

Taeyeon hates a lot of things. She hates food because they taste like mud. She hates the sun because although it doesn't kill her (unlike in the movies) it makes her skin itch like she was having rashes. She hates loud rock music because the sound hurts her ears especially when it's twice louder for someone like her. She hates the guts of those people who knew she's different but too scared to tell anyone about it. She hates the stares they give her as if she was about to eat them alive. And most of all she particularly hates a certain guy named Choi Minho who is annoyingly, irritatingly, infuriatingly persistent as hell.

Taeyeon already stopped coming to the rooftop after she learned Minho frequents the place (in hopes to see her apparently). She could smell his scent from a distance (he has a freaking wonderful scent she couldn't mistake for anyone else) so before she even opens the door and meet the guy, she turns and heads back down.

Taeyeon also have things she likes such as a cup of coffee (or tea, it doesn't make any difference really) on a gloomy rainy day because although the substance doesn't taste anything she likes the soothing feeling of the hot liquid down , the school rooftop (because it's quiet) and the school library (for the same reason why she likes the rooftop). However everything changed because of that particular Choi Minho.

Minho never misses coming to the rooftop so Taeyeon had no other choice but to give the place up. She couldn't be in the same place with that annoyingly, irritatingly, infuriatingly persistent guy without having the urge to bury her fangs in those oh so sweet veins of his neck. No, she couldn't risk it. She therefore had to look for some other quiet place without a Choi Minho to tempt her into becoming more of a monster that she already is.

That's when she found the library. It wasn't free of humans but at least it was free of Choi Minho. Anyone is better than Choi Minho because at least they don't make her crave for blood (except when she's too hungry). However, her Choi Minho-free moments only lasted for a week because the guy (for the love of god she had no idea how he did it) found her at the library one day while taking a nap (because she's a vampire and she had to sleep during the day and stay awake at night).

She blinked twice rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with the back of her hand before she realized Minho was in front of her staring at her for god-knows-how-long and smiling like an idiot with that freaking wonderful smile of his.

Taeyeon sighed without bothering to hide her frustration at having to spend a moment near Choi Minho and having to smell that intoxicating scent of his.

"Stop pestering me..."

"Hey... that's rude." He acted hurt but Taeyeon knew better. It doesn't help that he smells so good and that she was having a hard time keeping her fangs away from Choi freaking Minho's neck. The guy is certainly not making it easy for her.

She leaned closer so she could say something that only Choi Minho would hear. It took her a lot of will power not to bite the guy's neck and such his blood. "Do you really wanna die?" she hissed.

"No. And I don't see how staying with you is going to kill me."

She didn't know if Choi Minho is just plain stupid or he really just doesn't treasure his life like most people do. In her opinion the guy must be really desperate to die if he wanted to stick with her and worse be her boyfriend. At least other people know she's dangerous. Even if they are not a hundred percent sure that she's a monster at least they had the nerve to stay away. But Choi Minho is different. He's a pain in the - handsome but still a pain in the .

"I can kill people in case you forgot."

"But you wouldn't."

"I might. If you don't get the hell away from me I might." She spoke the words as quietly as possible but she still made sure they wouldn't lose their meaning. "...and you might become my first victim so if you ing value your freaking life, GET.THE.HELL.AWAY."

Minho just blinked as if she was speaking in a foreign tongue and he couldn't understand a word of what she just said. Either that or he just doesn't care about any of those things. Taeyeon figures it must be the latter because Choi Minho is crazy. Definitely.

"You look pale," Minho said completely ignoring what she just said. Taeyeon opened to say something only to close it again after realizing that nothing she says would make any difference.

Minho touched her forehead as if trying to feel if she had a fever. The touch made her cheeks burn and she hated the effect the guy had on her. "When was the last time you fed?" he asked.

Taeyeon moved away from the touch as if she had been burned. She wasn't used to the gentle touch and worried tone. Minho is making her feel unusually giddy and frustratingly floating like an infatuated teenager.

"Don't tell me..." she avoided his eyes because she was afraid Minho would see right through her. His blood was the last feeding he had and that was weeks ago. Her senses are a little weaker now which is probably why Minho was able to catch her at the library before she even realized he was near.

"Come." Minho stood up and started dragging Taeyeon with him. She hates feeling weak because she couldn't break free from Minho's strong grip on her arm. But sometimes she wonders if she really wanted to.

Taeyeon suddenly found herself in Minho's room - on minho's freaking bed.

"Sit," Minho orders and she decided to do as he said because for one, her knees could no longer support most of her weight mostly because she needed blood and partly because she just feels weak around Choi Minho.

The soft surface dipped with her weight. She sat silently and watched Minho move around the room "W-why did you bring me here?"

Minho didn't respond and instead sat next to her before pulling his shirt up in an attempt to take it off.

"W-wait Minho..." She tugged on his clothes to keep the thing back on. The last thing she needed is a shirtless Choi Minho. "What the heck are you doing?"

"My shirt got stained with blood the last time so it's better to get rid of this first," he explained without trying to hide the impatience in his voice.

First of all, she was the one who needed blood so if there's anyone who gets to decide when she's taking his blood, it's her. And it's not going to be today. And it's not going to be any other day either. She likes to pretend she isn't a monster and she wanted to keep it that way. Once is enough.

"No, no. we are not doing this." She stood up but the sudden dizzy attack made her sit back down. Minho, being the overly nice guy that he is helped her lie down on the bed. She closed her eyes trying to control the pounding of her head.

"You can barely stand."

"I'll be fine," she whispered softly. "I just needed to take a na-" She cut her sentence short when she felt a weight on top of her. She opened her eyes and saw Minho positioned on top of her in the process of taking his shirt off.

"W-what are you doing?" Taeyeon couldn't help the blush from forming on her cheeks.

Minho chuckled. "You're so cute when you blush. Don't show that face in front of anybody else alright?"

The blush on her face deepened. "This is a very bad idea. I really should go..." she said but as Minho hovers on top of her shirtless (Taeyeon swore her eyes didn't linger long on that perfectly formed muscles and 6 pack abs) she couldn't make herself move. She tried to pull herself up only to land back down and close her eyes when she felt the world spin.

"I think you could really use some of my blood right now." She heard Minho say. She could feel his breath next to her face and Taeyeon didn't want to open her eyes in fear of losing herself.

Minho on the other hand tried to hide the smile that was playing at the corners of his mouth. Taeyeon looked so adorable and it took all his willpower not to kiss those plump red lips that were only inches away from his.

"I'm all yours," he whispered next to her ear.

"Shut up..." she said but despite her hesitation and shilly-shallying, Taeyeon already made her decision. "D-don't tell me I didn't warn you..."

She just wanted to take a little bit of Minho's blood. Just a little bit. But the moment she buried her fangs on his neck and blood filled , the guy tasted so good that she couldn't help herself. She took more than what is necessary.

When she finally decided to stop Minho looks pale but still managed to give her a weak smile. He collapsed beside her and before he closed his eyes he said, "I'll just take a nap for a while. Stay with me, alright?" he pulled her close and made her rest her head on his bare chest in a possessive gesture. Taeyeon felt herself blush once more. Thankfully, Minho didn't see because he already had his eyes closed.

She didn't want to admit it but Choi Minho is slowly making his way to her heart without her noticing.


A/N: I didn't expect this to be a chaptered fic, honestly. But the ideas just keep coming so just I had to write a chapter 2. I hope you don't mind if I turned this into a het!2min. I just needed a name for the vampire girl and I'm such a hopeless 2min shipper.

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daybydayshinee15 #1
Chapter 2: Finally a fluffvampire fic that isnt cringeworthy! Haha this is good:) please continue! :))) have an awesome day!
Chapter 1: I'm surprised. I didn't peg you for a vampire writer.