Chapter 8: Après moi le déluge

Pathcode: Fear of the Blank Planet

7:03 AM. Vieux Port, Marseilles. March 16th.

Marseilles is quiet in the morning. All is asleep apart from fishermen and vendors at the fish market nearby. Fishing boats and yachts form

orderly lines, a soft sunrise glow shimmers on the windshields as the port and starboard rock up and down from the gentle waves beneath. The

hulls are clean and the decks are polished. Nothing but steel and ropes and mainsails fluttering in the wind like a woman's handkerchief saying

goodbye to a loved one embarking on a voyage. There are random shouts and seagulls flying up above in circles. It smells of fish and seafood.

The Mediterranean Sea is still and all too calm. A young woman walks through the market, ignoring all the "Miss, would you like to try..."

"Fresh shrimp, we have fresh shrimp!", "Discounts for a pretty lady! Half off" around her. She seems out of place, too well-dressed, sticking out

like a sore thumb between wrinkled sunburnt faces and old kind eyes. She walks a little bit faster, looking behind her, feeling followed.


8:23 AM. A forest close by.

Kim Junmyeon dreams of draughts and barren wastelands. His alarm clock fails to wake him as his pupils run rampant behind heavy eyelids. Suho,

as his fellow psychiatric doctors call him, dreams there is no more rain, dreams of cracks in the desert, hot winds and wilting plants. Near his

head a huge manual stands, bulky and imposing: "Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux" (Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders).


Amnestic disorder. Anxiety disorder. Autophagia. Avoidant personality disorder. Atelophobia (the fear of not being good enough). Bipolar

disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder. Borderline intellectual functioning. Borderline personality disorder. Claustrophobia. Catatonic

schizophrenia. Depersonalization disorder. Depressive disorder. Diogenes Syndrome. Dissociative identity disorder. Epylepsy. Erotomania.

Factitious disorder. Grandiose delusions. Histrionic personality disorder. Hypochondriasis. Insomnia. Kleptomania. Lacunar amnesia. Maladaptive

Daydreaming. Munchausen's syndrome. Misophonia. Narcolepsy. Narcissistic personality disorder. Nightmare disorder (which Suho is starting to

think he has). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Paranoid personality Disorder. And the list goes on and on. Over four hundred and fifty

definitions of mental disorders. Suho dreams of afflictions, diseases, he dreams he is becoming mad (isn't it funny, they always say a

psychiatrist is always a bit crazy and deranged him/herself). Suho dreams of sand storms. Dry, heaving breaths, parched throats seeking water

that is nowhere to be found. Psychosis. That is what people would say if he told them he is an alien and he can control the rivers and seas.

Pavor Nocturnus. Sleep Terror. He wakes up screaming, feeling the world is about to end. Persecutory delusion. That applies too. Goes hand in

hand with paranoid schizophrenia. He feels as though he is being followed and that he is going to be hurt. Him and the others. Intense anxiety.

Paranoia. And separation anxiety. It's been too long since he was with the others and he feels weak and incomplete. Basically about 50 of those

450 disorders he feels could be what he is going through.


Junmyeon wakes up from his nightmarish daydream. He sees the shadow of a woman pass by his window and thinks he is hallucinating. How can he help

his patients today when he feels as though he is going slightly mad chasing daffodils and building daisy chains and losing all his marbles at the same time? He feels

like a fraud today. It wasn't hard to create an identity and fake an education and learn everything and become a renowned psychiatrist. He is sure the others didn't

have a hard time  creating a fake human identity either. They are all intelligent and they can make anyone believe anything they want. At least they have morality

and want to use their powers for the greater good. Or so he hopes the others are doing. Suddenly, Junmyeon feels very thirsty.


Kim Junmyon's nightmare is becoming true. He wakes up from his bed, in his room surrounded by many curtainless windows. There is light but no

sun. The skies are menacingly cloudy. Walking to the bathroom, he takes a look at his reflection in the mirror. He looks older today. His cheeks

are sunken, his black circles are deeper, his lips are dry and his hair feels like straw. He turns the hot and cold water knobs. No water comes

out. He closes his eyes and listens. He can't hear the water flow in the pipes. He feels no moisture in the atmohphere. He starts to panic.




Junmyeon heads out, walks through the forest near his secluded house. The tree trunks are dry and cracked like parchment paper burnt by desert sands. The grass

is no longer green, it is dark orange, brown and gray. The flowers hang their head down, they too praying for rain. Slowly, Junmyeon paces between dying trees and

stretches out his hand waiting for a droplet of water, just one, he needs at least one to have some hope.


"Be careful what you wish for" he hears a deep voice from the pits of the deepest hell.

"Junmyeon, follow my voice" he hears a soft female voice this time, a voice that sounds so familiar.

"To the abandoned warehouse" the voice is carried by the breeze.


He follows obediantly, climbing stone steps and jumping through holes in the walls, broken windows, moldy walls and graffitied bricks

enveloping him in a place forgotten, in a place frozen in time. This warehouse used to have hot breaths and movement and laughter in it once,

working pipes and electricity. Now it is a wretched, azbestus breathing carcass rotting away in the sunlight. Near the warehouse, an empty

swimming pool resides, it feels weird walking through it, as if walking on a frozen lake in winter.

A kind face greets him, golden locks atop a black shawl wrapped around a thin, frail body.


"Taeyeon!" and he feels like rubbing his eyes, wondering if this is a vision and he is just falling deeper into madness. "You are on Earth with


"Yes, Junmyeon, a lot of things have happened and will happen and I cannot tell you everything because we are running out of time and some things I

can prevent but some I cannot so I had to reach out and ask for your help. You have always been such a good leader. I am afraid this planet's

fate is a dark and tragic one if we can't change the course leading to its future". Taeyeon speaks beyond her age, speaks as if she has centuries on

her shoulders, weighing her down and making her breathing difficult.

"Are the others in danger? What can I do to help? I don't know what is happening but I will do my best...only there is no water and I feel


"Sadly, you don't have to worry about water. A flood is about to destroy this town and people will die and we alone can't change all that. But we can

prevent a future where more people die, a future where the whole planet dies. And we can save Baekhyun. He is going to be targetted in a few

days, I need you there with me. And I need the others too. Listen. Four years ago, when you and the other eleven were thrown in the maze prison

by our ruler, I knew it would happen, as it is both my curse and blessing. I managed to get you out and almost died in the process. But I

managed to.... Of course you couldn't stay on our planet anymore, you would have been killed so I had to bring you here. Luhan and Yifan didn't

make it out when I saved the rest of you but I have had visions and I know they are also on this planet somewhere and I am pretty sure they are

on this same continent too. And I think one of them is not on our side, he has hatred in his heart. That might get in our way unless we can

reason with him somehow. Our home planet is slowly dying and running out of resources so they came here. And they are after all of you as a

personal vendetta too. They are after me as well, I am the only Oracle left of this generation so they may not kill me but I'd rather die than

be held captive and tortured. Junmyeon, please help me... I have watched over all of you and tried to protect you and to not show myself so I don't endanger

your lives but....I can't do this alone anymore. Please help me save Baek...and the rest... and this planet. As Taeyeon carries on, tears well

up in her eyes, the liquid crystals gently flowing and running down her cheeks. He feels she has been through a lot. He thinks as a

phychiatrist and a friend now and is surprised and amazed by the amount of strength this young woman has possessed. He knows her from back home.

He knows she is Baekhyun's soul mate, she is a kind and intelligent person and one who can also lead others well.


"It's going to be okay, Taeyeon. Let it all out, it's not good to keep everything locked inside. Trust me, I know. I have seen so many lost

souls, so many disorders, lots of them caused by loneliness, being misunderstood or mistreated or life just being too cruel. I wish I knew you

were here with us, I would have helped you sooner, you don't have to do everything alone. Let's help Baek and bring him back to you, okay? he

says all this as he wraps his palms around her head and looks kindly at her, like a father who can't bare to see his daughter crying.

Their touching reunion is interrupted by loud thunder and pouring rain.

"Oh is already starting! Taeyeon shrieks and gasps as her eyes grow wide in horror.

"The flood?"

"Yes, it's them. They are here, they are trying to destroy everything around you guys, the places you chose to live in, they want them wiped from



Lightning strikes around them, piercing and igniting the trees from the forest. The boats' ports and starboards rock from side to side more

violently now in the sea port, the sails are almost ripped apart, anchors sway in the depths of the sea, winds turn the tables from the market

upside down as slippery fish fly everywhere, as people slip and fall to the ground. The rain falls in a downpour, a gray curtain that makes

the world dissapear. Junmyeon remembers the demonic voice defying him, shouting "Careful what you wish for!". He wished for a droplet and he got a

flood. The trees in the forest light up, stabbed by electric swords, the roots drown in too much water, the moss expands like an over-fed sponge.

Pipes break as water explodes, drains can't handle the outburst and they swell up, river streams form on sidewalks. Nightmarish waves tower over

people, over docks, over lifeguard stations. It all comes crashing down. The warehouse is drowning, as Junmyeon grabs Taeyeon's hand and propels

himself, forming a wave under his feet. He needs to find the ones responsible. He sees his lonely house disappearing, water breaking the glass,

taking away his notes, his studies, all four hundred and fifty mental disorders, his human life, four years of trying to fit in and learn what

it is to be human, what it is to be broken and to suffer, what it is to strive and heal.


Taeyeon passes out for a second but re-opens her eyes which turn white and cast light. Junmyeon watches in horror as a gigantic waterspout forms over the

Mediterranean sea close to the shore where there are still tourists he sees from up above running like ants for cover. In all of his life on Earth he has never witnessed

such a frightening sight. He sees all five stages of the tornado forming over the water: a dark spot appears, resembling a giant oil spil as a spiral pattern starts to

form, twisting and circling around forming a spray ring (he feels the water gurgling and pouring into a deep groaning moan that turns his stomach upside down) and

then he sees a giant funnel form, connecting the sea with the sky, creating a massive vortex which pulls everything to it, much as a black hole. It really feels

like the end of the world. The tornado moves and swallows boats, yachts, it draws sand to it, it pulls everything to it, he watches people levitating and being thrown

around and pulled by the sheer force of the winds. And then that demonic laugh.


"Take me on, water-wielder! If you can beat me, your stupid little human town may live another day!" the voice echoes defiantly around him.

Junmyeon's clothes are being ripped to shreds as he stands up, determined, power returning to his veins. His eyes start glowing as Taeyeon's, they

glow a deep blue color. His thick eyebrows move down angrily as he squints his eyes and finds his enemy.

"This ends now!" Kim Junmyeon roars as he leaps from self-made waves bursting under his feet. As he stretches out his palms, he guides water to

him and builds pressure as he sends it back out and makes it shoot out with such power it could cut steel. The shadow he is fighting

dematerializes and re-materializes, molecules bursting out like fireworks and reforming like the contents of a popped water balloon seen in reverse.


"You will have to be much faster than that, old man!" The shadow has a face and he looks as young as a teenager, his agility challenging his


"I am only twenty-fouuuuuuur!" Junmyeon yells as he jumps towards the young one, same alien blood flowing through his veins like liquid silver, same

water control level from what he can judge.

"That's ancient to me, grampa!" the young one laughs and smirks, controling the vortex stirring the sea and guiding it towards his foe. "Have a

taste of your own medicine, die by the element you control! Ahhh, the irony!" Junmyeon feels the vaccuum effect and wonders if this is what space

debris feels like as it's down a black hole. He grinds his teeth and resists, pulling water from the massive water tunnel and claiming

power over it.

"Watch this, infant!" he yells, his muscles swelling as throbbing veins pop in his neck and forehead from overexertion. He lets out a scream

as the tunnel erupts like a volcano, only throwing foaming water, spiraling around his body and forming a liquid orb. The waterspout

diminishes as his opponent freezes in disbelief.

"How did you..."

"You being younger only gives you more agility, but I have substantially more power than you!" Junmyeon clasps his hands together, looking as if he

is about to pray but instead he opens his eyes and hurls the entire water globe towards his enemy who dodges it several times but is finding it

harder and harder to keep up. Taeyeon teleports or flies (the young shadow can't even tell) behind him and whispers in his ear:

"I have seen your future and it only goes down hill from here... You can stay and die or flee and tell the others to leave this planet alone".

For the first time, Taeyeon looks more like an angel of death, an evil condescending smile lifting the corners of her lips as she narrows her

eyes, sending out a sharp pain to the young one.


"I am not a coward, I shall stand and fight!" The vortex grows stronger again, a wider circle spreading the sea, as the teenage water-wielder

tries to grab Taeyeon. The Marseilles port is completely under water, its population trying to find refuge on higher levels, in trees and towers

but most perish while trying. Junmyeon watches with grief and decides to put his life on the line in one final effort. His opponent loses track of

him and suddenly feels two icy palms around his neck. Junmyeon stands behind him and makes the surrounding waves holding them disappear as they

plummet to the depths of the sea like a giant cannonball. They hear winds and feel a cascade of icy water punching their flesh, drawing blood.

Down the water tunnel they go, they smash against the sea bed and it feels like cement. "Any human would surely have perished by now", Junmyeon thinks, grateful

of his heritage for once. They go down until they touch the ground and they are swimming with fish and sharks and there is probably a lonely whale in the distance

somewhere. Kim Junmyeon keeps his hands around his enemy's neck and lets go too late, realizing the young man is drowning. He didn't mean for him to die,

although he knew he had no choice. Taeyeon offered him an alternative and he didn't take it. He died by drowning. "How ironic", Junmyeon reflects back to his

enemy's foreshadowing words, as he swims up. He is happy he won but sad he had to end such a young life. The sun is out and it blinds him as his lungs fill with air.


5835.92 miles away from Marseilles, another man is fighting his own battle.


17:11 An open plain, a few miles away from the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, March 19th.


Park Chanyeol opens his eyes. But this is not morning. This is not his bed. He can't remember how he got here. He is surrounded by burnt, yellow

grass, swayed by dry winds. His eyes are clear and reflect the marching soft cotton clouds up above. He is wearing his long blue coat, a thick

sweater with a turtleneck and his black feltip hat and carrying his antique pocket watch that makes him look like a 19th century explorer. He

tries to remember how he got there. But the last thing he remembers is being in Spain at the  Castillo de Montbui, standing atop old stone ruins

and feeling as if a giant is looking at him from up above. He remembers being in London and following Jongin around, without him knowing he is

there, Jongin looking behind him, running towards a train station, running atop a building, then teleporting away, pigeons fluttering their

wings as he, Chanyeol, catches his breath trying to catch up to his friend in vain. He remembers seeing Sehun in Edinburgh but not being able to

reach him because he is some kind of big shot male model/actor type who cannot be approached. He remembers seeing Jongin's paintings at a

gallery. Seeing Junmyeon's name under psychiatric articles. Reading about this punk, Kim Minseok, who hacked some documents he shouldn't have hacked

and now some guys in suits with too much money and power are after him. He reads about Huang Zi Tao bringing the Chinese team to the Wushu

competition in Barcelona. He also knows Jongdae is a professor in Almaty. Yixing is using his healing power as a doctor in Yunaan, China and Baekhyun is putting his

incessant chattiness to use in Lyon as a guide to tourists. His guess is Kyungsoo is with Jongin somewhere and the other two he knows nothing about. Funny how he

remembers all these things and yet he does not remember how he got here, on this field. He looks at the time on his watch: 5:12 P.M now but the hands stand

still so he is uncertain.


All he knows is that he gets to travel the world as he writes travel journals and poems and looks for signs that his people have landed here and

have some kind of scheme going on. Some days he doesn't care and just wants to enjoy life. He loves going to Burning Man, to music festivals,

hanging out in colonies of travelers, free spirits and hippies, playing music, singing, acting goofy and careless. But then he gets menacing

dreams or bizarre things start to happen and he has to go back into seeker mode, he has to get to the bottom of everything and keep tabs on his



"Where am I this time?" Chanyeol wonders, getting up and shaking the dust off his trenchcoat. He stands a little over six inches tall, a lean

broad-shouldered shadow appearing on the ground. He sees the Grand Canyon in the distance and exclaims in wonder but still fails to remember how

he got here. The opposite way lies a forest. He starts walking towards it. The sun is starting to set and he swears he hears some kind of coyote

or wolf in the distance. He walks through the barren forest, as did Junmyeon, 5835 miles away, same rhythm in his pace, just a different forest,

different setting, different time. Chanyeol remembers coming across a cabin and an old confusing text. He can't tell if this was a day ago, a

week ago, a month or a year. His head starts to hurt as he is trying to remember.


"Yes! There was a cabin....with a broken roof...and shadows and light coming through the cracks...I remember leaves on the ground of the cabin,

rustling in the wind. Spiders...spider webs..." he whispers this to himself trying to wipe his own spiderwebs clouding his memory. Swipe and

there sits a book in the cabin. Swipe another web and there is a text in it and it's not English and somehow he can read it. Poof and the dust

from the spiderwebs is brushed off. Something about a tree of life. Superpowers. The pages of the book are singed and look like they have

survived a fire. Chanyeol squints, trying to remember. Words missing...but....Something like....


                          "...the evil minds of people... the world backfired
                               The legend has gathered....Tree of Life
                               The Time is reversed
                               The Space is Illegal
                               Legends of the same place but you cannot meet each other
                               ....correctly combining the power of twelve

                               Will open a new world"


Chanyeol is not sure if this is his selective memory or these are the only words saved by the fire or if he is imagining everything. But he is

sure there was a cabin. And pieces of stone with inscriptions on them. Weird symbols. Wait...Didn't he place them in a backpack? Looking around

him he tries to see if there is any luggage he might have brought with him, but there is nothing. Just him, his trenchcoat, his feltip hat and

pocket watch. And a distant wolf howl echoing through the deep canyon chasms. He keeps walking the opposite way, towards the forest.


" would be really nice if you could just come pick me up and teleport me away from here". He is starting to feel scared and talking

to himself is mildly helping.

The sun is setting as Chanyeol reaches the middle of the wide forest. The forest looks dark and menacing. Branches crack around him on the

ground and pebbles are kicked out of place.


"Who goes there?" Chanyeol shrieks, his voice going an octave higher and his pointy ears perching up as if to hear better. He snaps his fingers

and they ignite a small flame which he uses to create a torch out of his improvised walking stick. This makes him look like a wizard marching

through the darkness.

"Show yourself!" he tries to sound brave but fails miserably.

Near his hair fireflies start dancing, twinkling around him. The trees surrounding him grow shiny golden veins which ignite, like the charcoal

of an open fire. Trees and bushes around him are set ablaze, instantly combusting as if someone just turned a Christmas village on connecting an

invisible plug. This is not his doing, though fire is his element. All he hears is the soothing crackle of the branches that grows louder. And

then more howling and louder steps. What appears to be a fire arrow whistles as it shoots out right past his ear, taking a few strands of his

hair with it.


"That was just a friendly shot, to give you time to prepare. I am going to enjoy this, Park Chanyeol!"

An ogre-like figure marches through the flames with a pack of wolves trailing behind it, shiny fangs soaked in blood giving him hungry grins.

Chanyeol is not used to fighting anymore so he tries running first and hiding under a tree but the tree is hit by a fire beam and turns to ash,

its dust crumbling through his fingers. He has to run from this giant with huge, intimidating muscles while being chased by hungry wolves. Where

did he go wrong?

"Come back here, coward! Is that how humans taught you to fight? Come here so I can fry you like a juicy piece of pork!"

Deciding he has no choice but to fight, Chanyeol tries to remember how this is done.

"Breathe in. One, two, three". He springs from behind a tree trunk and sparks fly from his feet and his palms, he is casting ribbons of light

around him, shooting projectiles from his palms, setting the forest even more ablaze. "Where is Smokey the bear when you need him?" Chanyeol

giggles at the thought and then wants to slap himself because his life is in danger and why is his mind so random and before he can finish the

thought he receives a blow to the head. He recovers quickly and now he is angry and he moves through sheer survival instinct. He sends out a

mushroom cloud of fire, catapulting the wolves and washing them away, like a tsunami rushing a boat to shore. The ogre-like figure grunts and

sends out a battle cry as he shoots out more fire arrows at Chanyeol. Chanyeol has abandoned his coat and hat and is springing from rock to

rock, sending out fire bolts at his foe.


"I have something that belongs to you! the giant laughs and his voice sounds like a bully's voice he used to know back when he was in high

school. He holds up a worn backpack and Chanyeol swears he sees inscribed pebbles he has seen before and the characters are shining. He

remembers an eclipse. Back at the cabin, there was an eclipse. Oh my God, he had a dream like that!  Kyungsoo and rocks and shadows and an eclipse

and it was the end of the world. The giant tosses the backpack at Chanyeol's face and the pebbles fall to the ground. Chanyeol collapses and he

feels a magnetic energy below his feet. The pebbles are drawn to each other, their symbols light up red and give out as much heat as the fire

around them. Like a Ouija board suddenly possessed by a vengeful spirit, the pebbles move and click together until the puzzle becomes one image.

There are twelve pieces, twelve symbols and they all represent an element. Two of the pieces remain unlit.  Chanyeol smirks and then busts out laughing:


"Hahaha! You are going to wish you hadn't done that! You are kind of screwed now!"

And before his foe can reply, ten figures materialize, nine men and a woman appear one by one, from a ghostly hologram to flesh and blood,

imprisoning the giant within a tight circle he has no escape from.

Jongin, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Yixing, Minseok, Baekhyun, Junmyeon, Tao, Sehun and Taeyeon (that last one Chanyeol was definitely not expecting but his

euphoric exhilaration makes him not ask any questions just yet and just relish in this sudden reunion miracle) stand before him, flames dancing behind them.


"Well then, Jongin says with a wide smile, this is one way to meet up! Ten down, two to go, and I didn't even have to teleport anyone!"

"Jongin!" Chanyeol runs to him and gives him a big hug, to which Kyungsoo offers a jealous grunt and a murderous look.

"Is this guy trying to hurt you, hyung?" Zitao leaps, spear in hand, showing off his acrobatics as he takes on the giant who disappears into the

burning woods.

"You found all the relics, Chanyeollie, good job! Jongin pets him on the head proudly. Taeyeon offers a kind smile.

"Are we going to get a happy ending, Oracle? Baekhyun asks, holding Taeyeon's hand lovingly.

"If the prophecy holds true, yes. Twelve must be One".

Sehun stares down, the only one not laughing, the one who knows a bit more than the others. Inside a cabin somewhere, old singed pages turn and

spiders crawl inside their webs.


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I am sorry for the long hiatus, frequent updates incoming and we are drawing closer to the end now :-(


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k_nana #1
Chapter 14: I have sooooo many things to say after reading all of this n i think i will lose my sanity if i don't get to read until the end of this. This is amazing n quite literally one of the best romance/scifi/fantasy I've ever read n this is so beautiful i can't help it :( i already loved it the moment i saw the exo-ot12 pathcode!au from the foreword n tags but i literally feel like i want to jump at u n give u hugs so tight when u made baekyeon alive in here since it's so hard to find good baekyeon fics (like exoamaya's 'what if we ran away ') n i almost explode how u wrote systematically in connecting pathcode teasers with lucky one and monster n hopefully lotto n o think o shud stop rambling but hogod, u cannot stop writing cuz this is tooooo wonderful, i give u full support , hoping that people should reax this
Minini #2
Chapter 14: Well this story kept me up until late yesterday (or well... Today I guess) so *cracks novels* it is only fair that I repay you with a novel of my own.

Lemme start by saying that the idea, while many would not call it original, is simply beautiful to me. Finally someone could make sense of those teasers! I have always wanted to write a superpowers AU but could never make sense of anything in the teasers, so wow. And! You connected it with Overdose to boot. I'm not kidding, that's not a little feat, I simply loved, loved, LOVED the part where Minseok mentioned the labyrinth and how not all of them came out alive.

The beginning was so promising! Loved the idea of them adapting, how they took four years, how you made the effort to explain the absence of Luhan and Kris. Not to mention the descriptions were beautiful! I'm not used to finding an author here who takes the time to actually create magic with their words, but I simply adore your descriptions. They made me get lost in the words for a while and it was wonderful. You could easily create an atmosphere unique to each character and setting with your words - tranquil for Kai and Soo, old and magical for Chen, abandoned and cold but with a side of rebellious youth who thinks they know how to be content for Xiumin, etc. I try to reenact stories I like in my mind, but rendering yours was almost impossible because it made use of tools unique to written text, not acting. Lovely.
Chapter 1: A bit weird, but quite interesting.
XiarahMontel #4
Chapter 12: Just read all the updates after being inactive for a while... That was AMAZING! :D I love how you merged the teasers with the other MV's like Lucky One. Keep up the good work! :D ♡♡♡
XiarahMontel #5
Chapter 9: That was just so.... Wonderful. I can't even think of the right words for it. The fluff between Kai and D.O., the little BaekYeon moments, and the cliffhanger made me explode! Please update soon ♡♡
XiarahMontel #6
Chapter 8: Omo! Just read the update and I cant wait for the next one!!! They have finally reunited! I wonder what Sese knows.... and what'll happen next... And when does Luhan and Kris show up? Waahhhh please update soon author-nim!! Fighting!!♡
Chapter 7: This is brilliant and I just love how you portrayed their friendships beginning and the overall life on their planet. Really well done and i can't wait for the next one ^^
omg this is the most perfect fanfic ever
Chapter 6: This has been my favourite chapter so far seeing that puzzle pieces start clicking back together ^^ great work, keep it up I really love this story alot, very unique plot, great character description and very well written on top of that. Life is good. :")