My Love Is Here To Stay

My Love Is Here To Stay

Hankyung walked up the creaking stairs and looked around anxiously.

“Welcome, welcome.”  Siwon greeted cynically.

Hankyung spun around and saw Siwon standing with his arms crossed arrogantly across his chest.

“Took you long enough to come to your sweethearts’ rescue.”

Despite his flaring rage Hankyung managed to keep a straight face, as he knew that one careless move might get Heechul hurt.

“I’m here. Where’s Heechul?” Hankyung asked.

“He’s save. Don’t worry. I love him. I wouldn’t hurt him but you...” Siwon said with a sneer. “You are the cause of all the problems between me and Heechul. If you didn’t come into his life his love for me wouldn’t have faded.”

Hankyung curled his fist, ready to throw a punch right at Siwon’s pretty face.

Siwon who sensed Hankyung’s anger moved forward towards him, provokingly.

“Tempted to get physical, aren’t we?” Siwon teased. “I’ve been waiting to ruin beautiful face too...but Heechul wouldn’t like it.”

“Why are you playing this game Siwon? What do you want from us?” Hankyung asked.

“Do i need to state the obvious?” Siwon asked before grabbing Hankyung by his collar and pushing him into one of the rooms. “Let’s end this today.”

“Hankyung?” Heechul called.

Hankyung turned around and saw Heechul sitting at the corner of the room, blindfolded. He scrambled towards Heechul.

“Chul, are you okay?” Hankyung asked as he took the blindfold off. “Did he hurt you?” he asked cupping Heechul’s face.

“ touching. I love reunions but we have matters that need to be settled.” Siwon said, pulling out a revolver from his back pocket. “It’s really unfortunate things turned out this way. We could have been friends, Hankyung-sshi.”

Heechul immediately beckoned Hankyung and stood before him.

 “You have to go over my dead body if you want to hurt him.” Heechul hissed.

“Move out of the way Chul. I don’t want to hurt you. It’s him i want.” Siwon warned, taking a step forward, his finger on the trigger.

Heechul refused to budge. “Siwon this doesn’t have to end ugly.”

“Too bad. It’s going to.” Siwon said, as he pushed Heechul forcefully aside. He pointed the gun at Hankyung’s forehead.

“No!” Heechul screamed as he charged towards Siwon. He pushed and pinned him to the ground, struggling to get the gun away from him but Siwon was to strong to be fought. He easily threw Heechul aside and in a split second Hankyung heard a deafening blast followed by another two before everything went black.


“Hankyung...please...please, stay awake. Hang in there. I love you. Can you hear me? I love you.” Hankyung heard Heechul's pleading. It wasn’t very clear thought. He felt a sharp pain on his chest and worsened as he tried to move. His neck was immobile and it was getting impossible to breathe, he wondered why. He heard noises. Was it a siren? Or is my ear ringing? And Heechul’s voice...why is it so faint? Is this a dream?

Despite his desperate effort to keep breathing he could feel his breath getting shallower. A bright light blinded him and forced him to shut his eyes


Heechul stood, not daring to take a look around or to accidently make a noise. He shivered as a gush of chilled air brushed against his skin. He was baffled. How did he end up in this graveyard at this time of the night?

He braved himself and slowly turned his head around to take a look at the place he was stranded in. He couldn’t see anyone around. Of course, it’s a graveyard. Who would be here at this time? Then why on earth am i here?

Lost in thoughts, he unknowingly started to walk randomly around the graveyard. As he walked his gaze fell on a coffin not far away from where he stood. His heart started to race and he could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

His mind said to turn back. To not look into the coffin but his legs refused to listen. He took quick steps towards the coffin. Despite knowing that he was going to regret his action and his curiosity will most probably kill him, he couldn’t convince himself to move away from the coffin.

He froze beside the covered coffin. There was a hole beside it. Approximately six feet deep.

Someone dug the coffin out ?

The tip of fingers touched the lid of the casket. He was tempted to push the lid and see who lay underneath. His hands, out of his control, did exactly what he thought.

“Heechul...” He heard someone say in a low voice

 He closed his eyes shut tight and looked away.

“Heechul...Heechul...” he heard a faint whisper in his ears. He swallowed hard, sweating profusely.

And out of the blue, he felt a pair of invisible hands cupping his face. This feeling...the touch... I’ve felt it before... Siwon.

It forced him to turn to the coffin. “Look at it!” a different voice from before commanded.

In spite of his effort to shake off the strong energy that was overpowering him, his head turned towards the widely open coffin.

Hankyung. I was right. It is Hankyung. him. “No!” Heechul screamed. His frustration broke the grip of the hands that confined him. He knees gave up and he slumped on to the grassy ground beside the casket. Beside Hankyung.

He closed his eyes and wept.

“Heechul! Open your eyes...!” this time the voice was clearer, much nearer.

When he felt a pair of cold hands touching his shoulders, his eyes snapped open and he saw Hankyung sitting up in front of him.

“Heechul-ah...wake up. Are you having a nightmare?” Hankyung asked, worried, looking at the amount of sweat Heechul has produced.

Heechul stared blankly at Hankyung, who shrugged and asked, “What are you gawking at?”

Heechul shoot up from the bed and jumped on Hankyung, squeezing him.

“Yah...yah...i can’t you want me to choke and d...”

“Don’t say the word!” Heechul warned before Hankyung could finish his sentence.

Hankyung sensed that Heechul was troubled...or still traumatised. Hugging him back in return, he smoothed Heechul’s hair.

“You had a bad dream again, didn’t you?” he asked and felt Heechul nod. “You want to tell me about it?”

Heechul pulled away from the hug and took Hankyung hands into his.

“The same one i’ve been having for the past 3 months.” he answered, looking down, playing with Hankyung’s fingers.

3 months has passed since the unwanted episode in his life occurred. He nearly lost Hankyung. The doctor’s words echoed in his head. If you had brought him even a little later, we would have lost him.

 “I can’t imagine not having you around. Even thinking about it kills me.” Heechul confessed.

“Hey...” Hankyung said, ruffling Heechul’s hair. “Look at me.” He said.

Heechul looked up, his eyes b in tears.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay and so is my love. Arraseo?” Hankyung convinced, wiping Heechul’s tears away.

Heechul pulled Hankyung close and buried his face into Hankyung’s warm chest.

“Hmmm..arraseo.” he answered.

“I love you.” Hankyung said.

Heechul smiled in silence, knowing that a life filled with endless love awaited him.



I SCREWED IT UP..didn't i?

Okay..confession time..Honestly...i had ZERO insipiration when i wrote this chapter...

i just wrote it for the sake of finishing the story...T__T

very irresponsible...i know..and I'M SO,SO,SORRY...OTL

you see, i'm back home for holidays..and all the princess treatment turned me into a SLOTH..

i'm just to lazy to write..another irresponsible excuse...MIANHE~~










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Chapter 10: nice hehe
Chapter 10: like it soo much good job ;)
mangafrick #3
Chapter 1: so in the last it would be hancul not sichul
Wow..i'm speechless..
still cant believe Siwon did all that..huhu..
anyway awesome story! ^^
Im crying at the end T_T ohh, its so touchingg, hanchul fict, nice story yea, *sob,sob...
110 streak #6
This is nice and sweet! Too bad it ended so fast :( But I really like this fic :) I hope you can make another HanChul fanfic again :) Nice ending! :bd
aw I thought Hankyung did die but thank goodness it was just a bad dream
Sweet ending!
love your story!!!
followurdestiny #9
ahwww... but it's sweet, it's an happy ending! :D Yay!
That was a great story with a happy ending :)
I really liked it :)