My Love Is Here To Stay

My Love Is Here To Stay


“So, tell me Hankyung. You have a boyfriend?” Heechul asked, slurring. His face was flushed due to the soju he had gulped down in the past half an hour. Eyes half closed, he was waving his hand randomly that it nearly hit Hankyung’s face a few times.

Hankyung laughed at sight and caught hold of Heechul’s wrists. “I think that’s enough for tonight Heechul-sshi.”he said taking the soju bottle away.

“Heyy, that’s mine.” Heechul whined trying to grab hold of the bottle but lost his balance and if Hankyung didn’t catch him on time he would have landed on the floor.

“I should have brought you straight home after leaving your brother’s party.” Hankyung remarked.

After the party ended and bidding farewell to Kibum and his Minzy who left for their honeymoon Heechul dragged Hankyung away for more drinks and Hankyung couldn’t say no to Heechul’s adorable pleading.

I shouldn’t have fallen for his aegyo. How am i going to get him home? I don’t even know his address. He searched for Heechul’s phone inside his pockets.

“Yah, don’t touch me so freely.” Heechul murmured, resting his head on Hankyung’s shoulder.

Hankyung pulled out Heechuls’ phone from one of his pockets only to find out that battery has died as how his has.

Great.  Two high tech phones with no batteries. What am i supposed to do now?


Heechul squinted as he looked around the room. The sunlight made it impossible for him to see things clearly, everything was a blur and moments after that a splitting headache greeted him.

“Oww..” he moaned out of pain and discomfort, holding his head. He realized he was reeking of alcohol and tried to recollect his memory of last night. Where was i last night? Oh, yes the party. He remembered Siwon was there. Then i drank, a lot, with some one. Who was it? Heechul thought hard.

“Good morning, princess. You’re finally awake.”

Heechul slowly turned his gaze and saw Hankyung standing at the door with his arms crossed, smiling. “It’s almost noon you know. I thought you were never going to wake up.”

 “Where is this place? How did i get here?”” Heechul asked sitting up, still dazed. He then realized that he wasn’t wearing the clothes he wore last night. “You changed my clothes?” he exclaimed.

Hankyung smile grew wider. “You don’t remember anything?” He asked walking into the room.

Heechul swallowed hard. Oh, no. No.

“You were really drunk and..” Hankyung trailed off.

“And?” Heechul questioned impatiently.

“Do you really want to know details?” Hankyung asked with a devilish smile.

Crap! What have i gotten myself into? Heechul thought, panicking. He could feel cold shivers running thru his body and the hair behind his neck standing.

Hankyung was enjoying the sight of Heechul’s flushed face and quivering lips. “Last night..” he said as he sat down on the bed, beside Heechul. “We..”

“We?” Heechul asked. Please, please. NO!

“We did nothing. You threw up on me and passed out.” Hankyung said, with a laugh. “I didn’t know your address and your phone was out of battery. I had no choice but to bring back here, to my hotel room.”

Heechul let out a sigh of relief. Thank god.

“And yes, i changed your clothes. I had to. I couldn’t stand the smell. Sorry.”

Heechul covered his face with the pillow out of embarrassment. “No, i am sorry for troubling you.” he said. “Thank you.”

Hankyung studied Heechul’s face. He looked beautiful even with his tousled hair and slightly bloated and flushed face. He’s is a perfect mess, Hankyung thought.

Heechul returned Hankyung gaze with nervousness, his heart beating onto his chest, threatening to jump out but he failed to look away when he tried.

As Hankyung inched closer to him, Heechul held his breath.

 What is wrong with me? Heechul asked himself.

This feeling, it feels familiar. And he remembered forgetting about it.

I shouldn’t let it come back, he thought but as Hankyung lips lingered around his, he lost control and was ready to give in.


Someone rang the door bell. Heechul immediately snapped back to reality and moved away from Hankyung.

Hankyung got onto his feet, running his fingers through his hair. The bell rang again.

“That..must be the room service. I’ll get it. You should go bath. My clothes are in the closet just take which ever you want.” Hankyung said, trying to ease the awkward tension between them.

“Yeah. Ok.” Heechul said rushing into the bathroom.


Heechul splashed cold water onto his face. Damn! That was close.

The scene kept replaying in his mind making him grunt from frustration. His rationality convinced him that he nearly made a mistake but his heart argued otherwise. Heechul listen to your brain, he told himself. One broken heart is enough. You don’t need another one to prove that you’re not eligible for love.


“Oh, Heechul-sshi, took your bath already? Do my clothes fit you well?” Hankyung asked.

Heechul took a quick glance at Hankyung’s face and nodded. He was afraid that he’ll lose control again if his eyes meet Hankyung’s.

“Okay. I’ll drop you back home after you have your breakfast.” Hankyung said.

Not a good idea, Heechul tought. “That’s really nice of you but I think i should leave now. I’ll just take a cab.”

“Wait. Why?”

“I’m sorry. I have to go. I’ll send your clothes back as soon as possible. Thank you again.” Heechul said as he opened the door and let himself out.

Hankyung sat down, letting out a sigh. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss him. I should have taken things slow.


Heechul couldn’t concentrate on his rehearsal and he kept slacking off, althouhg nearly 3 weeks has passed since that incident he couldnt take his mind off it. And after that day Hakyung never attemped to communicate with him. Heechul nearly sent him a message once but held back, thinking that maybe he was over reacting.

“Heechul-sshi, do you need a break? You don’t look very good.” The director asked.

Heechul hated being emotionally feeble and it angered him that he let Hankyung mess with his head.  “Yes, sir.” He answered, wiping off the sweat from his forehead.

“Okay. Take five, everyone.” The director shouted thru the microphone.

Heechul walked to the corner of the stage where he kept his bag and pulled out his hand phone from one of the pockets. There were 5 missed called and 2 messages, all from Hankyung. Heechul felt a gush of hope in him.

He opened one of the messages:

Heechul, i need to talk to you. Call me when you see this message. Please.

The second one had similar content. Taking a deep breath Heechul wondered if he should hit the delete button or the call button. Delete it Heechul. You don’t want to get hurt, he thought and he was taken aback when the phone started vibrating. Hankyung was calling again.

Heechul was tempted to receive the call but was too afraid of the consequences he would have face if he did.

Screw it.

“Hello?” Heechul said.

“Heechul?” he heard Hankyung ask.

“’s me. Sorry i was rehearsing. Just saw your massages and missed calls.” Heechul answered, trying his best to keep his voice under control.

“It’s okay. Not a problem. Are you free now? Am i disturbing?” Hankyung asked in a concerned tone.

“No. We’re taking a break.”

“Oh, i see.” Hankyung responded with hesitation. “So, i was wondering if we could meet.”

Heechul held his breath. He knew that it was too late for him to run away now. Too late, because his heart has already opened up for the man on the other line. He was dead scared to admit it but that was the truth and he reluctantly accepted it although he was convinced that it was going to bring him nothing but heartache. Although, a part of him, a tiny part of him hoped that he was wrong.


“Hey, sorry i’m late. Had to settle something first.” Heechul said as he settled down on the chair opposite Hankyung.

Hnakyung responded with a nervous smile. “How are the rehearsals going on? “ Hankyung asked.

“Good.” Heechul answered, avoiding Hankyung’s eyes. “What did you want to talk about?”

Heechul wanted to end the meeting as soon as possible. The more time i spend with him, the more vulnerable i become.

“Heechul i wanted to apologize for my actions the other day and i know you know what i’m talking about.” Hankyung said before Heechul could pretend not to know.

Heechul was caught off guard as he never expected Hankyung to bring up this topic.

“’s ok. I understand it was a mistake.” Heechul said in a low voice.

Hankyung shook his head, “No, it wasn’t a mistake or an impulsive action. I knew what i was doing. This might not be easy for you to except but i have feelings for you and trust me, they’re strong and real. ‘m not expecting you to feel the same way as i do, i just..”

“I do.” Heechul blurted before Hankyung could complete his sentence.


“I feel the same way, too.” Heechul said closing his eyes. “As much as it freaks me out, i’ve grown to like you more than i wanted to and it scares me but i can’t help. I don’t know why. I usually have a very good control over the things i do, over my decision. made me lose control and it scares me.”

“Because of your past?” Hankyung guessed.

“Yes, because of my past.” Heechul said nodding. His heart felt much, much lighter and at ease but when he thought about the storm that might breakout after the confession made him shiver.

Hankyung felt a jolt of joy in his heart but was confused when he saw Heechul’s troubled expression and immediately understood Heechul’s dilemma.

“Heechul, i am not him.” Hankyung said reaching for Heechul’s hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Please, give me chance. Give us a chance.”

No, it wouldn’t work. I’m going to end up broken again, his mind said.

Yes, it will work. I can find love again. I should give him a chance, his heart argued.

“Okay.” He finally said, taking a deep breath. He knew he was taking a huge risk by listening to his heart but he wanted to take it anyway.

I should have some faith in love. I should have some faith in him, he thought, looking at Hankyung.

 “Thank you. I will not disappoint you.” Hankyung said, still holding on tight to Heechul’s hands.

Heechul simply nodded and gave a warm smile as he squeezed Hankyung’s hand lightly.

And the just sat there sipping their coffee without saying another word as the sun set across the horizon.


i'm back..finally..done with my thesis...pheww..

but exams are coming up soon..>.<

okay, confession time:

I am totally lost. i don't know how i'm going to complete this story..@@ *headache*

i tried my best...feels like i've lost my touch..TT___TT


 thank you for commenting/subscribing/reading.

your love and support is my vitamin..^_^



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Chapter 10: nice hehe
Chapter 10: like it soo much good job ;)
mangafrick #3
Chapter 1: so in the last it would be hancul not sichul
Wow..i'm speechless..
still cant believe Siwon did all that..huhu..
anyway awesome story! ^^
Im crying at the end T_T ohh, its so touchingg, hanchul fict, nice story yea, *sob,sob...
110 streak #6
This is nice and sweet! Too bad it ended so fast :( But I really like this fic :) I hope you can make another HanChul fanfic again :) Nice ending! :bd
aw I thought Hankyung did die but thank goodness it was just a bad dream
Sweet ending!
love your story!!!
followurdestiny #9
ahwww... but it's sweet, it's an happy ending! :D Yay!
That was a great story with a happy ending :)
I really liked it :)