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As hyoyeon left for work she got home and got ready for  dinner at her mother's house knowing full well why her mom wanted her over there was to set her up with another complete stranger so she could get over the demon as her mom called her, but as hyoyeon realized that even when she had someone her mother kept trying to set her up with someone becasue she didn't like who hyoyeon was with , but she realised her mother never did thinking only she could chose someone for hyoyeon.As she finished getting ready she looked herself over in the mirror and walked to her garage where she picked her lime green butterfly door ferrari and was on her way to dinner. As she was on her way she couldn't help but space out and wonder why did you leave me.While in her trance hyoyeon didn't even notice she was getting honked at while in her trance by a few cars waking her up .She slowly arrived at her mothers' and noticed a unfamiliar car in the driveway so she parked and walked up to the door getting ready for the unexpected.Knocking she was instantly greeted by bubbly yuri , but judging by her facial experssion hyoyeon knew her mother was up to something."hyo just get through this night you know how umma is.''said a pleading yuri."sure yul''said a sighing hyo as she walked in and saw a familiar figure sitting on the couch she greeted him"hey key hows it going.''knowing why his big sister was acting this way he greeted back"hi hyo noona''then hyoyeon turned and instantly stopped in her tracks as she saw her on the couch, not noticing hyos reaction her mother decided to introduce them"hey hyo this is hyorin hyorin this is my charming daughter hyoyeon I was telling you about''not believing her eyes she shook her head a little then seeing hyorin smirking she greeted her "hello hyoyeon  nice to see you again.''not completely taking this in well the atmosphere became very awkward .Knowing her sister didn't do to well with these types of situations yuri decided to get hyo out of their as fast as she could so she came up wtih an excuse"hey hyo remember that thing I told I had to talk with you about at the office''nugding hyoyeon so she'll get the message she played along"

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HYOYEONlove #1
Thanks Hyo2803 i appreciate it yea i didnt really grammar check these last few chapters but i promise to do tht with the next few