
Falling For You Again


The private study sessions with the Elites had now ended. Jessica and Tiffany sighed with relief while SeoHyun groaned with disappointment.

“You sure enjoyed yourself” Jessica shot a glare at SeoHyun.

SeoHyun just smiled back innocently

“Yoona was quite helpful. And it was fun studying with her.” SeoHyun explained calmly

“You don’t need help. You're already smarter than your unnies.” Tiffany said bluntly.

“Unnie~” SeoHyun swang Tiffany’s arm.

“Well at least one of us is getting something out of this.” Tiffany sighed.

“Let’s go eat” Jessica grumbled

As the girl’s trio left the Elites were still in the classroom.

Taeyeon and Yuri were laying their heads on the table with exhaustion while Yoona was skipping around the classroom.

“That was fun. We should’ve done this sooner” Yoona beamed

Yuri and Taeyeon just gave out a groan.

“Unnie?” Yoona stopped skipping and turned her head to the side innocently

“Do you not like your pairs?”

Yuri and Taeyeon looked at each other and sighed

“Tiffany doesn’t see me as the same anymore, but she still doesn’t hesitate to lecture me about my manners” Taeyeon rubbed her temple.

“Jessica really does suit her nickname, Ice Princess. She isn’t willing to talk to me or anything. She just keeps giving one word answers” Yuri slammed her head against her arm in frustration.

“Oh. Well me and SeoHyun had a great time. SeoHyun is actually very intelligent. She probably has no trouble keeping up with me” beamed Yoona.

“Maybe we should switch maknaes then” Taeyeon grumbled.

“Wei. Unnie. You know that can't happen. I have something that SeoHyun doesn’t.” Yoona pouted

Taeyeon stood up and headed to the door.

“Immortality right? Lucky SeoHyun then” Taeyeon gave a smirk before she left the room.

Yuri and Yoona just looked at each other.

“I don’t see what’s so wrong about immortality.” Yuri sighed.

“Maybe Taeyeon has her reasons” Yoona shrugged.

“I'm still grateful towards Taeyeon though. If it weren’t for her, I don’t know what would’ve happened to me” Yuri smiled at the memories.

“I am too.” Yoona smiled.

“Do you still remember how you met Taeyeon Yoona?”

“Yepp. I was cornered by a crowd of at least 50 people. Just remembering it gives me the goose bumps.” Yoona shivered.

“Letme guess, they were against monsters like us?” Yuri let out a sarcastic laugh.

Yoona just nodded once.

“Happened to me every red moon. I was cornered that time and had nowhere to run. Until Taeyeon popped out and took me here.”

Yoona just traced the edge of the table.

“What about you?” Yoona looked at Yuri who was still lying on the table.

“I guess my story is similar to yours. Only I wasn’t being hunted by others. I was kept in a chamber below a house as they ran tests to see how I gained my immortality.” Yuri let out a sigh.

“What was worse was that it was my own family who did that to me”

Yoona’s jaw dropped.

“Haha. Yeah pitiful I know.” Yuri’s eyes started to water.

“One night Taeyeon burst through the door of the basement. She took me out of my chamber but my family tried to stop her. Taeyeon wasn’t completely cold. She knew it was my family so she just swiftly moved through them, not hurting anyone. For many days after that she would take me back to see my family. She told me that no matter how bad they treated her, they were still her family.” Yuri felt a tear run down her face.

“Why would you want to see them after they did that?!” Yoona yelled

“That’s what I thought. But after they passed on I do sort of miss them. I'm still thankful towards Taeyeon for doing all that for me. I guess she regretted neglecting her family and didn’t want me to go through the same pain. What helped me most was after my parents passed on; Taeyeon said that she would become my new family.” Yuri wiped her tears and smiled.

“She said that to me too” Yoona jumped up and hugged Yuri.

“Haha. Ever since then, I've always had the need to protect and follow Taeyeon. She’s the only thing I have left.”

Yoona pouted

“What about me?” she asked

“Taeyeon was the only thing I had then. But now I've got you too.” Yuri rustled Yoona’s hair.

“Haha” Yoona started laughing and Yuri joined in shortly afterwards.

“But lately Taeyeon’s been getting edgy isn’t she?” Yoona pulled away from Yuri.

Yuri bit her lip.

“Hey Yuri, how did you become an immortal” Yoona suddenly asked

“Huh? Err… Now that I think about it… I don’t really remember” Yuri crossed her arms to think.

“All I remember is that it happens during a red moon. And that’s about all I know” Yuri sighed

“It really is a mystery huh? Oh well. Let’s go. I want to taste the new menu.” Yoona clapped her hands excitedly

“You don’t even need to eat” Yuri sighed as she was dragged by the younger girl.

“So? We don’t gain weight do we? Might as well make use of it” Yoona beamed



At the cafeteria Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun were sitting down and eating their lunch.

Tiffany let out a long sigh.

“I'll get going. I don’t feel like eating” Tiffany pushed her food aside.

“What’s wrong?” Jessica asked

“Not in the mood” Tiffany answered back bluntly

“Unnie is it indigestion? I've got something that might help” SeoHyun dug into her bag for something.

“No no, it’s fine. Just don’t feel like eating” Tiffany waved her hands furiously towards SeoHyun.

SeoHyun stopped rummaging through her bag.

“Might be PMS” Jessica said bluntly

Tiffany decided to go along with that excuse

“Yeah maybe. Meet you guys at Sunny’s place.” Tiffany got up from her seat and headed down the college halls.

The girls in the hallway were giving her glares and stares.

“Why would the Elites choose her?” one of the girls whispered too loudly

“Nothing is special about her. Psh” another girls whispered back.

Tiffany was starting to get pissed at the girls, but decided to ignore them and head down to the music room to calm down.

Tiffany opened the door and to her surprise, she saw the music room all dusty and messy.

“Doesn’t anyone ever use the music room?” Tiffany said to herself as she made her way through all the dust.

She then realised some foot prints, that weren’t hers, leading up to a piano.

“I guess someone does use this room at least.” Tiffany saw that the piano was the only thing that wasn’t so dusty in the music room.

She lifted up the key’s cover and sat down on the piano chair.

“How did it go again?” Tiffany thought for a while.

She then remembered.

Tiffany slowly started playing Minuet on the piano.

Although there were a few mistakes it sounded beautiful.

Tiffany decided to practise it a few more times.

Meanwhile, outside the music room, there was a loud ruckous

Taeyeon was walking down the hallway crowded full of girls squealing to get her attention.

Then a sound caught Taeyeon’s attention.

Although it was faint, Taeyeon knew what it was. It was Bach’s Minuet being played on a piano.

Taeyeon quickly fastened her pace towards the music room.

For some reason the girls stopped following her once she got to the music room.

“I heard that room is haunted” one of the girls murmured

“I heard that a girl died in there” another girl murmured

The girls kept whispering and murmuring to each other as they slowly backed away from the room.

Taeyeon was standing in front of the door.

*Close but yet so far* she thought to herself as she ehard the rumours of the room.

The piano could now be heard clearly.

Taeyeon stood there for a minute taking in the sound.

She then heard a mistake in the song.

Her memories then started replaying again.


Taeyeon’s memory

MiYoung was playing Minuet but kept making errors in the notes.

“Tae~ I just can't get it” MiYoung pouted

“Haha. Take is slow. Here” Taeyeon put her hand under MiYoung’s and began playing the piano.

MiYoung’s fingers followed Taeyeon’s.

“Ohhh.” MiYoung exclaimed.

“You try” Taeyeon took her hands away as MiYoung started playing herself.

She still made the same mistakes over and over.

“Aish” She threw her hands in frustration.

Taeyeon laughed when she saw the mini fit.

Memories end


“That’s the same mistake MiYoung makes” Taeyeon whispered to herself.

As she heard the mistake again she quickly opened the door.

She saw in the afternoon light a girl playing the piano.

Determined to get the notes right, and yet still making the same mistakes.

“MiYoung…” Taeyeon took a step closer

The girl playing the piano suddenly stopped

“Oh. Taeyeon.” Tiffany lifted up her head.

Taeyeon got a clearer look at Tiffany’s face. It wasn’t the girl she was expecting to see.

“Oh ermm. I just heard someone playing the piano and was curious that’s all. Since no one ever uses the music room besides me” Taeyeon shuffled her feet awkwardly

“I can see that” Tiffany looked around the messy music room.

“Hey Taeyeon. Can you help me play this? I can't seem to get this part right” Tiffany patted the seat next to her.

“Errr…” Taeyeon hesitated

“Please?” Tiffany pouted.

Taeyeon just stood there, not willing to move

“Just this once. I won't ask again.” Tiffany begged again.

Taeyeon sighed as she slowly moved closer

Tiffany pulled Taeyeon’s arm down.

“Fine” Taeyeon let out a sigh

Taeyeon started playing the piano slowly

Tiffany sat next to her and watched attentively

“Try it” Taeyeon motioned towards the keys.

Tiffany started playing it but Taeyeon suddenly stopped her.

“Start off slowly.”

Tiffany nodded once and started playing the piano slower.

Tiffany made the same mistake as before.

“Aish” Tiffany rubbed her hair in frustration.

Tiffany then tried again and made the same mistake.

“Gah!” Tiffany slammed her head against the keyboard.

Taeyeon was holding in her laughter but couldn’t hold it anymore. She let out a loud laugh before Tiffany’s glare stopped her.

“Here.” Taeyeon smiled

She put her hand on the keyboard and then put Tiffany’s hand on top of hers.

“I'll guide you” Taeyeon then started playing Minuet.

Tiffany just followed Taeyeon’s fingers, making sure she remembers every key that Taeyeon hit.

Once the song ended Taeyeon took her hand away from Tiffany’s

“Try it now.”

“Thanks” Tiffany smiled awkwardly

She started playing the piano when it finally got to the part wehre she makes the mistakes. Amazingly Tiffany got it right and played it all the way through.

Taeyeon was also surprised that she got it.

*MiYoung never got pass that* Taeyeon thought to herself.

“Haha. I did it” Tiffany clapped with excitement

She then started playing it again a little faster.

Taeyeon sat there and listened to Tiffany play. She played it through again without mistakes and kept going.

As Tiffany kept playing Taeyeon started accompanying her. Taeyeon took the unused side of the piano and started playing along with Tiffany.

Tiffany couldn’t help but smile as the two’s music merged together to create perfect harmony.

Taeyeon in that moment had forgotten everything. She didn’t care that she was immortal, she didn’t care that she was playing the piano with someone else other than MiYoung and she didn’t care about what Sooyoung said about getting close with someone. She was just enjoying the short time she had to enjoy herself.

Little did Taeyeon and Tiffany know that the others were outside watching them, including Sooyoung.

*This isn’t good* Sooyoung thought to herself.

Jessica up in front clenched her hand together.

She then turned around and bolted out the hall.

Yuri stared at Jessica’s back. She then decided to follow her.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1132 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)