
Everything Is Grey

I'm trying a new format, sorry if I mess it up...

"Honey, it's Blue..."

"No! Mommy, it's black!"
The little boy's mother smiled at him, not wanting to put up a fight. "Ok honey, it's black. Now will you put it on so we can get to the eye doctor?"

Kyungsoo smiles at the memory as his mom drove him back home from high school.
Even though he can only see in blacks and whites and greys... He still looks at the world, fascinated. Nothing can ever stop Kyungsoo from doing that.
Rain drops are falling hard and he sees one of his classmates walking home in the cold.
"Mom? Will you stop real quick?" He starts to dig out the umbrella from his bag.
"Sure honey." She already knows what he's going to do, and she allows him. She's always encouraged his sweet behavior, and has always tried to keep him away from mean behavior. Which is why nobody knows how Kyungsoo sees the world. How the sky isn't blue. How the sunset is just whites and blacks, it's beautiful still. But not as beautiful without color. But he doesn't know that, he never will. It's a sad truth, but Kyungsoo has learned to deal with it. He doesn't really care anyways.

Kyungsoo steps out of the car and walks over to the boy, umbrella in hand. "Um, here, you'll catch a cold if you walk in the rain..." The other boy turned to him and started thanking him immediately, removing the school books from his head. He started walking off with it. "I'LL GIVE IT BACK TOMORROW!"
"YOU BETTER, CLASSMATE." Kyungoo smiles as the classmate walks away, he walks back over to the car, opening the white door.
"Oh crap- HEY! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" Kyungsoo almost falls over at the sound of the deep voice booming out the question from only a couple feet away.
"Umm... I'M KYUNGSOO!"
They wave at each other and Kyungsoo smiles softly

"He's kinda cute..."
"So who was that?" His mother knocks him out of his thoughts and he smiles wider, "Just a classmate... He's fun to observe."
His mother laughs softly as she stops at a red light. Kyungsoo watches Chanyeol walk across the crosswalk in front of their car.
"Tomorrow's going to be interesting..."

I don't know why but I took forever to write that and I am so sorry... And all my titles for every single one of my stories will . Because I can't think of those...
And I'm so sorry that it was so shOrt.
I feel like a horrible fanfic writer.

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Chansoo6336 #1
Chapter 2: xD this is so adorable
Ameliawang93 #2
Chapter 1: That was so cute! Please update soon