Memories Of A Stranger : Part 1

Memories Of A Stranger

Kyungsoo remembers most profoundly when they had busk into stranger’s life’s. The wild wind in our hairs and me, taking your hand from a hard time to discovered your so told personality. I had searched in all the sides of your life. I wore a pull-over white and you, you were all black and it terrified me because it keeps telling me that you were a part of your own darkness. I couldn’t pullulate you. We ran until a thousand and miles towards the sun rise. The sound of the water from the river telling us the way down hills. And your hand warm and home like. My thoughts were surrounded if one day you’ll leave without letting me know your name. You just leave lilies, I asked a hundred times if I had to put the fire on them to finish our life’s but you shook your head and let out a smile. Your small pretty fingers tips, as if you reached and tickled my heart once gain. Unknowingly, I was attracted by your charm. And the throbbing cosmic ride, just you and me flying trough the night making me wanting to protect you from the unknown. One fine day you told me that you forgot your own name, when I saw your face on a photography and told you what drug you used to forgot your name. You stood there staring at me with a intense gaze almost electrifying. Perhaps in this universe I won’t have to know if you love me back or not. Your cologne was a mix of whiskey and orange, you told me that coffee tasted like poison I just laughed happily because at this moment I found you kind of funny not sad. I come back the other day, you said that you were exhausted, I patted your back until you fell asleep. It let me some time to think if you thought the same as me, if what will be left unsaid will kill you. You left the next day following the other ones, sneaking myself in high expectations. After one week before you left I marked the days when you hurt me, it was everyday. I started to pity people who are in love so I kind of had enough of myself. I knocked at your door before asking the neighbors about you. They clearly told me that nobody lived here, it was abandoned and sometimes they were homeless persons who had to be seen there.

3rd of September, 2013

I took my keys back and jogged until the mailbox in front of my house.

There was a letter that you had written to me.


«  For Do Kyunsoo,

I found my name.

Gold cafe 6pm,

I hope you'll be there. »


I took my strength to face you again like in modern times.

Like I expected it to be, you didn't came. The waiter said that a couple had reserved this table at your name, I leave like you did before. Without a word but a person waiting back.


4rd of September, 2013

I glanced at my window, there you stood, lilies in your left hand and a card on other.

You were dressed casually like the usual but you had bright clothes. You weren't surrounded by the darkness like I was used to saw. I walked up to you, you remarked that I wore black clothing. You said it was sad, how funny of you.

- It's poetic not sad.

I told you gently afterwards you grinned silently and paused the flowers on the floor and enlaced me with your arms but it doesn't leave the fact that you put your shoes and guns on and leave without nothing but someone waiting patiently for your come back. I expected your tongue to say those words but it didn't came out the way I wanted.


5rd of September, 2013

You were like a wild ride, so magic and lugubrious.

You said that you weren't going to tell me your name until I will said what you want me to say but I really didn't knew what you wanted me to do. You weren't like a open book.


6rd of September, 2013

I finally understood what I meant.

You tried to pullulate me because I was bright so you successes, you were in darkness. I feels like we exchanged roles. I was the moon you were the sun, we couldn't meet whatever the situation was.

7rd of September, 2013

I have seen the future, he shook his head twice. I told him my idea of what he wanted.

He complained that I was totally at the east. I shoot a nervous laughed and glared at him, the one I loved before saying that it wasn't kind of him.


8rd of September, 2013

I said to him that the sun kissed him more than others. He smiled but keep quiet and somewhat looked unsecured by what I will be saying. After a while and a few times of complete silence I said nothing.


9rd of September, 2013

I painted him, his hair is brown so does his eyes. He looked gorgeous and alluring. His eyes shined, his lovely smile and my favorite pair of hands. I doubted that people weren't jealous of his tanned skin. We were a great match because what the other hadn't the other got it.


10th of September, 2013

I genuinely grinned at you and said that all that you give me was time but I didn't wanted time.

I wanted it to be infinite.


« You're so very special »

« Why do you say that ? »

«  Your eyes. they speak to me. »

« What do you mean? »

«  Just the slightest glimpse and I'm off, venturing into an unknown world of your most darkest beauties. »

« You're insane. »

«  I know. »


11rd of September, 2013

You know, others won't feel any great when you'll put your feet on the stage and dance like it depends on your life. 





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