
Beautiful Soul
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          Seulgi was a mess. With a single bag clasped to her hand, she took her stand and left her home. That was the day when reality finally dawned on her. She, who was once like a flower bud, pure and blossoming in her youth, had been tainted. Shame, anger, disappointment and misery filled her heart. For who could ever learn to love a broken soul?


          Leaving the comfort and luxury of what she once called her home had never crossed her mind before. However, her parents’ efforts to abort her gift from God contradicted with everything she believed in. It was not even her fault in the first place but nobody said that life was fair. She had been punished for a sin she did not commit. She was carrying the burden she never asked for. She was just a victim too- a victim of injustice and immorality of man.


          She was supposed to graduate as valedictorian that tragic year but it took only one man to ruin everything. It took one man to destroy her dreams. It took one man to rob her of her innocence. It took one man to shatter her heart into a million pieces and that man was no other than Kim Jongin, her own best friend.


          Despite all the bitter memories that night brought her, she did not despise Kai who was the spitting image of his father. She never considered him as a curse. He was a blessing in disguise for her. 


          Her love for him continued to grow as he developed and matured each day. She nurtured and took care of her child single-handedly, even if it meant balancing five jobs at the same time.


          There was a time when fate allowed her to come across the very person she should loathe. She was working for an organization whose aim is to teach the prisoners some projects to start their own livelihood in the future when she met Jongin again. He was there, dressed in orange overalls inside a cell. As their gazes met, a swirl of mixed emotions engulfed her. Her mind wanted revenge but all her heart had offered was forgiveness. Time had healed her wounds but the scars remained.


         Seulgi didn't demand anything from Jongin. It was enough for her that he learned about his son's existence. She visited him during her spare moments (which was not often) and slowly, their friendship began to build up again. 


          She never told Kai about her father yet because Jongin asked her to keep her silence. Jongin had regretted everything that he did. He did not want Kai to loathe him more. He would rather be dead in his son's world.


          With Jongin still in prison, Seulgi had to work harder to pay for the expenses of her son alone. Yet as time passed by, Kai began to wander away from her.

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Kuukuu #1
Chapter 1: Mothers love . .. I hate how some take advantage of that.
Chapter 1: Beautiful story. Keep up the good job^^
Chapter 1: I found this absolutely beautiful~ I didn't see any typos while reading. And there again, you typed it all up on your mobile phone, that's quite impressive. But the story was very beautiful. Although, I was slightly confused about who Koi was there for a little. Either way, a very enjoyable read~
Chapter 1: This was absolutely, beautifully written... Bravo!