2nd Chapter

There's No Language When It's Love
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" The Rescue "



The sounds of slapping echoes around the college's fields with a crowd of students surrounding the area silently while watching a girl fell down on the ground while holding on her now stung cheeks that she could even taste her own blood right on the corner of her lips and that girl was none other than Sanjana herself.

Her gaze move back to look back at the man that was standing in front of her while throwing a death glare at his direction. " One more time i am asking you where the ing hell your annan is?! Answer my question! Are you mute or something huh?! " He roared at her angrily. His voice has manages to make the other students flinched and probably few of them had already piss on their own pants or something but one thing for sure he have finally loss his patience over the female since all he ever got was silent and glare from her.

Sanjana slowly got up on her feet not caring if her cheeks still hurts or not. She finally decided to open only to spat on him angrily. " And why should I answer your question huh?! Even if I did you will all ended up dead in my annan's hands! " She finishes her words and smirk as she saw the sight of her hands curling up into a fist knowing her words had hit him hard and she can see how furious he looks right now.

Anger flashed across his eyes he marched his ways towards her to grip on her hair and yanked her hair so that he could bring her face closer to his. The grip on her hair causes her to yell out in pain as she could swore that she felt her hair would come off anytime due to the tight grip on her hair.

" Listen here, might as well tell me now or you feel something more painful than this. " He said in a dangerously low sickening voice that makes her wants to puke right here right now. 

She just laugh at his threats loudly in a mocking way while the male in front of her just stare at her with a confused look and Sanjana move a bit closer to him to whisper right next to his ears. " Guess what? You can go to he'll then cause there is no way I am telling where my brother is to a weak bastard like you. " 

And that was it, he yanked her hair again only this time it was much harder than before which made her whimper in pain. " Too

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Chapter 4: the chapter flow is good, however theres another typo.
Chapter 2: youve got a typo.