
Good For You [Sequel to Save Me]

She looks shocked, but snaps out of it pretty quickly, giving us a bow and a small wave. Jin still says nothing as he glares at Jimin, who gives him a sarcastic wave goodbye.




“Where the hell have you been?”

You shut the door behind you, leaning against it with arms crossed, looking expectantly at Jimin.

“Oh, … I totally forgot to tell you.” He puts a hand on his forehead. “­­­­­______, I’m sorry, I had auditions today.”

“Auditions? For a company?”

You lean away from the door and decided to actually enter the apartment, replacing your shoes with slippers.

“Yeah. Big Hit Entertainment held auditions for trainees today.” He grabs your waist with a swift movement, holding your hand as he begins to waltz you around the room. This makes you giggle in surprise and you allow him to swing you. Jimin decides to slow his pace as the lead and pulls you closer, the look in his eye changing for a split second, making you wonder if you actually saw the spark or not. “I think I did well, though.” He averts his eyes to your hands. “I think I messed up my routine a little bit but they seemed to like me. There were so many great people there, it was intimidating.”

You smile at him, glad that he ended up being safe. “I’m sure they’ll love you. You’ve got so much potential, they’d have to be blind and deaf not to see it.” A heavy sigh crossed your lips and you frowned up at him, seriousness in your expression. Jimin watches you carefully, a smirk playing on his soft lips. “Just… text me, at least? I thought you’d died or something considering it’s your usual day off. At least that way I know you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere or in the hospital, yeah?”

He nods vigorously, giving you an apologetic grin. “Of course. I was just in such a rush this morning, I completely forgot.”

You snicker. “How you managed to forget to tell me something so important is beyond me. You’re so silly sometimes, you know that?”

He gives you a guilty smile and twirls you in circles. You rest your head on his shoulder as he begins to sway gently, lulling you into peace. Heartbeats matching in a calm silence, Jimin holds you in his arms.

After what seemed like hours, he nudged you to look at him. “I have to ask you something.” His voice quivered, and you heard his heart begin to race as you looked up at him, curious.

“Ask me anything, Jiminie.”

His hands found their way into a waltzing position once more and as you begin to dance, he quickly swings you around, dropping you into a dip. With your faces merely inches apart, you feel a hot blush run to your cheeks madly. Your eyes fall to his lips in a tempting need, which he spots immediately and smirks.

“_______, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”

Jimin’s voice was soft and deep with desire and his hot breath uneven on your skin made you weak. Had he not been holding you in his arms, you probably would’ve collapsed.

With a slight movement, you moved closer to his lips without touching. “Jimin… I… Thought you’d never ask.”

You close the gap between you and feel his lips tighten in a smile against your own. Happiness swelled in your chest and you gripped his neck to pull him closer, if that were even possible. Before you knew it, you were upright again, Jimin’s arms wrapped around your waist as he held you as close as possible.

He was the first one to break the kiss and you pressed your forehead to his, breathing heavily. “So… Yes?” Jimin laughs, breathless.


“So… Should we start Grease now?”

You slap his shoulder as you laugh, kissing him again.


A couple days passed before you and Jimin could get the same day free from work. You decided to go to your old apartment and collect the rest of your belongings from Jin. It had been a little while since you moved out so you hoped your stuff was still there, though you seriously doubted Jin had given it away.

You unlocked the front door and called out to test if Jin was present or not. When there was no answer, you and Jimin entered cautiously, calling out again. To your surprise, his dress shoes were absent from the front closet, meaning he’d already gone to work.

The two of you entered and made your way quietly, relaxing slowly when you confirmed the place to be empty. With a glance at Jimin, you laughed, “I feel like we’re casing the place for robbery.” He laughs in return, looking around for your things. “I’ll start looking in the bedroom, gather my clothes.”

He nods. “I’ll start on the living room.


As you enter the bedroom and flick on the light habitually, you see that it has completely changed. You noted how bare it looked, all your decorations taken down, the walls stripped, and then nightstand on your side of the bed laid empty. It smelled freshly cleaned and nothing was out of place. Save, that is, for a folded piece of paper on the bed.

Upon further inspection, you noticed your name written on the front in Jin’s careful handwriting. He had known you were going to come by.

Unfolding the lined stationary, your heart skipped a beat and began to pump faster in your chest. You started to dread the words you were about to read.

You faintly heard your name as you read the letter, tears beginning to form in your eyes.


I’m writing because I know you won’t want to see me in person and a text or call won’t do my feelings and thoughts justice. So, here’s my letter to you.

I wanted to say that I’m so very sorry for the way I acted that night in the club. I didn’t realize you wanted to make it a night for just the two of us and I ruined that. I’m sorry for hitting you and it’s absolutely inexcusable, I shouldn’t have let you come back to me after that. I knew deep down that we would never be the same after that and I should’ve just let you go.

I hope someday you’ll be able to forgive me.

But that being said, I’m not writing to you so you’ll take me back. I’m not going to beg for forgiveness or try to win you back because I know that this is where you and I end. No matter what I say or do, I’m going to be jealous of you and Jimin. That is something I don’t know how to change.

I know you’re staying with Jimin and whether or not you two are dating now is none of my business, but I hope, whatever the case, that he treats you better than I ever did. I hope that wherever you end up, that whoever you’re with takes care of you better than I could. You deserve the best and we weren’t that. I’m sorry for not realizing that sooner.”

Tears fall from your eyes and you gasp as a chill shakes you from head to toe. Your vision blurs to the point where you can no longer read the rest of the letter. Honestly, you didn’t really understand why it struck you so badly, which only caused more tears to run from your eyes.

“______?” Jimin enters quietly, seeing only your shaking back as you cry softly to yourself. “You okay? I’ve been calling you…” He walks over to you, eyeing the note briefly before standing in front of you, holding your shoulders. You blink away tears and look at him, wiping your swollen cheeks.

“I’m sorry…” You whisper as he pulls you to his chest, where you cry into his shoulder.


“It’s really over. All those years are gone, useless.” You say through shaky breaths, trying to keep your face dry as tears continue to fall. “I don’t even know why I’m crying so much..” You add, voice hushed to where Jimin had to strain to hear you properly.

“Hey, shh… All is not in vain. Think about it, if it weren’t for those long years, you wouldn’t be here in my arms, would you?” Brown eyes meet yours, sympathy glittering in his soft features.

You take a couple deep breaths and calm down, drying your swollen face. “I guess that’s true.” You reply weakly, offering him a small smile, avoiding eye contact as you look around the room.

After clearing your face and collecting yourself, Jimin leads you to the living room where several cardboard boxes are stacked in the corner. They had your name written on them, along with labels of what the contents were.

“As far as I can tell, it’s all in there. There’s the kitchen dishes, movies and knick-knack from the living room, and your bedroom stuff.” Jimin points at each respective box as he explains. Picking up a sticky note from the top box, he hands it to you. “But he wrote this, saying you’re welcome to look around to make sure it’s all in there.”

With pursed lips, you nod and check the kitchen just to be sure. Memories came back to you from when you and Jin would argue over who got to cook dinner that night, knowing full-well that he was a much better cook than you. He would finally end up settling for teaching you how to cook a dish by standing pressed up against your back, acting like a second pair of hands.

A light blush rose to your cheeks as you remember one specific night Jin had taken the movement a little too far and… well, you ended up burning dinner, let’s just say.

You involuntarily let out a sad sigh a little too loud, receiving a worried glance from your boyfriend in the adjacent room. Smiling quickly, you wave it off to assure him it was nothing. Before he could question, you grab a box and gesture toward the door. “Looks like this is everything, so let’s go.” You were a little too eager to leave.

“Can we get ice cream after this?” Jimin asks as you push open the door to his apartment. Beaming at him, you nod, barely missing a stray pillow on the floor.

“Yes please!”

He gives you a large grin that reaches all the way to his eyes, which turn into tiny slits.

You sigh, happily for once. It struck you for a second, how lucky you were to have someone like Jimin to call your own. Not every guy on the street would gladly join you in getting your stuff from your ex’s house and offer ice cream afterward. Not every guy on the street would stick with you after being tossed around in the emotional rollercoaster that was your current love-life.




Next chapter will be up in a few days, I have to write more since I made these chapters so much longer this time ;-;

Thanks for reading everyone! Remember to leave feedback and upvote please!


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ValeriaG #1
Chapter 6: Aww tooooo cute!! (●´∀`●)
nunastro #2
Chapter 6: So I'm just going to apologize for that amount of fluff this story has been so far. xD
Chapter 2: I really like how intense it is, well done!
ValeriaG #4
Chapter 2: Ooohhh I'm liking this tension!! Hahaha (●´∀`●)