The Morning After

Can I Like You?
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I woke up as I felt the sun hitting my eyes. I blinked my eyes a few times and looked around the room. Man, I must've slept all day yesterday. I sat up and put the photobook on the nightstand. The alarm clock next to me read that it was 6 am. No surprise that I'm up this early. My mom would always get me up around this time to do different types of activities. From learning a new language to making another country's food. I would be up and early for it. Now those days are over. Or maybe not.

Maybe I could use this time to make friends with Ikon. But how? Hmm. I guess I can start by making breakfast for B.I. and Bobby as a repayment for letting me stay here. I got off the bed and headed towars the door. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before walking out. I came to a hault and went back to see the monster I was seeing in my reflection. My hair was all over the place, drool on the corner of my mouth and crusty eye boogers. Not a pretty sight.

~Ten minutes later~

OK , I am ready to go. I rushed downt the stairs and made my way to the kitchen when I heard snoring coming from the living room. I looked and saw all seven boys sleeping on differents areas of the floor. Why didn't they put any pajama pants on? AND WHY IS BOBBY SHIRTLESS?!?! My innocent eyes, my poor innocent eyes.

Without making any noises, I made my way to the kitchen which was a complete mess. Trash overflowing, dirty dishes everywhere, wierd stains on the walls, the fridge had nothing but dying food inside and something smells like it died. How can two boys live like this? With curiosity, I went to the laundry room. Only a few seconds in there and I had to get out. I think I saw a roach in there. *shivers* I went back upstairs and decided to look in the boys' rooms.

First was Hanbin's. I walked in and I gasped. It was freakin disgusting. On what I think is the bed is a few pizza boxes with old pizza, the floor had dirty clothes and food all over and I was able to see his bathroom. There was no way in hell I was going to step in there.

Next was Bobby's room. After Hanbin's, I have to say I am a little scared going in there. Taking a deep breath, I walked inside and it was even worse. I sniffed the air and I almost choked. I immediately left.

Okay, first thing first, I got to clean this house. There is no way these good looking guys should live in this condition. I need to tell them now. I heard people talking downstairs which means that the boys have woken up. Great. I'll go talk to them now. I walked to the living room. Everyone was up and yawning one after another. Hanbin was first to notice me.

"Oh, Arlene. You're up?" I nodded. How can I tell them that their house is disgusting in the nicest way? Bobby sat on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm starving. Is there anything to eat in the kitchen?" Maybe now is a good time to say something.

"About the kitchen---"

"I think some of the take out from a few days ago is still in the fridge." Hanbin cutted me off.

"Umm guys, I need to tell you----"

"I'm not in the mood for that. Let's go to the place down the street." Junhoe interrupted. Am I really that easy to ignore?

"Yah! Ar

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husnabila #2
I guess this is hanbin's fanfic :(
nicoco0810 #3
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww JINHWAN
ktroct #4
Chapter 7: waw jinan so chessy kkk
iiroyalangel #5
Chapter 6: Omg. Jinhwan is so jelly! Yay bts is in this story
iiroyalangel #6
I love it update soon
<3 <3 <3 <3