo yelled in disbelief.

"Hey, just trying to brighten up the mood~." Sungjong giggled.

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And yes, if you did notice, I did change a few things, one of those major things being their age (added 2 years to each age they were at and said)


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ooo i love this
Chapter 27: This story is really interesting Author-nim, it took me on adventure and it got intense. I did not expect this out or what this story content held, I just thought it was weird play on Romeo and Juliet which it technically was. I really much enjoyed this creepy tale of it all, really great job author-nim I loved it.
rei_zha #3
Chapter 27: Such a beautiful story is this^-^
vkg0268 #4
Chapter 27: Finallyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!
Yes myungjong <3
Chapter 26: (T.T) THANK U OMG I'M IN TEARS
LemonCandy1093 #7
Chapter 26: Or you know you're already here, okay then XD aaaaand boom. Myungjong. My job here is done. XD (pfft what job, I am a silly reader commenting on your amazing work)
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 25: Author-nim... What do you mean there is no happy ending.... MYUNGJONG DESERVE A HAPPY ENDING BY NOW... I know they're "Romeo and Juliet" but... Please? Thank you for the update author-nim, I'm looking forward to the ending!
Chapter 25: Wuaaaahh this is so good!! I'm anticipating your next update author-nim!!
vkg0268 #10
Chapter 24: Plss try to update faster or i will die bcz of curiosity