Under My Colors (HIATUS)

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In 1997, when first-graders-to-be Zhang Yixing and Cheng Hui Ru first met officially, there was nothing to tell about. They were just another neighborhood kids who lived across the street from each other. They were practically ignoring each other cause Hui Ru had her drawing book and crayons to keep her company and Yixing had TV, Jimmy Lin, foods, his soccer friends, and his grandma's grumbles to keep him busy. Until the night before the first school day.

"We will go to school with Hui Ru tomorrow, treat her well, will you?" said grandma. Then she continued about how Yixing should take care of Hui Ru and thought of her as his little sister, cause apparently Hui Ru was not just little girl who lived across the street anymore, she was now a little girl who lived across the street whose mother died in train accident and it's so pitiful to live her alone with her dad. Yixing complained though, it's like getting new homework. But at least, Hui Ru was not like his female cousins, who would whine here and there everytime they came to grandma's house for celebrating New Year.

This pseudosibling, who soon would be accustomed of each other's presence, then lived their life just like other kids who also had childish ambitions, petty problems to cry about, big crush on good looking seniors, fights with parents, and endless homeworks and exams. But little did they know, time changed a thing (or few things) between them, they did not even realize it when one of them could not see the other in the same way anymore, but the latter seemed clueless about it and still announced it proudly that "We're sibling!".






        Zhang Yixing





          Cheng Hui Ru




Grandpa Xi Men and Grandma Tang Jing (Zhang Yixing's Grandparents)


Cheng Bei An (Cheng Hui Ru's Father)
















Hello! Welcome to my first published fanfic ever!

First of all, I am the biggest fan of romantic fanfic. (I mean, who doesn't?). But seriously guys, I've imagined hundred scenarios in my head since the first time I joined this site, but finally in August 2015, I encouraged myself to write my own fanfic. It's a romantic story, and I try to make it slow-but-sure pace so you can build a good chemistry to my story.

Hope you guys will enjoy it. I'm not the best writer ever, I'm just a writer who tries her best to please all romantic fanfic er out there. So, if you find any mistake, please do tell me in comment section. If you happened to like this story, you know where we should meet. *wink*

This story is purely fictional, some scenes were inspired by historical events, TV series, movies, and music.

Without further ado, click "NEXT"!









2015.10.07 Happy Birthday Lay!


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LonelyCrow #1
Chapter 6: I love Big Head's grandparents, they are so kind! And I'm growing fond of Hui Ru's name, it sounds so pleasant and lovely (๑◕ฺ‿ฺ◕ฺ๑)
I confuse with the name of characters given. I'v been bad with name. (Haha) but good story really :)
LonelyCrow #3
Chapter 5: I never imagined I would enjoy reading a story about little kids, but I am. Also it's cool that you incorporated the actual accident in your book :D Fantabulous chap!!!!!! I want my grandma here but she's in another country and sick :'((
LonelyCrow #4
Chapter 4: I love the pacing of this soo much and the writing is elegant and slightly sensitive. It's refreshing. Hope your exams go well. Ace it!! Strange because school for me is starting in a week o.o
LonelyCrow #5
Chapter 3: I'm sorry I read "Hunhan" Normal school lol
raespmg #6
Chapter 4: Good luck for ur exam authornim fightinggg ~~~
LonelyCrow #7
Chapter 2: Whoa I was overwhelmed at first cause of all the names, but I've got them now. *sighs*
Your writing flows really well. Keep up the great writing! ^^
raespmg #8
Chapter 3: I like the fact that i had to guess who was called "big head " among the exo members and then i remembered at hello counselor
That s smart of you authornim
Keep writing Fightiiinggg ~~~
Chapter 1: congrats ^^
raespmg #10
Chapter 1: I love your writing style and this chapiter made me cry when they told her about her mum ,good story author-nim