Let's Make Gold

Let's Make Gold

“What is this?!”


Jonghyun winced as the front door slammed shut.


“What were you even thinking?!”


He cowered under his desk, afraid.


“Did you even pass school?!”


Jonghyun heard a scrabbling of claws on the wood floor.

“Roo” He whispered, reaching his arms out. Even his dog was afraid of his tyrannical boyfriend.


“Yah! Kim Jonghyun! Look at this- what is this ridiculousness?! What were you thinking?!


His voice was getting louder.

Only in moments like these did Jonghyun wish he was even smaller than his already petite size.


“Come out- actually, don’t come out! I don’t even think I can face you right now without doing some sort of damage to our apartment!” The last couple of words were punctuated each by an extremely heavy stomp.


Each stomp was answered with a high pitched whimper, Jonghyun was not sure if it came from Roo or himself.


Kim Jong Hyun come out this instant or I swear I will rip this thing apart!


Jonghyun heard more claws scratching the wooden floor as Comme Des and Garçons came dashing into the room, burrowing into the temporary safe haven under the writing desk.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he kept whispering into the dogs’ fur as he clutched them close to his chest; a shield as faulty as the wielder.


“I am not joking Jonghyun, I will rip this laptop to pieces.


Jonghyun’s breath caught, surely he would not? Was his boyfriend that angry at him? Did he mess up that badly?


The older quickly realized that that was not a question worth asking, of course he did.


“Jonghyun” Kibum called breathily. His voice suddenly a lot closer, as if he was in the same room as the older.


Which was not that surprising considering it did not take that long for one to walk across their apartment.


Truthfully speaking, if Jonghyun was not so terrified at this moment, he probably would have found Kibum’s actions to be exceedingly arousing.

However, as he was currently cowering in fear under a writing desk, trembling as much as the dogs gathered in his arms, arousal of any kind was, at the moment, something entirely inconceivable in his mind.


“Kim Jonghyun, do you know why I am so angry? Are you aware of how much of an idiot you are?


Kibum had the air of a strict parent lecturing their kids without actually yelling at them. It was quiet anger; it was a simmering pot, just waiting to boil over at any given minute.


Jonghyun was beyond terrified at this point. His eyes zeroed in on his boyfriend’s socked feet as they drew near.


In a blur of black fur, Garçons escaped from his arms and disappeared out the door, fleeing the scene.


“Garçons you traitor!” Jonghyun hissed at the dog. But not a second later Comme Des followed suit, chasing after the black dog, chasing after freedom and salvation


Jonghyun wanted to die.




Jonghyun felt his heart beat flatline.


“Come out Jjong, I just want to go over some errors with you” Kibum smiled, sickeningly sweet.


Jonghyun knew better than to give in.


“Jjong come on! I won’t hurt you! Am I not your sweet, loving, boyfriend?” Kibum pouted with mock hurt in his eyes as he sat down on the bed across from the desk.


The older eyed the other warily. He was not sure if his boyfriend was always this capricious, or if all the new musicals he participated in actually did improved his acting.


“Jonghyuuuun” Kibum whined, bouncing a little on the bed, “look, we won’t even talk about your stupidity, I just want to have a conversation with you! We’ll talk about something else!” he said as he placed the laptop to the side and tilted the screen down.


Jonghyun was not going to give in, he had his mind set on living the rest of his life under that desk.

But how could he resist when Roo (the traitorous ) slipped away from his grasp and ended up beside his boyfriend? The two loves of his life (minus his family and a whole list of other people) were staring at him expectedly with those wide eyes, he would have to have a heart made of stone as not to come out when they called for him.


And that was what lead Kim Jonghyun inches away from hell.


“WHERE IS YOUR BRAIN? Because it definitely is not in that head of yours!” Kibum hollered at the top of his lungs.


Jonghyun tried making a quick leap of faith off the bed and under the writing desk again but he could not maneuver himself quickly enough.


With swiftness and grace, Kibum lifted himself off the bed, twisted his torso, and landed such that Jonghyun was lying flat on his back on the bed with his boyfriend straddling his waist.


“Listen to me Kim Jonghyun because I swear to god I have had enough of this! How could you write all those songs for all those people and yet fail at writing a single paragraph of text?! Do you even know what grammar is!?”


“I-” he tried to cut in.


“I have been your editor, your proof-reader, your beta -I don’t even know the title- for years now and you always have the same mistakes. Can you hear me speaking to you?! Do you understand me right now? Do you understand what I am trying to say? Tu comprends?! WOULD YOU RATHER WRITE FRENCH? BECAUSE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE SOUNDS FOREIGN ALREADY.


Kibum stopped to take a deep breath, reach for a cup of water on the table, take a sip, and then continue.




Kibum’s chest was heaving as he neared the end of his outburst.


“Are you even aware of the amount of effort I put into your stories?! How do you continue to put out such crap even after everything I have tried to teach you?!”


He sighed, his exhaustion finally showing through his early anger, “It feels like I do all this work, but it never gets recognized. I put in the same amount of effort, sometimes more because I lack, and I always, always get less back.”


Jonghyun blinked, he did not expect the outburst to be finished so quickly or for the sudden somber tone in Kibum's voice.


Although clueless as to why his boyfriend suddenly seemed so dejected, Jonghyun ran his hands up and down the other’s legs in an attempt to comfort him.


“It’s just, I’m important too; I play a role in this as well. Just because I don’t play the lead or the main role does not mean I am completely useless.”




Jonghyun was catching onto the real reasons behind his boyfriend’s outburst.


He reached his arms out to grasp the other’s forearms and pull him to his chest.

Kibum lay there, draped over his lover while Jonghyun wrapped his arms around the other’s shoulder blades.


“Problems with work?” Jonghyun spoke into his lover’s skin


He felt the other nod


Jonghyun mulled over the other’s words, ‘completely useless’


That worried him. As much as his boyfriend seemed confident, it was also quite easy for him to be hurt, particularly regarding topics he cares deeply for.


“Come on Bum, you are important, especially to me”


“Jjong, I love you, but I don’t mean it in that way”


“I know you don’t mean it in that way. I am saying you are important in that you are useful. You are doubting yourself and thinking ‘why do I bother doing this or why do I bother doing that if nobody even appreciates it' right?”


Kibum agreed silently.


“Well, I appreciate you. In my case at least, if it weren’t for you, my work would be completely different. Sure, I create and write the story, but without you here to help me edit, I wou ld never be able to produce as high quality of a product as I would with you here. It takes both of us to create amazingness. With just me, I will only create bronze. But with you, we create gold. You fill my flaws, and I fill yours. We are a team. My stories simply would not be the same without you, you know that right?”


He felt the other nod again.


“I don’t know how it is at your work, but here, you are important to me. And even though you aren’t the main person that writes the story, you help me deliver it in the best way possible and that in itself should be praised.”


Kibum turned his head so he was staring into Jonghyun’s eyes. The latter was saddened by the watery set of eyes before him.


“Maybe your name is not on the cover of the book, or you get less screen time because of your lack of parts. Some people may write you off, but the people that matter, the people that care for you, they will know of your existence and they will appreciate you.”


Jonghyun leaned forward and briefly pressed a kiss to the other’s nose.


“Don’t let unimportant people bring you down. Remember and cherish the ones that care for you because they exist and they care for you- a lot. It’s not just me, you have fans too, don’t you? You get their encouraging messages right?”


Kibum conceded, “Yeah...”




“It’s just, I’ll get comments somewhere, or an article saying things and I know I shouldn’t care about them but-”


“No buts” Jonghyun punctuated his statement with a pat to Kibum’s , “they are irrelevant because they don’t care or know or care to know about the truth or about you. They don’t get a ‘but’ ”


Kibum felt slight traces of a smile on his lips, however he tried to hide it when he saw Jonghyun’s searching eyes roam his face.


“I think I need a nap” He suddenly declared after moments of thinking.


“..alright” Jonghyun answered, slightly taken aback by the sudden declaration. “..on me?” he asked, surprised as the other made no movements to get off of his boyfriend..


The younger simply nodded. He had an exhausting day.


Jonghyun didn’t really have the heart to say no, not when the dogs came running back and curled up beside them as well.



“I honestly don’t know why I freaked out like that” Kibum said while rubbing his eyes.


The nap did not last 15 minutes.


The whole ordeal of Kibum suddenly requesting a nap was quite strange to Jonghyun, but he didn't question it. He was accustomed to Kibum's quirky side; he found it rather endearing, actually.


"I'm sorry for yelling and overreacting again..." Kibum apologized sheepishly.


"It's alright, I know you didn't mean it"


"You know I didn't mean it, yet you still hid under the desk?"


"Well, you were still quite scary Bum, not going to lie"


Kibum rubbed his forhead, "I'm really really sorry" came the timid apology. He really was extremely grateful to have such an understanding and forgiving boyfriend.


“I really was only angry at your stupid mistakes- you mixed up ‘kitchen’ with ‘chicken’ again- but then I started thinking about other things and I guess I got caught up in my emotions.” Kibum tried explaining himself.


Jonghyun simply nodded, “Kitchen and chicken?” he asked, slightly confused.

“You wrote, ‘put the kitchen in the chicken’ ” Kibum answered, biting back a smile.

Jonghyun grimaced, “that bad?”

Kibum nodded, “it get’s worse” he warned in a grave voice.


“It probably does” Jonghyun said as he sat up such that Kibum was now straddling his lap.


He picked up the laptop and handed it to Kibum who held it with one hand, the other still holding onto his lover’s back to keep balance.

“I have flaws” Jonghyun stated nonchalantly as he hoisted Kibum up, still around his waist “And you are here to fill them in”.


Jonghyun sat the two down on at the computer desk, Kibum still held to his chest. They set the laptop down and opened the lid. What greeted him was a word document covered in red and green underlines, highlights, and inserted comments complete with extra exclamation points, question marks, and emoticons.


Jonghyun faced Kibum and gave him a brief peck.

Kibum returned his determined smile after their lips parted.


“Let’s make gold”




Blingdom, if you see this, I did it XD.


But, so..

This was only supposed to be a light hearted, fun sort of thing.

Then it kinda went deep (? maybe ?)

I wanted to convey something.. don’t know if it was successful though XD.


BUT thank you to everybody that has read this ^^ and comments would be much much much appreciated ♥

(also, I don’t mean to rip on french, the language, in anyway. It was simply the first thing that came to my mind so if anybody is somehow offended… that was not my intention X). But please comment if it does and why so I don’t do it again XD)


***=female dog, by the way ;)

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keybha #1
Chapter 1: aww this was such a chwweeeet <3
Chapter 1: Jonghyun is just what Kibum needs and vice versa. This is really well written. Kibum's sudden outburst gave Jjong a heck of a scare but it's all because he felt that he wasn't good enough awww poor bb ;_; love this <3
Rellamellow #3
Chapter 1: Woah. I always admire Jonghyun in these kind of stories because I don't know if I would be able to put up with Key if I was in his situation, I mean, I'm quite sensitive when it comes to people shouting and if my boyfriend came into our apartment shouting at me... I don't know if I could handle that, especially if it was a regular occurrence. I'd probably hide under the table with my dog like Jonghyun did, cry and never come out again lol.
So basically Key was upset because of his musical or something like that but also because of the mistakes Jonghyun made while writing and burst into their apartment, shouting and yelling and making all of them (Jonghyun and the dogs) hide under the desk because they were afraid of him and his boyfriend was close to crying and he didn't even properly apologize? Okay...
It's probably just me being sensitive and having bad memories of people shouting at me but I think he could have at least apologized or something. owo
I'm not sure if I got the message you wanted to convey though. What was it?
All in all, I liked this because Jonghyun was really sweet and you write very well~ <3