Chapter 9

Mutant and Proud

Monday morning finally arrived, beginning my first full week at my new school. On my way out of my dorm room I had run into Xiumin in the elevator, and we decided to walk to school together. I really liked talking with Xiumin, we had a lot in common. We both liked reading, we preferred cold weather over warm weather, although Xiumin favored winter while I like autumn better, and we both liked anime, although I would never admit it. I felt like Jongin would get a kick out of that one. 

Classes went by like they did last week, although I was able to keep up with what the teachers were saying much better now that I had done all of the catch up work I had been assigned. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I met Hyejung and the twins outside of the classroom, and we headed to the cafeteria to get food before we met the boys. Hua had a meeting with a professor and I didn't know where Hyunwoo was, but he wasn’t going to be joining all of us.

While in line Eun Seo went on and on about how “Sehun must have told Luhan to invite us back so that he could see me again”. I was pretty sure Sehun was much to shy to do that, but I didn't want to burst her bubble. Hyejung was also excited to speak with Suho again. She said it was nice to have someone who understood her when it came to her mutation. I, on the other hand, was nervous. I was almost positive that Taeyeon and her friends would be joining us today as well, and while I didn't have a problem with her friends, besides maybe Tiffany who hadn't been particularly nice to Hyejung last time, I did have an issue with Taeyeon. She was rude and rubbed me the wrong way. I figured that if I stuck to Xiumin and Luhan, maybe even Jongin, I wouldn't have to interact with her too much. 

We made our way outside and saw EXO already there, along with Taeyeon and her minions. Our welcome was much more warm and comfortable this time, well from the boys that is. The awkward atmosphere of our first lunch was broken now that we had all gotten to know each other. Eun Seo immediately made her way over to Sehun, Min Seo tagging behind silently, as usual. Ever the polite girl, Hyejung greeted everyone with a warm smile before Suho came up and stole her attention. I smiled at that, they were rather cute together.

“Hey princess.”

I turned to find Jongin smirking down at me. Damn him and his height. 

“Princess? Really Jongin?”

The teleporter smirked and opened his mouth to make what I’m sure would have been a snarky remark, but was cut off by a high pitched shriek.

Startled, Jongin and I turned to see a very angry Taehee approaching us. She marched up to my face and glared, fire practically shooting from her eyes.

“What did you just call him?”

This must have been what Luhan was talking about when he said that I shouldn't call him Jongin at school. But it just slipped out, and I didn't even know that Taehee was in the vicinity when I said it. 

“Who do you think you are, you ? You’ve barley been here a week and now you think you are all buddy buddy with EXO? And what’s more, you have the audacity to call Kai by his name. You must have a death wish,” she hissed, stabbing her finger into my shoulder repeatedly.

If I wasn't sure before, I was now one-hundred percent sold on the idea that this girl was absolutely crazy. And I was definitely going to have a bruise by this evening. We had attracted the attention of the rest of the group at this point, and when Luhan and Xiumin pulled her away from me, she quickly shook them off.

“What do you want, Taehee?” Jongin asked

“Kai, are you just going to let her call you that?” she asked, a pleading look on her face.

Kai rolled his eyes and threw his arm around my shoulder, leaning closer to Taehee.

“Well considering the fact that I told her to call me that, I’m going to go with yes. Now if you are done destroying our ear drums, could you please leave us to eat our lunches?”

Taehee flushed and looked between Jongin and me. I don’t think the fact that he had his arm around me was helping the situation at all, but I was still too shocked by the whole situation to say anything. I was scared that anything I said would set her off even more. 

“Y-you what?”

Taehee looked positively devastated. It was almost enough to make me feel bad for her. Almost.

“I don’t like to repeat myself, Taehee. Now go.”

Taehee looked at Jongin like a lost puppy. This girl really was obsessed with him. She looked at the rest of the group before sending a final glare in my direction, and stomping away. I didn't even have to enter her mind to know what she was thinking. Not only was I close to her crush, but now she had been completely embarrassed in front of, not only Jongin, but the entirety of EXO. If I wasn't before, I was now the Number One person on her list. 

The rest of the group turned to look at me after Taehee left. Hyejung looked extremely worried, and Taeyeon looked extremely bored. She whispered something in Baekhyun’s ear, to which he nodded, and then left with the three other girls. My attention was brought back to the boys when a very angry Luhan approached Jongin.

“What the hell were you thinking Kai,” he yelled.

Wait, what? Why was Luhan mad at Jongin? What had he done? I mean sure putting his arm around me and being rude to Taehee probably hadn't helped the situation along, but that wasn't anything different then how he usually acted.

“Luhan, this was my fault. You warned me about calling him Jongin at school, but I forgot. I’m sorry,” I gushed. 

Luhan didn't spare me a glance, he just continued to glare at Jongin.

“But none of this would have happened if he hadn’t told you to call him by his real name in the first place. Come on Kai, you know how you’re fangirls are. She was already getting enough because of how you were acting around her before, but now you have taken it to another level. They are going to eat her alive.”

A couple of the other boys nodded their heads in agreement, Sehun and Tao going as far as to hug me from either side, saying something about having to protect their new older sister. I bristled at that. Did they really think I was that helpless? Did no one pay attention to the fight I had with Taehee on, like, my first day here? I mean, I know I couldn't take on every single one of Jongin’s numerous fangirls, but I wasn't completely useless when it came to defending myself. 

Luhan and Jongin continued their glaring match while Suho and Xiumin tried to break them apart. 

“Face it Kai,” Luhan spat, “You are selfish and never take anything seriously. You do what you want, mess with who you want, whenever you want. Only this time, you brought someone we all care about into the middle of your drama. Grow up.”

With that Luhan brushed past Jongin, bumping shoulders while he did. Jongin looked at me briefly before going off in the opposite direction that Luhan went. 

With lunch officially ruined, Hyejung, Eun Seo, and Xiumin made their way over to me. Xiumin asked if I was okay, to which I nodded. I was fine with Taehee, I knew how to handle her, but I felt horrible about Luhan and Jongin. They were fighting about something that was entirely my fault. I hated being the cause of something that came in between two friends as close as them. Hyejung seemed to know what I was thinking, as she put her arm around me and rubbed my back.

“We are all forgetting something very important,” Eun Seo chimed in, catching everyone else’s attention.

We all looked at her, confused. 

“We have gym next. And if Taehee was willing to call Jiyeon up as her battle partner over something as insignificant as Kai talking to her a couple of times, what do you think she is going to be willing to do now that Jiyeon is calling him by his real name, at his permission no less?”

We all stared at Eun Seo, silent as we processed what she had just said.

Well .


One more to follow ^^

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Chapter 13: TAKE THAT BETCHES!!!!! Jiyeon and Jongin are AMAZING.... Sorry BaekYeon XD
Chapter 12: Go Kai and Jiyeon! Show 'em what ya got!
Chapter 9: Does our lulu like her? Oh la la! ;-p
Chapter 8: Update soon plz author nim... I am rather fond of this story... Maybe u should have like an all powerful Jean come in or something... That would b cool :-)
Juliaunnie #5
Chapter 7: Whaa please keep writing^^ i loved the xman movies and to have a EXO version of it is awesome^^ Fighting!:D
Chapter 5: I'M SO GLAD I FOUND THIS ♥ I loved everything so far omg i can't wait to see how Jiyeon blows them all away with her skills OuO but too bad your computer crashed,i feel your pain,mine did the same a few months ago and the waiting was a torture T^T just update when you have time we understand *sends lots of love* ♥
jamoua #7
Chapter 4: Nooo~ you can't leave me with a cliffhanger like that! Whyy? Oh whyyy? Oh whyyy? Hahaha! I was soooo looking forward to this todaaay! Made my night/morning! Excited for more next week! ^^
jamoua #8
Me likeyy! You should update like twice a week! I mean, this is too good to only update once a week! I want to read moree! :)
Maybe like Monday and then Thursday? Gives enough time in between to write! But then again, school... *sigh* Anyways, loving the story and looking forward to next Monday then! :)
JDHismine #9
Chapter 2: So far it's great! Thanks for the updates :D