

She climbed the stairs one step at a time. She had to run away before she does something she will regret. If she were in a better condition, climbing the steps wouldn't be so hard. But not today. The world spins and her body feels so heavy that even lifting one foot at a time is a struggle.

When she reached the landing, she felt as if she ran a marathon. She took deep breaths to calm herself. Maybe going to the rooftop is a very bad idea. It drains the hell out of her when she didn’t have a lot of energy to begin with. If only it weren't her best option at the moment she wouldn't be there. But she wanted- needed to be alone and the rooftop is the only place in the whole school that she can think of which was not packed with people.

She walked the rest of the way, half dragging her feet and leaning on the wall for additional support. She opened the door that leads outside the rooftop where she could see the blue sky above her head and a pack of students below No- she wasn't suicidal or anything. She didn’t go to the rooftop to jump to his death. However at the rate her body is coping she would probably die soon if she didn't do something about it.

She leaned on the banister observing the people from a safe distance. The smell is weaker from a higher altitude so the rooftop is the best place to spend her time planning her next action without having to worry about hurting anybody. She knew she can't continue to skip all of her classes. She can make an excuse about being sick once but she can't do it forever.

Why did she have to be so careless? The security in the nearest hospital was tightened so she couldn't sneak in anymore. She only had one option left and she doesn't like it a bit. She promised to herself years ago that she would never do it again.

She grimaced when her mind started to wander on unwanted thoughts. She slid down the floor and leaned his back against the banister. She closed his eyes hoping that if she concentrated hard enough, the cravings would soon fade and she would magically turn into a normal girl without worries besides how to pass her next exam.

But no, it wasn't easy as that. Sometimes she regrets choosing the life she has now. Maybe it would have been easier if she hadn't run away. But then she thought of all the people who died because of those people she calls family. No- this is way better than that kind of life.

She opened her eyes when he noticed a smell coming from the half open door. That smell- something that intensifies her cravings- is coming closer and she mentally cursed herself when she realized she forgot to lock the door.

She heard the footsteps a little later. At her current condition, it was already impossible for her to reach for the door and lock it before the intruder arrives. Hopefully her unwanted guest will not linger long.

The door revealed a guy and from the uniform he was wearing she figured he’s a senior student, a year higher than her. His eyes landed on hers and she had a sudden urge to hide herself from his scrutinizing gaze.

“You ok?”

“Yes,” she lied while wishing the guy would soon leave.

“You sure? You look pale.” He walked closer until he was only a few feet away from her. Her heart started to pound in her chest for an unknown reason.

“I'm fine. Go away.”

“That's rude. You don't tell a person to go away the first time specially when he's trying to be friendly.” He pretended to be hurt and it amuses her. What part of ‘go away’ does this guy doesn’t understand?

She rolled her eyes. "If you value your life, go away."

“Ok ok,” he said. He walked towards the opposite corner away from her but he didn’t show any signs of leaving. “I'll stay away from you. Is this enough?” No it isn't. It’s too dangerous- she is dangerous. And this man doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation he was in.

She let out a deep sigh and without saying anything she stood up and prepared to leave. However before she could even take a step, she suddenly felt dizzy, the world spins right before her eyes and if it weren't for the strong arms that caught her in time she would have probably fell over the banister towards her death.

"Easy...” He was quick, she have to give him credit for that. “Are you really ok?" he asked.

He's too close. Too ing close… “You have to go... please..."

His smell was too intoxicating that she could feel her self-discipline which took her years to master, crumble into pieces. The veins on his neck was inviting that she wanted to rest her head on the nook of her neck and smell the captivating scent that makes her go wild with need.

This is torture…

"And leave you here alone? No way…" She took quick deep breaths while at the same time attempted to push him away but it was futile when she doesn’t even have the energy to stand on her own two feet.

“Do you want me to take you to the clinic?" Her eyes went wide with fear. The tone of his voice made her realize he was damn serious and the last thing she needed right now is a nosy doctor. She had to convince him she's fine.

“No! It’s just that... I haven't eaten in a while."

“You shouldn't let yourself starve, you know. Come on. I'll treat you to lunch.”

She thought about the cafeteria packed with people and the food which taste like mud and clay and grains of sand and she grimaced. "No… I… I have a special diet."

“Picky aren't you?" He gave her a disapproving stare.

“Not by choice," she said defending herself.

He rummaged through his bag with his one hand while his other arm was supporting her weight. “I think I have a sandwich right here..."

“I don't need your sandwich,” she insisted.

“What do you need?

She realized the guy had no plans of leaving her alone so she decided to tell him the truth to make him run away in fear. "Blood."

There was a surprised look on his face. "Oh..." She half expected him to run away. They all do. But this guy is different. When his momentary shock faded the smile on his face was back and it was annoying in a good kind of way. "You mean like a vampire?

"Exactly like a vampire. Now you see why you should run for your life?"

Ignoring her last sentence he said, "Well then take mine."

"What?" This guy is crazy, definitely. “Do you realize what you're allowing me to do to you?"

“You don't kill people, do you?"

"No. Never."

"I figured.” He ed the first two buttons of his uniform and tilted his head on the side as an invitation. “Is this alright?"

She never met anyone like him before. It took her a while to gather her thoughts. “I-It’s dangerous.”

“It’s an emergency. Hurry up before you collapse. Just don't drain my blood.”

"I-I might forget to stop."

"Don't worry. I'll remind you."

She stared at him with uncertainty. “You have to do the first step. I don’t exactly know how this is done,” he urged on. It was as if she wasn’t being given the option to decline. He was smiling as if there was nothing out of ordinary- like she wasn’t about to his blood and it’s the weirdest thing that happened in her boring life. She finally realized why her heart felt as if it was about to burst. He was too handsome for his own sake.

She lifted her arms and s it around her neck before pulling him close. He smells so good- better than most people. There was something about him that draws her near, something that drives her crazy with want.

She stood on tiptoes, his arms supporting her weight allowing her to manage the feat. She the skin on his neck loving the taste of it.

She hadn't feed directly from a human in a very long time. She had been living off blood banks in hospitals and because it has always the danger of getting caught, she can't do it often which is how she ended up in the rooftop starving and weak.

This is like a luxury she couldn't afford. But this guy- as weird as he is- let her do as she pleases.

She buried her fangs at the nook of his neck and the taste of blood fills . She couldn't even describe the feeling. Just a little bit. I'll take just a little bit of his blood. The words echoes in her head like a mantra but she couldn't find the urge to stop.

A moan escaped his lips and it reminded her to stop. She must have taken a lot of his blood because he looked a little pale when she lifted her head and stared back at him.

"I'm sorry..." she said eyes shining with unshed tears. She just fed directly from a human! Just when she promised herself she wouldn't do it again. "I'm so sorry."

The guy smiled weakly as if that was the most amazing experience of his life and it puzzled her because who would enjoy being bitten by a vampire and almost dying?

"I'm Choi Minho," he said, both arms leaning on the banister for support. Despite having just fed and him being the weaker one between the two of them she feels as if their roles were reversed and she felt weak against his scrutinizing gaze while trapped between a pair of strong arms.

"I'll let you have my blood if you agree to be my girl." He definitely lost it, she decided. Choi Minho is the craziest person in the world.


A/N: I hate most vampire stories but I always wanted to try writing one.

I love "The Beast" - the only vampire story in AFF that I read (I highly recommend XD)

I may or may not write another chapter on this. For now, consider this as completed :D

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daybydayshinee15 #1
Chapter 2: Finally a fluffvampire fic that isnt cringeworthy! Haha this is good:) please continue! :))) have an awesome day!
Chapter 1: I'm surprised. I didn't peg you for a vampire writer.