
Falling For You Again


After a whole night of emailing Yoona and Yuri, Taeyeon started to see the sunrise outside her window.

She decided to get ready for college early since there was nothing else she could do. She put on her Elite uniform and fixed her hair.

Taeyeon then grabbed a bowl and poured some food in it for Bubz.

After she put the bowl down she left the house and started walking towards SM College.

Tiffany on the other hand had woken up late. She jumped out of her bed and ran around the house trying to get ready.

“Sunny~ where are Jessica and SeoHyun~” Tiffany yelled out while she did her hair.

“They left already” Sunny answered back bluntly

Tiffany let out a loud groan.

“Bye Sunny” Tiffany ran across the table and grabbed a piece of toast as she left the house.

“Bye” Sunny answered back.

Tiffany dashed down the road while eating the piece of toast in . She checked the time on her wrist watch

“I could probably still make it” Tiffany encouraged herself

As she turned around a corner she bumped into someone.

“Mianhae” Tiffany apologised as she bowed to the stranger.

She looked up and immediately froze.

In front of her was a young male college student.

“SM College for girls huh?” The man asked.

Tiffany didn’t answer. She wanted to move but her legs wouldn’t allow her to.

“I heard SM College had the best girls in town. Guess they weren’t wrong” he smirked to himself

Tiffany finally got the courage to bow and run off.

The college student then held her arm back.

“How about a sorry kiss” he smiled

Tiffany was too scared. A man was holding onto her, touching her. Her legs gave way as she fell to the floor.

The college student stepped closer to Tiffany with a wide smile on his face.

“BACK OFF!” yelled a voice from behind him.

“No way. I want my fun” he answered without bothering to look to see who it was.

“I'm serious. Back off her this instance” said the voice again.

The college student turned around and was trying to land a punch on the mysterious person

“Leave me a…”

His arm was stopped by a girl shorter than him.

“K-K-Kim Taeyeon” he muttered as Taeyeon threw his arm off.

“I will repeat myself one more time. Back… Off” Taeyeon shot a cold glare at him

“Y-Y-Yes” the man fell back and quickly scrambled to run off.

Tiffany was still on the floor, terrified

Taeyeon looked at the girl on the floor and held out her hand.

“Come. We’ll be late to class soon” Taeyeon said

Tiffany didn’t move. Her body was still scared.

Taeyeon then grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand to pull her up. Tiffany swatted Taeyeon’s hand away as she was about on the verge of tears.

“Don’t touch me” Tiffany sobbed

Taeyeon froze. No one had ever denied her hand before.

She was about to walk away from Tiffany but then she heard Tiffany crying.

Taeyeon walked back to her and crouched down.

She moved Tiffany’s bangs away from her eyes to see tears pouring out her eyes.

“Tiffany?” Taeyeon was starting to worry.

Tiffany covered her eyes with her hands, embarrassed that Taeyeon was seeing her weak side.

“… You're scared of men…. Aren’t you?” Taeyeon tried to sooth her

Tiffany just nodded in her hands.

Taeyeon gave out a long sigh.

“Don’t worry he’s gone now. Let’s go to class where there are NO guys.” Taeyeon rubbed Tiffany’s shoulders.

Tiffany didn’t move.

Taeyeon bit her lip. She couldn’t just leave her here. She then had an idea.

Taeyeon turned her back towards Tiffany.

Tiffany had thought that Taeyeon was going to leave her and felts hurt. But then Taeyeon crouched down again and picked Tiffany up on her back.

“You’re going to class whether you like it or not” Taeyeon said sternly.

When Tiffany was successfully on Taeyeon’s back, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany’s hands and wrapped them around her neck.

“If you fall it’ll be your fault” Taeyeon then stood up.

Tiffany quickly tightened her grip on Taeyeon’s neck, not too tight that it would choke her.

Tiffany felt Taeyeon’s cheek brush against her arm as Taeyeon smiled.

Taeyeon then started walking up to the college. Taeyeon shuffled Tiffany’s weight a few times.

“I'm sorry. I must be heavy” Tiffany tried to get off.

“No no it’s fine. You were just slipping that’s all. Hold on tighter” Taeyeon reassured.

Tiffany leaned her had against Taeyeon’s back and held onto Taeyeon.

They were almost at the college gate when Taeyeon stopped.

“Tiffany… I think you should get off. The others wouldn’t be happy to see this” Taeyeon said awkwardly.

Tiffany immediately let go of Taeyeon and jumped off.

“Err Thanks” Tiffany bowed to Taeyeon.

“No problem.” Taeyeon smiled.

Tiffany’s face lit up when she saw the kind and sweet Taeyeon. But that didn’t last long. Soon Taeyeon returned to her cold self.

“Make sure you tell no one about this and about last night” Taeyeon said coldly.

Tiffany just nodded once, a little scared of the cold Taeyeon.

Taeyeon then walked pass her and patted her head.

“I'll keep your secret too.” She said as she walked to the gates.

The gates were immediately filled with girls as they squealed at the sight of Taeyeon.

Somehow Tiffany felt lonely without Taeyeon by her side.

Tiffany let out a long sigh before she headed for class.

As soon as Taeyeon was out of the crowd she clenched her fist together

“Why did you lower your guard down around her” she mumbled to herself as she threw her arms up in frustration.

“She looks a lot like her, doesn’t she?” a voice came from behind Taeyeon

Taeyeon turned around to see Sooyoung

“What do you want?” Taeyeon turned her back towards her again

“Nothing. I just saw you this morning with that girl. Tiffany was it?” Sooyoung stood closer to Taeyeon.

“What about her?” Taeyeon asked bluntly as she moved away.

“Nothing. It’s just amazing how much she looks like her. But you have to remember. She isn’t her. If you were to get close to her, history would only repeat itself” Sooyoung walked pass Taeyeon as she put her hand on Taeyeon’s shoulder.

As soon as Sooyoung left Taeyeon fell to her knees.

“I know that.” She slammed her fist against the grass

The bell then rang to signal the students to head for their first class.

Taeyeon slowly walked to the Elites classroom.

As she walked in she saw 5 people in the room.

“What is this?!” Taeyeon yelled

In the classroom there was Yoona, Yuri, Jessica, Tiffany and SeoHyun

“Oh Taeyeon” Yoona quickly ran over to hug Taeyeon.

Yuri just stood there and smiled.

“Since the three girls were majoring in mathematics and chemistry, I asked the dean to allow us to teach them” Yuri said calmly.

“What about Sooyoung?” Taeyeon looked around looking for her

“Well since we already learnt everything, they re-assigned her to teach the other students” Yuri answered

SeoHyun got up and bowed to Taeyeon

“Sorry Elite Taeyeon” she apologised

Jessica then stood up too and apologise

“We’ll leave now if it’s too much of a hassle” she said as she made her way to the door.

Tiffany got up her seat and was about to leave too.

“Taeyeon~ Please teach them” Yoona begged and whined

Taeyeon stared at Yoona.

“Or would you rather read through the text books another 158 times before the year ends” Yoona’s cold personality came back when she whispered into Taeyeon’s ear.

Taeyeon immediately closed the door behind her.

“We’ll teach you whatever you need.” Taeyeon tried to sound calm.

Yuri let out a laugh behind the room and Yoona kissed Taeyeon’s cheek.

“Eugh” Taeyeon moved away from Yoona.

Tiffany, Jessica and SeoHyun stood there dumbfounded.

Taeyeon looked at them

“No need to leave. Us Elites will be tutoring you” Taeyeon reassured them

“Let’s draw names out of the hats. Just so you know Taeyeon is the best tutor you can get.” Yoona yelled out as she took out three toothpicks.

“Blue is Taeyeon, black is Yuri and I'm red” she said as she held to toothpicks towards the three girls.

“Pick one” Yuri said from behind.

Tiffany held onto the left one, Jessica on the right and SeoHyun with the middle.

They pulled the toothpicks out.

Tiffany ended up with blue, Jessica with black and SeoHyun with red.

Yuri looked at Yoona suspiciously

Yoona just smiled back innocently and shrugged her shoulders

“It’s settled then. TaeNy, YulSic and YoonHyun.” Yoona clapped

Everyone’s jaws dropped.

“I change my mind” Yuri and Taeyeon said in unison.

Yoona then suddenly shot them a cold glare.

“Yuri… I sometimes think that Yoona is the scariest of them all” Taeyeon froze and whispered to Yuri

“I think so too” Yuri said on the side of .

“You're lucky Tiff. You get Taeyeon” Jessica sighed

Tiffany looked at Jessica weirdly.

“Err… not that I should be jealous or anything” Jessica quickly turned around and walked over to Yuri.

“Well Jessica, what are you up to?” Yuri said calmly.

Jessica opened her text book and pointed to a question.

“That.” Jessica said bluntly

To be honest Jessica wasn’t really happy with the pairings.

Yuri looked at Jessica.

“How about we get to know each other first. Otherwise this is going to awkward” Yuri smiled

“Sure” Jessica answered back bluntly again.

Yuri bit her lip. She didn’t know how to deal with Jessica.

She has only dealt with calm people before in her life. But Jessica was as cold as the artic.

“I'm Jessica Jung. I major in mathematics and chemistry. There. Introduction over. Now let’s get back to working”

Yuri just stayed silent and did as Jessica wanted.

On the other side of the room was the YoonHyun pair.

“I'm Im Yoona, 21 years old. Major in well… everything really” Yoona greeted with a smile.

“I'm S-SeoHyun, 21 years old. Major in mathematics and chemistry.” SeoHyun smiled awkwardly.

“No need to be shy. Just think of us as any other student. No class, no badges, no honours or Elites” Yoona took her blazer off. She now looked like a normal student.

She had no Elites blazer on, nor did she have the Elites badge on.

SeoHyun smiled at Yoona’s friendliness

“Let’s get started~” Yoona yelled with excitement

The other four in the classroom looked at Yoona.

“Yoona, lower your voice” Taeyeon said tiredly

Yoona giggled and nodded

Taeyeon then turned her attention back to her student.

“No need for intros?” Taeyeon asked as she lifted her eyebrow up

Tiffany just nodded once as she opened her text book.

She felt as though she didn’t have anything to stand up against Taeyeon anymore. Taeyeon had known about her weakness now and could use it against her at any moment.

“What happened to the social justice Tiffany that scolded me the day before?” Taeyeon clicked her fingers in front of Tiffany

Tiffany jumped up a little startled.

“If it’s about this morning then I can just forget about it, like it never happened.” Taeyeon put her elbow on the table and leaned her head against her hand.

Tiffany looked up into Taeyeon’s eyes.

She saw that Taeyeon was trustworthy enough to not tell her about her secret.

“It’s okay. I trust you.” Tiffany said timidly.

“As long as you keep quiet about the puppy and piano last night” Taeyeon reminded her.

“Yeah… By the way, what did you name it?” Tiffany asked curiously

Taeyeon got off her arm and opened the book.

“None of your concern” she said embarrassed at the name she named the puppy.

“Naww. Come on tell me” Tiffany begged

“No” Taeyeon answered back bluntly.

“I bet it’s a cute name and your just embarrassed, aren’t you?” Tiffany teased.

Taeyeon stopped flipping through the book for a second but resumed shortly after.

Tiffany let out a quiet giggle, finding Taeyeon cute.

Taeyeon then wrote something down on a piece of paper and passed it to Tiffany.

‘Bubz’ was written on it.

Tiffany looked up to see Taeyeon strangely engrossed in the chemistry text book.

“Cute” Tiffany smiled.

“Eugh. Let’s start” Taeyeon tried to change the subject.

For the rest of the period the three pairs started to feel more comfortable around each other. Well the YoonHyun couple were. TaeNy and YulSic were still awkward.

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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1120 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)