Just Maybe...

Curiosity Kills

I remembered: you, a fragile doll, me, a lonely boy, her, a dreamer girl, them, two rag dolls, and a book.

We all unintentionally reenacted- with words of support, with words of disagreement, with words of love.

Yet I cannot remember... something was missing... Where was I? Who are you? What was this?

I did not know- to what I was doing, to what she was feeling, to what you were thinking.

Then I remembered: I was Romeo, you were Juliet, we met, this became a tragedy, and there was no "Happy Ending".

"I am proud to announce that you have all graduated and will continue to make your peers proud."

Everyone cheered, raising their diplomas into the air as shutters of cameras went off and parents cried tears of joy for their children, however, only one boy didn't cheer nor did he raise his newly earned diploma.

"Hey, something wrong?" Sungyeol noticed Myungsoo was instead looking around.

"Have you seen Sungjong? Or Amber?" Myungsoo asked as he continued to look around.

"Man, all you ever do is worry about Jjongie nowadays, and Amber is probably making out with Krystal somewhere," Sungyeol rolled his eyes but immediately yelled in pain when Myungsoo sent a not-so-playful punch to his shoulder.

"Amber and Krystal aren't even dating yet. I'm starting to wonder how you even became friends with them," Myungsoo scoffs before heading out of the crowd of cheering seniors and heading to the garden, knowing that he would at least be able to find Sungjong.

At the innermost section of the garden, he slows to a stop when he sees his back facing towards him as the other simply stares at the roses in front of him.

"So mind explaining why you weren't at my graduation ceremony, Jongie?" Myungsoo teased, walking over to Sungjong and crouching down beside him, the vibrant red of the roses becoming more apparent at this proximity.

"Just thinking about how quickly time passed... it's kinda like a flower's life," Sungjong murmured in an absent-minded way, keeping his stare on the roses in front of him.

Myungsoo couldn't help but roll his eyes at the analogy, "Two months passed by since your release from the hospital, it's not that much time- unless you're talking about the technical 36 years we've been alive."

"And more?" Sungjong turned around, a familiar insecure look in his eyes, to which Myungsoo simply leaned in and placed a kiss on Sungjong's forehead. The older leans away and smiled, "Yes. I don't plan on leaving you alone after spending so many years chasing after you."

Sungjong blushed a light pink before smiling a small smile, "That... sounds really nice..."

The older pushes himself to stand up before holding out a hand for the other boy to grab, "Come on, we should start heading out before our friends start questioning where we are."

He grabs his hand and lets Myungsoo help him up before pecking the other on the lips once he stands up. Sungjong watches as Myungsoo blushes before giggling, "Next time, kiss me on the lips instead of the forehead if you're going to stay with me forever."

"Aisht, there they are!"

They turn their heads to the entrance to see their friends walk over to them.

"Just because I allow you to date Sungjongie doesn't mean that you can go hide out somewhere with him without our consent!" Luna yells, jabbing her finger against Myungsoo's chest, making the latter back up slightly.

"Okay okay! Jeez, calm down..." Myungsoo murmurs as he holds up his hands in defeat.

Luna lets out a huff of indignation before smiling, "Congratulations, by the way." Myungsoo blinks before smiling back at the now (slightly more) tolerable girl before letting out a yelp of surprise when Amber comes over and gives him a hearty slap on the back.

"C'mon you guys, everyone's heading home now. I wanna get outta this stuffy school and wreck Myungsoo's house already!" Amber grins before turning back around to head out of the garden, Krystal giggling and Sungyeol cheering in response as they followed her. Luna gives them one last look before chasing after the three, yelling, "Don't crash it too much! Remember that he's paying for our new apartment!"

The two stare at them before staring at each other and simply laughing. Myungsoo bows and puts out his hands in a presenting way, teasing, "Ladies first," to which Sungjong scoffs and smacks him on the head.

"I'm not actually Juliet, ya nitwit," Sungjong pouts.

He chuckles as he stands back up, "I think the last thing we'll ever want to be is Romeo and Juliet. We're us and they're them, simple as that. By the way, you know that I was joking about the 'ladies first' thing, right?" he couldn't help but be slightly nervous as he asked that.

Sungjong laughs at him before smiling, "Of course I did. You're too soft to really cause any harm to me anyways." He takes a couple of steps forward before reaching out and grabbing Myungsoo hand, "Now hurry up before Amber and Sungyeol-hyung actually wreck your house." and he simply lets Sungjong lead him out of the garden, sharing warmth throughout their hands.

Myungsoo felt a bit childish when he stares at their hands, such a seen giving a nostalgic feeling. He feels a smile ease its way as he adjusts their hands the let their fingers intertwine.

But maybe...

Just maybe...

There is a "Happy Ending."

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And yes, if you did notice, I did change a few things, one of those major things being their age (added 2 years to each age they were at and said)


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ooo i love this
Chapter 27: This story is really interesting Author-nim, it took me on adventure and it got intense. I did not expect this out or what this story content held, I just thought it was weird play on Romeo and Juliet which it technically was. I really much enjoyed this creepy tale of it all, really great job author-nim I loved it.
rei_zha #3
Chapter 27: Such a beautiful story is this^-^
vkg0268 #4
Chapter 27: Finallyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!
Yes myungjong <3
Chapter 26: (T.T) THANK U OMG I'M IN TEARS
LemonCandy1093 #7
Chapter 26: Or you know you're already here, okay then XD aaaaand boom. Myungjong. My job here is done. XD (pfft what job, I am a silly reader commenting on your amazing work)
LemonCandy1093 #8
Chapter 25: Author-nim... What do you mean there is no happy ending.... MYUNGJONG DESERVE A HAPPY ENDING BY NOW... I know they're "Romeo and Juliet" but... Please? Thank you for the update author-nim, I'm looking forward to the ending!
Chapter 25: Wuaaaahh this is so good!! I'm anticipating your next update author-nim!!
vkg0268 #10
Chapter 24: Plss try to update faster or i will die bcz of curiosity