When In Love Sequel


Hellur fellow Plan B lover's, sorry I haven't been online for over a year. Life has been pretty ed up lately, which made it impossible to do one of the things that I enjoy the most. Two actually. Write fanfics and read them. I have so much to catch up on now. Anyway I know Kris isn't part of Exo anymore. But since this story started while he was still in it...he ain't gone yet.

The story is not finish. I can't just end the book with that chapter.We must know what happen to our lovely Kai and y Kris. Also if the cold prince named Tao will chill his cause Kris does not want them! Sorry, sorry. Got a little emotional there. Been rereading my story, found out my English balls. Must edit. EVERYTHING!

 I wanted to make a sequel but I believed that seven chapters for a stories look stupid. But I left it like that . Anyway so here it is. I will divide the book into parts. That was just part one. Part two will start next Friday. I will try to make sure i update every Friday for the next few months. I would want to make it a five part story. I would love to and I know you guys too. Like they say the more the merrier. >.< ! 

 I like to tease people so here is one on part two....


 The church is decorated in white. And I when I say white I mean everything and one inside. The walls and the ceiling was freshly painted. The newly found benches were polished, painted and cleaned. Almost made you think twice before you sat of them. Almost. The drapes flown beautifully down form the window. The aroma of white roses filled the air. White. Such a pure colorOnly someone as pure as the color itself should wear it.

Here comes the bride is being play by all the lovely violins and cellos. They string beautifully the piece with ease as he slowly yet gracefully walks down the aisle.


That he is. Or should I use the correct term seemed. Completely and utterly graceful. He feet barely touched the ground. It looks like he's gliding if not floating on air. Not walking. He is  also all in white. To his tuxedo all the down to his shoes. White, purely white.

He makes his way to me at the end of the aisle. Smiling. Not the small shy one but a full blown one. The ones that seemed to hurt if you hold it for to long. Yet he couldn't stop. He wouldn't dare to. Not now. Not here. Not when he has won.

He stops beside me and hands his bouquet over to one to his friends. Lay. I think. I don't really care for his friends. Or him for that matter.

We turn in union and look at the happy paster that was flew all the way from Korea to grace us with holy matrimony. The idiot. Even if it was my life work, I would never do it. Get someone in Tokyo. But noooo. The paster here aren't good enough for him. He wanted, no not wanted. He needed one from Korea. And what kind of a fiancé would I be if I denied him his wishes.

" Ladies and gentlemen. We are gather here, on this glorious day, to bring together Kris Takahashi and Zitao Hayashi in holy matrimony."

I am such an Idoit . I wrote the description in the forward and the forward in the description. When will my brain start working correctly again.


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