When everything comes to an end


===== Everything here is just fictional and my imagination. Changes of names here is just fictional. If offended, sorry in advance!=====



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Did you ever feel that those memories, those laughs, and those happy moments you've shared with someone comes to an end? 

Did you ever thought that it would last forever?


You thought you were the only one.

You thought that person was the one.

You thought this relationship will last.


But with one mistake, one moment you never thought will come, will actually be the cause to end everything. 


And at that moment, you were ready to leave everything behind. Especially that person.



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lightning_TabiSan #1
Chapter 4: I was teary eyed in the last Chaptet!

Gadh! Men can't understand them, they fiercely love a women yet they have the inclination to cheat :)

The happy ending made up for it though!
freckles #2
Chapter 4: Thanks for your story. . . . ;-D