Seoul Love (Chanyeol x OC)


Moving onto University was a huge step for me. 
I thought it would just be the work that got harder, but how am I going to be able to keep up when I meet a peculiar business major who I'm assigned as a partner for one of the biggest projects of my career?


My first class of the semester as a business student, and I hated it.

Seoul University, a prestigious school, extremely difficult to get into, a place I thought I was making the right decision to come to and switch majors to business. As a Korean girl raised in a Korean family, I was always pressured to be the best of the best. Originally, I'd chosen the path of medicine as my career, but my parents convinced me to at least consider business. They said they could show me the ropes.

But, this class covered finance, and it was just one of the subjects I couldn't bear to sit through. 

It had only been a week, but I still didn't have any close friends. Maybe some acquaintances to chat with now and then, but not close enough to go out on a wild club night. No, I haven't been able to do that for months. I'm a freshman in college, so I guess I wasn't as accustomed to the lack of fun college students had. Don't get me wrong, I've heard college is extremely fun and there's plenty of parties and clubs to go to, but Seoul University was probably the most competitive school on earth. With my major, I had to start my year off strong before I could take a break and go out.

"You will all be given a project in the following week," My professor began, drawling out his words. "Be prepared with a thesis statement by tomorrow on finances and correlation with commerce."

The shuffling of papers and chairs scraping against the floor filled the room as everyone got ready to leave, gathering their belongings and heading for the exit. I was among the few who were nearly out of the door, when the professor's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Ms. Mun, could I see you for a moment?" 

I awkwardly turned my head to look over at him as the rest of the students strolled past me. The classroom quickly became empty in a matter of seconds. My feet padded over towards his desk while confusion still lingered on my expression, a timid silence hanging in the air between us. 

The professor continued to look down at his papers, scribbling away before finally speaking,

"Your latest essay. It wasn't your best."

I felt a sharp sensation shoot up my spine. "May I ask what grade I received?"

"Hanging onto a C." He responded curtly, as if it wasn't a huge blow. 

My throat unsuccessfully attempted to swallow the lump in my throat as I coughed. "Is...Is there any way I could bring it up? The semester just started...A grade that low so early on could-"

"I'm well aware of how the grading system works, Ms. Mun." He sighed, still not bothering to look up at me. All professors were this snarky. I wasn't surprised.

I remained silent as panic began to set, my future seeming to crumble right before my eyes. I tried to stop my eye from twitching as I watched the professor's pen continuously scratch against his freshly imported paper from Pyongyang. He stopped for a brief moment, only to let out a light breath.

"The C will leave you at quite a disadvantage in the beginning of the semester." He began emotionlessly, clicking his pen. "Do well on the upcoming project. I'll be assigning you a partner. This will be a very large portion of your cumulative GPA."

I simply nodded as my throat dried, the bags under my eyes deepening while I quickly bowed and exited the classroom as swiftly as I could. I wasted no time as I made my way down the staircase and into the streets of Seoul, heading towards the dormitories that, thankfully, weren't far from this period. It was my last class of the day, and I was left with an inexplicable feeling of melancholy and disappointment.

Rather than stopping by the usual coffee place I normally got my snacks from when class ended, I basically made a beeline for my dorm. All I wanted in the moment was to rest in the solitude of my room's privacy. Everything was stressful.

I quickly unlocked the door and slammed it shut behind me, tossing my bag onto my bed while I made strides over to the kitchen. My fingers wrapped around one of the cups I had lying around on the counter before pressing the plastic thing against the water dispenser. I watched intently as the liquid flew into my cup, and that was when I realized how badly my hands were shaking.

God...I could barely feel my own fingers.

I let out a reassuring sigh as I brought the cup to my lips, praying that maybe some hydration would bring me back to my senses and hopefully loosen up the tension. 

Just as my eyes began to shut, the sound of my phone ringing caught me off guard. I let out an irritated grunt as I placed the cup down and walked over towards my cell phone, sliding the accept button before bringing it up to my ear.

"Ah, Michelle-ah.." The voice spoke from the other end.

Of course, my mother had to call at this time.

"Hi, mom." I responded, adjusting my tone to be cheerier. "How are you?"

"It's been okay. How is school? Have you made a lot of friends? You're doing well, right?" She spoke light-heartedly, completely oblivious to everything.

I bit my lip as I slowly croaked out, "Yeah....Yeah, mom. It's all great."

"I knew business would be right for you." She sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're doing well in school. Tell some friends to come over when you visit. Our Michelle is just so successful. I'm so proud."

I forced a smile upon my face. Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to continue talking to her like I was truly happy.
"Yeah, mom...Class is going so well..I'm doing really well with my grades. I-I have lots of friends here."

"That's good." She said. I could tell she was grinning madly, even without seeing her face. "I cannot wait until you get to have a break. I'll call again soon, I love you."

"I love you too." I said quietly, a light laugh leaving my lips.

I waited until she hung up first before gently pulling my phone from my ear, hands trembling as I did so. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to let her down.
I didn't want her to know how unhappy I was.

Unable to control myself, I let the tears that had begun b at the corner of my eyes to flow down my cheeks, small hiccups and groans of angst escaping my throat. I hated everything about the environment I was in. I felt out of place. I didn't connect with the other students. I wasn't doing well in class.
I wanted to just run away, and leave it all behind. But God knows I'd never have the courage to be able to do that.

An irritated hiss ticked from my teeth, realization setting upon me. I had to make a thesis statement. It had to be the best.
Wiping my tears with the back of my hand, I forced myself to take a large breath, straightening my spine out. If I was going to do well on this project, I'd have to put everything I had into it.


"Class, take out your statements."

I immediately pulled out the piece of paper from my binder and placed it on the desk, confidence rushing through my system. I knew this was one of the best thesis statements I had ever written. I spent all night on it, and I was going to make sure it would land my project an A.

My eyes travelled around the classroom to see if I could somehow get a glimpse at what other students had written, comparing it to my own work. 

"Soyoung and Dohyun, you two will be partners."

I continued to eyeball the person's paper next to me as the professor listed out names. 

"Donghyuk and Yuri."

My fingers tapped against the desk.

"Michelle and Chanyeol."

I looked up around the classroom at the sound of my name, trying to see if I could find the person who reacted as well. Unfortunately, I wasn't skilled enough to pull off a feat like that. Looking back down at my thesis, I prepared myself for the rest of the professor's role call and lecture.

"Each of you will be working on your project together." He began dully, shuffling through a few pieces of paper before going on. "Either combine your thesis statements into a single or choose one or the other. I want a 10 page paper typed, along with a 5 page reflection typed from both partners."

Is that even a project? It's basically twice the amount of essays he usually gives us, I thought to myself as I refrained from scoffing.

"All 3 papers will be due next month." He continued, looking up at the class. "Do not procrastinate. I suggest you get started immediately."

With that, all of the students began gathering their belongings and shuffling towards their partners, seeming to know exactly where to go. I guess I should have expected as much from some of Korea's most intelligent groups of people. 

I looked around the classroom, searching for someone who looked like a Park Chanyeol. Everyone had begun exiting the room with their partners, and I was beginning to get antsy. I wanted to be quick and get started at the same pace as the rest of them.

"Excuse me."

Immediately, at the sudden sound of the remarkably thick voice, I whirled around, only to meet eyes with a broad chest.
I slowly tilted my chin up to analyze the face of who had addressed me, trying not to lose my composure at the intimidating height. Not the mention the voice that still had me a bit startled.

"Michelle?" The stranger whom I presumed was Park Chanyeol asked, peering into my eyes.

All I could do was nod, nearly gaping at this man's features. He was handsome, to say the least.

I had no idea what would be in store for me.


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