Some Dreaming

As Sehun sauntered towards his usual table that he sat at the café, he immediately noticed a faded blue backpack resting on the tabletop. This was his table. He came to this cafe everyday and sat at that table everyday. Everyone knew him, and didn’t dare to sit at that single table in the corner; for fear that Sehun would do something to them. Who sat here? Do they not know that this is where I sit? he frowned as he imagined someone else sitting there and working. 

He sat down with one leg crossed over the other, and looked in the bag curiously, wondering if the owner's name was written somewhere or if there was anything he could use. 

As far as he could see, there was only a laptop, a pair of earbuds, a couple pencils, a pack of mint gum, and a notebook in the bag. He took a stick of the Trident mint gum, and popped it in his mouth without a care. He pulled the notebook out, and expecting notes for class, he flipped through the pages. Instead of notes for history or science, there was music scribbled all over the staffs that lined the page. What? Unconciously, he started humming the tune that was drawn on the page. Is she majoring in music? he wondered as went through the rest of the pages. 

"Excuse me?" a voice rang out in the corner of the small cafe. "If I'm not mistaken, that notebook you're holding is mine?" a petite girl with long black hair angrily walked over to where Sehun was standing. "Who are you to go through my stuff?" 

Sehun smirked and turned around. "Do you know who you are talking to?" Everyone on the campus knew him, and none of them would dare to talk to him like the way she just had. He expected that when the girl saw who he was, she would immediately shrivel up and apologize in a small voice like everyone else. Girls... all of them are the same. "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Oh, it's the one and only Prince Sehun," the girl huffed as she snatched the notebook from his hands. "I should've figured. No other person on this campus would be as arrogant and bratty as you." she grabbed her backpack and looked inside quickly. "You didn't take anything else or look through anything else, did you? Because you would have some nerve if you decided to go through my laptop." 

The tall and slender 21-year old with dyed blonde hair stood there in confusion. Did she just talk back to me? The one and only Prince Sehun? Be as arrogant and bratty? He quickly composed himself, and crossed his arms. "So you do know who I am, and you're talking to me like that? I have the power to get you kicked off this campus with a snap of my fingers. I would say that you're the one with the nerve." he retorted. 

"Hah! Please. Do you think I believe that bull?" she scoffed and slung the backpack over her shoulder and turned around, ready to walk away from him. 

"What's your name?" 

The girl only chuckled and lifted up two fingers in the sign of a 'V' or a peace sign with her back facing him. "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Sehun stood dumbfounded by the table, not yet registering what had really happened. Did she really talk back to me? That's for me to know and you to find out? Who the eff does she think she is?  He said one last thing before she walked away, childlishly wanting to have the last word.

"Thanks for the gum, sweetheart." 

The girl just smiled to herself impishly, and without even glancing at Sehun, she let the door close behind her as she walked out of the Espresso Cafe and Study Lounge on the campus of the prestigious Seoul Youngwan University.*


Sehun stared straight forward, his eyes blank, and his fingers uncontrallably tapping the tabletop. That girl. Who is she? How dare she just talk like that and leave, even after knowing who I am?

"Sehun? Sehun...? Hey!" someone suddenly clapped their hands in front of his face, and Sehun snapped out of his thoughts. He saw a group of 5 people sitting around him with worried expressions. 

"What...?" he leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes. "What do you want?"

"What's wrong? You've been zoning out, and have been scowling for the past 15 minutes. Did something happen?"  Baekhyun asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine. Just tired." he stated with a tone that clearly told everyone that he wasn't going to say any more. A few seconds later, he abruptly sat up in his chair and faced his group of friends. "Do you know any girl? Kind of small? Long, black hair?"

There was a moment of silence before his friends started cheering.

"Our Sehunnie's coming to us with a girl problem!" Baekhyun patted him on the back happily. "I thought you would never find another girl. We all thought that you were still hung up on Mari." his friends all nodded in agreement to Baekhyun.

Sehun sighed exasperatedly. "Did I say I was attracted to this girl? Just tell me if you know this girl." 

"No..." everyone murmured quietly and looked down.

"I knew it. He's still not over her." Kai whispered to Baekhyun. Baekhyun merely nodded and rolled his eyes, while making sure that Sehun didn't hear them. 

"What? Small with long, black hair?" Chanyeol asked with his eyebrows raised, in answer to Sehun's original question. "If you haven't really noticed, about half of all the girls at SYC are petite with black hair... but why suddenly are you curious about this girl?" 

Sehun merely shrugged with a his infamous straight face with his lips pursed into a tight line. 


Several days later, Sehun saw a familiar blue backpack on someone's back as he walked into the cafeteria with his friends. 

There. That's the brat who doesn't know her place in this school. He thought to himself. He nudged Chanyeol and nodded towards the girl with the blue backpack, who sat with a group of other girls. "That's her. Who is she?"

"Blue backpack?" 

Sehun nodded once before looking straight at her again. She seemed to be laughing and having some sort of humorous conversation with her friends.

"I think her name is Yuna? Yoona? Not sure..." Chanyeol whispered. "I've seen her around campus a couple times, but I don't know her or anything. What'd she do to you?" he asked, noting that Sehun was clenching his teeth and glaring at her. 

"That brat." Sehun just faced forward and continued walking, much to the confusion of his tall friend. 


What had Chanyeol said her name was? Yoona? 

Sehun quickly typed Yoona in the search bar. He scrolled through the results trying to find the picture that matched the girl with the blue backpack. Nobody. 

Yuna? He typed Yuna into the search bar, and one document popped up as a result. Yes. I found you. He smirked as he saw the picture on the document. That's you all right. He clicked the document open, showing all the information for the girl named Choi Yuna. 

Full name: Choi Yuna. Gender: Female. Major: Law. 

What? I thought she might be a music major. The music she wrote? Sehun thought to himself as he read the Student Information. He shrugged as he dismissed his thoughts and continued reading.

Date of Birth: April 12, 1994. 

He stopped as he read her birthday. No way. That was his birthday.

"Oh Sehun. What are you doing in my office?" a loud voice boomed as Sehun hurriedly closed the document and leaned back into the cushioned chair.

"Father." Sehun spoke, looking at the middle-aged man who had just walked into the office. 

"How many times do I have to say that you can't look up confidential student information on my computer?" the president of Seoul Youngwan University sighed in exasperation. "Who did you look up this time?"

"Choi Yuna." 

"Oh... Yuna," Mr. Oh nodded. "Did you read all of her information?" 

Sehun rolled his eyes, but not before answering his father. "Unfortunately no. You rudely barged in after I learned that she was born on the same day as me."

"Yuna is a nice girl, but she had a difficult past," his father smiled warmly at his only son. "You should talk and get to know her. She really is a nice person."

"Nice person, my ." Sehun huffed. He stood up and stretched, walking to the door to leave the large office. "I'll get going."

Watching as Sehun shuffled out, Mr. Oh smiled to himself. Why is he so suddenly interested in Yuna? 


Sehun strutted out into the hallway, smirking as everyone moved towards the wall, leaving a straight path for him to walk. Normally, he would've ignored everyone and made his way towards his next class. Today, he stopped in the middle, reached out and grasped onto the wrist of an unknowing girl who was getting her things out of her locker. Everything tumbled out of her arms and scattered on the floor, as she was pulled out towards him. 

"Choi Yuna? I did find out your name," Sehun winked. "How did I find out, owner of locker 204? That's for me to know and you to find out." 


Hello~ I hope you all like my new story... Please read and leave comments ^.^ I would appreciate it so much!
First Chapter's kind of short, because I just wanted to establish the two main characters...~ 

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