Tiffany and Miyoung

Falling For You Again


“Okay. That’s a wrap. Thank you Miss Kim for helping out with this. We really appreciate it.” The committee lady thanked graciously. Taeyeon just nodded calmly and proceeded to the side of the stage where Miyoung and Bubz were waiting. Halfway down the stairs she stopped abruptly and ran back up to see the lady again.

“Ah, excuse me. But do you know where the other two Elites have gone?” Taeyeon asked curiously. The lady looked up from her clipboard and thought for a while as she tried to remember.

“If I remember correctly. They said they promised to help out with a few stalls and events. Apart from that, I don’t know.” She replied.

“Oh… okay, thank you.” Taeyeon said disappointedly before walking down the stairs again. As she walked down, her arm was immediately taken into Miyoung’s arm.

“Let’s go play a few stalls. I saw a few of them open up already.” Miyoung said excitedly. Taeyeon just nodded and proceeded to the seat where Bubz was sleeping soundly. She calmly took her arm out from Miyoung’s and picked up the sleeping dog.

“I’ll need both my arms to carry him.” Taeyeon said quietly. Miyoung stood there dumbfounded, but nevertheless, nodded at Taeyeon’s reasoning. She then watched as Taeyeon walked ahead of her and out of the backstage area towards the opened stalls.

“Tae… is something wrong? You don’t seem happy.” Miyoung asked quietly as she ran up to stand beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon just shook her head stiffly and continued walking silently.

“Why don’t we go over to the games stalls? We can play a few games there, and I’m sure Yuri and Yoona would be hanging around there trying to win against one another.” Taeyeon suggested after a few moments of silence. Miyoung just nodded hesitantly at Taeyeon’s suggestion and walked towards the brighter stalls filled with families. The day was coming to a close as the dark night sky was slowly taking over the bright orange skies. Lights were turning on as they walked past and more and more people were starting to fill up the area.

“Elite Kim!” a sudden yell was heard. Taeyeon turned towards the girl who had yelled her name and saw a group of college students standing huddled together. She raised her eyebrow at them to ask what they had called her for.

“Yes?” Taeyeon asked calmly. Miyoung turned around and stared at the group admiring Taeyeon. She stood beside Taeyeon with a fake smile and latched her hand onto Taeyeon’s arm again.

“Elite Kim… Are you going out with Tiffany Hwang?” One of the girls asked curiously when they caught sight of Miyoung. Taeyeon turned to give Miyoung a glance before she turned back to the students.

“Ehm… This isn’t Tiffany Hwang…” Taeyeon said hesitantly.

“Hi, I’m Lee Miyoung.” Miyoung greeted cheerfully. The girls furrowed their eyebrows at Miyoung, finding her very similar to their fellow college student.

“And you’re her…” One of the students pointed towards Taeyeon.

“My cousin.” Taeyeon finished off. Everyone looked back at Taeyeon, including Miyoung. Feeling hurt, Miyoung lowered her hand from Taeyeon’s arm and put them into her pockets. She then smiled at the group again and nodded softly.

“Oh… Well that’s great. Nice to meet you Miss Lee.” The girls giggle excitedly, mostly relieved that Taeyeon was still not attached. Miyoung nodded in greeting and tried her best not to launch herself onto the girls.

“Okay. We’ll be going. Please come back to the college soon Elite Kim.” The girls waved and walked off.

“Wait.” Taeyeon called them back. One of the girls towards the back turned around at Taeyeon’s call.

“Have you seen Elite Im and Elite Kwon anywhere?” Taeyeon asked. The girl blinked a few times before she smiled widely and nodded eagerly.

“We saw them at the east side of the grounds. They were there with Jessica and Miss Choi.” She answered. Her girls then hurried her to hurry up, so she bowed to Taeyeon before running off after her friends. Taeyeon nodded at the answer and turned around to head towards the east side of the grounds.

“Tae…?” Miyoung called out softly. Taeyeon turned around and gave Miyoung an innocent look.

“Oh, I need to find Yuri and Yoona. We can play the games after if you wish.” Taeyeon said with a smile. Miyoung shook her head and lowered her head to the floor.

“Why… did you say I was your… cousin?” Miyoung asked quietly.

“Miyoung? I can’t hear you…” Taeyeon moved closer to Miyoung to hear her over the crowds of people.

“I’m… your cousin?” Miyoung repeated. Taeyeon blinked a few times, wondering what Miyoung was trying to imply. She then realised what she had done by calling Miyoung her cousin.

“Oh… I still have an Elite reputation. We don’t have friends outside our circle… and especially… girlfriends.” Taeyeon answered hesitantly. Miyoung looked up from the ground and gave Taeyeon and accusing stare. She then let out a sigh before she walked off slowly. Taeyeon followed beside her, waiting for a response from Miyoung.

“There’s no reputation left TaeTae… We’ll be leaving soon. It wouldn’t have hurt to tell them what I was to you.” Miyoung whispered slightly. Taeyeon bit her lower lip and continued walking without responding.

“I guess I’m used to it.” Taeyeon whispered as she patted Bubz gently. Miyoung just chuckled at Taeyeon’s response and took a deep breath.

“We’ll get used to it soon. I promise” Miyoung reassured. Taeyeon just nodded hesitantly at Miyoung’s promise and continued walking. No one uttered another word as Taeyeon was hesitant about the change. She wasn’t quite ready yet.

“Evening Taeyeon.” A voice greeted. Taeyeon looked up at Miyoung, thinking that she had just greeted her, but when she looked up, she noticed that Miyoung was stiff and staring straight ahead. Taeyeon then followed Miyoung’s gaze towards a lonesome girl standing in front of them. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at the girl, not quite recognising the red haired girl.

“Like my new haircut?” the girl smiled brightly as she twirled a strand of her hair.

“Tiffany?!” Taeyeon gaped. Tiffany giggled at Taeyeon and nodded. Taeyeon then gave a worried glance over to Miyoung. Tiffany followed her glance and looked back at Miyoung. The two had exact facial features but it was clear who was who. Tiffany had the bang fringe with bright red hair, and Miyoung had the black hair with side fringe.

“Been a while huh?” Tiffany smiled back. Miyoung narrowed her eyes towards Tiffany and gripped her hands into fists. She was threatened. Really threatened.

“Err… Tiffany this is…” Taeyeon stuttered, not knowing what to say.

“Lee Miyoung, your lover from long ago. I know.” Tiffany answered calmly. Miyoung and Taeyeon’s jaw dropped at Tiffany’s answer. Tiffany looked back at them innocently.

“How did you know?” Taeyeon asked back sceptically.

“Miyoung and I met at Leeteuk’s restaurant a few days ago. We talked for a while before I had to leave.” Tiffany lied. Taeyeon turned around to reconfirm it with Miyoung. Miyoung was slightly confused as to why Tiffany didn’t just blame everything onto her. When she realised that Taeyeon was waiting for her, she closed her jaw and pulled off a smile before nodding.

“Taeyeon… could I talk to you privately for a moment? It will just be for a while.” Tiffany asked calmly. Taeyeon looked back and forth between Tiffany and Miyoung before taking a hesitant step towards Tiffany. Miyoung quickly stopped her and pulled her back before she could go any further.

“I’m sure you can say it in front of me” Miyoung smiled at Tiffany. Taeyeon shot Miyoung a confused stare before looking back at Tiffany. Tiffany just shrugged and nodded, accepting Miyoung’s idea. She then reached into her bag and pulled out an iPad within a pink case. Taeyeon immediately recognised it and had a vague idea as to what the conversation was going to be about.

“Tiffany… About the points… I…” Taeyeon started off nervously.

“They’ve been wiped.” Tiffany interrupted. Taeyeon stopped in mid-sentence and opened her eyes wide at the device in Tiffany’s hand. Tiffany revealed to Taeyeon the applications on the iPad, none of which contained the counter app. Taeyeon then looked back up at Tiffany with an accusing stare, but Tiffany just returned the stare with a smile.

“Taeyeon… I came here after a long while of thinking. I don’t just want to be an image of Miyoung. I don’t want to be the one who is used as a substitute for something else. I don’t want to fill an empty space in your heart either. I want to be the one who has my own place in your heart. I want to be seen as Hwang Tiffany and not Lee Miyoung.” Tiffany gripped onto the iPad tightly. She then let out a small chuckle and moved the iPad to her chest, hugging it close.

“So? How is this haircut? I was a little hesitant at first… But if it was to redefine myself as myself, I was willing to do it.” Tiffany lifted up on of her hand and touched the tip of her bang fringe. Taeyeon blinked confusingly at Tiffany, wondering what the speech was about. She then turned towards Miyoung to see her enraged with bright blue eyes.

“Tiffany… what was that? What’s this talk about an image and substitute?” Taeyeon shook her head and turned back to the redhead. Tiffany just gave Taeyeon an innocent shrug and smiled.

“I don’t know.” Tiffany replied. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows, confused with the current situation.

“Yuri and Yoona are by the east gate. They’re waiting for you. I should probably get going. I have a few things I wish to buy first.” Tiffany walked up towards Taeyeon. Miyoung pulled Taeyeon back a few steps away from Tiffany. Taeyeon stared up at Miyoung and pulled her arm away from Miyoung.

“Just want you to know Taeyeon. I’m still not giving up.” Tiffany whispered into Taeyeon’s ear. She then proceeded to walk in to opposite direction of where Taeyeon was heading confidently. Taeyeon followed Tiffany with her eyes and watched as Tiffany disappeared in the crowds. Unconsciously, a smile was growing on her face.

“TaeTae?” Miyoung whispered. Taeyeon turned towards the east gate and started walking again with the smile still on her face. Miyoung followed behind slowly, regretting having not made Taeyeon walk in another direction.

‘If only time would go faster. There would be less interference.’ Miyoung thought grudgingly. She then looked back towards Tiffany’s direction and saw her take a turn into the trees.

‘I can’t let her ruin this…’ Miyoung thought to herself.

“Ah...Taeyeon?” Miyoung stopped walking and called for Taeyeon. Taeyeon turned around and faced Miyoung with curiosity.

“You can go on ahead and meet with Yuri and Yoona. I think I’m just going to get a few things. You know, for Japan.” Miyoung smiled innocently. Taeyeon raised her eyebrow at Miyoung suspiciously.

“I’ll meet up with you later.” Miyoung waved before walking away from Taeyeon. Taeyeon shifted the weight of the dog in her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.

“Today seems to be really interesting.” Taeyeon said to herself before turning around and walking towards the gates.


“Any sign of Tiffany?” Jessica asked as she came back from Leeteuk’s stall with SeoHyun. Yuri and Yoona shook their heads. As they continued to recheck the ropes and equipment. Jessica bit her lower lip and gripped onto SeoHyun’s hands tighter.

“Have you tried calling her?” Yuri asked as she double checked the knots.

“Yeah, I left her like twenty messages, not including the texts.” Jessica said worriedly. Yoona then walked over to SeoHyun and held her by her other arm as Yuri finished off.

“Yuri… I don’t think Tiffany is coming…” Jessica said quietly. Yuri let out a long sigh and stood behind Jessica, gently patting her head.

“I can take over if you want.” SeoHyun suggested hopefully. Yuri and Yoona exchanged a glance. They then looked at SeoHyun worriedly.

“Can you swim? Like, really well?” Yoona asked worriedly. SeoHyun nodded confidently. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows at the thought. She knew that out of the three of them, Tiffany was the best at swimming whilst she and SeoHyun were only beginners. They could keep afloat, but only for a limited amount of time.

“You don’t have to.” A sudden voice interrupted. All four girls turned towards the pathway where there was a figure standing.

“Tiffany?!” Everyone exclaimed. Tiffany gave a bright smile and nodded.

“Shall we start?” Tiffany suggested. The two immortal girls ran up and hugged Tiffany tightly, relieved that she finally showed up.

“But we still need to wait for Taeyeon.” Yoona said as she pulled from the hug.

“She’s coming. She’ll be here soon.” Tiffany smiled. Yuri and Yoona exchanged glances at each other before Tiffany walked past them.

“Oh and… Miyoung is really mad right now. Treat her with care.” Tiffany giggled before heading out of the gate and towards the river.

“I like what she did with her hair.” Jessica commented. SeoHyun nodded in agreement. As soon as Tiffany was out of sight, they heard Taeyeon calling out for them.

“Yuri! Yoona! Show yourselves! I need a good word with you two!” Taeyeon’s voice resounded. All four girls’ eyes popped open before they hurried into their positions. Yuri took the teddy from behind the gate and handed it to Jessica. SeoHyun took the food from her bag and opened it for Yoona. Yoona hurriedly took large bites to make it look like it wasn’t just opened. Once everything was set, Taeyeon came down the road with Bubz in her arms.

“Where’s Sooyoung and Sunny? We only have one shot at this.” Yoona whispered from the side of . Yuri just hushed Yoona as Taeyeon got closer to them. They were shocked to not see Miyoung beside Taeyeon.

“Oh. Hi Taeyeon!” Yoona pretended to just spot Taeyeon and waved happily. Taeyeon glared at Yoona before shifting her glare to Yuri. The four of them went up to greet Taeyeon cheerfully. Once they were in front of her, Taeyeon took one hand from under Bubz and knocked Yuri and Yoona against their foreheads.

“Where have you two been for the past week?! I tried calling your phones but you wouldn’t pick up.” Taeyeon scolded. Yuri and Yoona just faked their laughs and shrugged.

“I guess we lost them” Yuri smiled. Taeyeon was not amused. She continued to stare at the two intensely. Yuri and Yoona looked behind Taeyeon to check if there was anyone else coming. They were hesitant to go with their plan.

“Hey, Taeyeon. I heard Miyoung was back.” Yoona decided to ask. Taeyeon shifted her gaze to Yoona, a little confused as to how she knew. Yuri then gave an awkward cough to signal that she was the one who had told Yoona. Taeyeon then just sighed and nodded meekly.

“Yeah… She is.” Was all Taeyeon said. Yuri continued to stare down the path which Taeyeon had come from and waited. When there was no sign of anyone following behind Taeyeon, Yuri pulled Taeyeon by the shoulders to the gate. Yoona, Jessica and SeoHyun then executed the plan and took the ropes from nearby to hand them to Yoona. Yoona then wrapped them around Taeyeon and tired her to the gate securely. Yuri took hold of Bubz as Yoona continued to secure Taeyeon.

“Hey. What? What are you doing?” Taeyeon struggled. Yoona continued to secure Taeyeon before finally finishing off with a knot.

“You’re not the only one who can do deadly knots.” Yoona huffed as she dusted her hands and gave a proud smirk. Taeyeon struggled from the ropes and tried to break free, not forgetting to shoot daggers at the people around her.

“Those ropes were originally for Miyoung, but since she isn’t here, I guess we have to go with plan B” Yuri said confidently.

“What plan?” Taeyeon growled under her breath.

“To wake you up.” Yuri smiled. Taeyeon stopped struggling in the ropes as she watched Yuri.

“Now where is Sooyeon?” Yoona sighed as she waited. Taeyeon then continued to break free from the ropes, twisting and breaking a few bones here and there.

“Argh” Taeyeon winced in pain when her left forearm snapped.

“Hey. The food you guys have these days is so fascinating” A cheerful voice filled the silence. Taeyeon stopped struggling from the ropes and allowed her arm to heal as she stared down at the path. Coming from the path was a girl holding containers of food who looked oddly like Jessica.

“You’re late Sooyeon.” Jessica rolled her eyes. Yuri just chuckled and turned her attention back to Taeyeon. Sooyeon gave an apologetic smile before she stood beside Yuri. When she caught sight of Taeyeon, she stopped eating immediately.

“Sooyeon?!” Taeyeon exclaimed. Sooyeon smiled widely at Taeyeon and passed Yuri the food before she ran up to give Taeyeon an awkward hug.

“Long time no see unnie” Sooyeon greeted cheerfully. Taeyeon just chuckled and moved away from Sooyeon’s embrace.

“We met not long ago. You pushed me to the ground, remember?” Taeyeon chuckled. Sooyeon pulled away from the hug and nodded with a smile.

“Of course I remember.” Sooyeon smiled.

“Okay, family reunion done and over. Now onto serious business.” Yoona interrupted. Sooyeon’s expression then dropped from a smile to a frown. She took a few steps back to stand beside Yuri as the atmosphere dulled down.

“Yuri… Yoona… Take me out of these ropes. Now.” Taeyeon said seriously. Yoona and Yuri shook their heads in unison. SeoHyun and Jessica then excused themselves and walked out of the gates towards the river to call Tiffany back.

“I guess that match really did come in handy. I doubt we’d be able to stand against you without that.” Yuri chuckled. Taeyeon let out a low growl from as she continued to glare at the two.

“You’re betraying me after all this time?” Taeyeon uttered out. The other two immortals let out a small gasp as Sooyeon opened her eyes wide open.

“Taeyeon… We’re trying to help you.” Yuri said in a hurt tone with Yoona nodding furiously beside her.

“With what?” Taeyeon snapped back.

“Miyoung.” Sooyeon answered this time. Taeyeon turned her attention to Sooyeon and gave a confused expression. Tonight was causing so much confusion for her.

“Miyoung?” Taeyeon questioned. All four girls nodded once in unison.

“Taeyeon… You’re moving to Japan to pass the role of the leader of the Legions right?” Yuri took a step closer to Taeyeon and said seriously. Taeyeon nodded slowly as she kept eye contact with Yuri.

“And you know that there is someone after that role as the leader?” Yoona followed Yuri’s lead and also took a step further. Taeyeon turned her head back and forth between the two immortals, wondering where the conversation was heading to.

“Miyoung plans to take over the Legion Taeyeon-ah. She wants you to go to Japan and see the Legion. She wants the power of the pure blood immortals in her hand, including you.” Sooyeon continued on. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows at the explanation and started struggling against the ropes again.

“I don’t know what you’re saying. Let me go.” Taeyeon grunted.

“Taeyeon!” Yoona raised her voice. Taeyeon was stunned that Yoona would raise her voice against her and stared at Yoona.

“Miyoung is not the same as she was from before… She kidnapped all of us and locked us in a cell. She used your sister to guard us. She was hurting your sister Taeyeon… and all of us… including Tiffany.” Yoona said seriously. Taeyeon stopped struggling when Yoona mentioned Tiffany’s name. She stared down at the floor as she waited for Yoona to continue.

“Taeyeon… she’s been keeping you away from us from the past week, because she knows we will foil her plan. She bumped into Tiffany the other day and beat her down hard onto the floor.” Yuri continued. Taeyeon gripped her hands into fists and shook her head stubbornly.

“No… You… You’re lying.” Taeyeon uttered. Sooyeon then crouched down onto the floor and held Taeyeon’s face in her hands.

“Taeyeon… You trust me right? I always told you everything… I never once lied to you… Please… Believe me when I say that Miyoung is evil.” Sooyeon lowered her voice into a whisper. Taeyeon looked into Sooyeon’s eyes to see the same eyes she used to see long ago. The eyes of her dear younger sister, the eyes of her family.

“How can I trust you…? I don’t know if you’re even Sooyeon.” Taeyeon growled under her breath. Sooyeon just let out a small sigh and nodded, understanding that Taeyeon was still sceptical.

“Taeyeon, I know it’s hard to believe that I am your sister but the fact still remains that I am. Miyoung opened the realms of the afterlife and pulled me through them forcibly. She then used a chip that was attached to my neck to control me. Yoona came to take the chip away so I am no longer under her control.” Sooyeon shrugged. Taeyeon narrowed her eyes at Sooyeon.

“Miyoung said you followed her when she returned to this world…” Taeyeon challenged. Sooyeon just laughed at Taeyeon and patted her shoulder.

“You were always too easy to fool Taeyeon. Father always scolded you about it, saying that you should grow your own knowledge instead of take everyone else’s” Sooyeon smiled. Taeyeon’s eyes opened wide as she remembered her family. Her father scolding her for trying to see if his books actually remained dry if she chucked them open onto the pond.

“Do you believe it’s me now unnie? You were arranged to be married to two men because you wanted me to be happy. In the end though, you disappeared and I ended up marrying him anyway.” Sooyeon’s eyes showed a hint of sadness.

“I… I… I couldn’t return…” Taeyeon stuttered, feeling guilt that her sister had to go with what her father had wanted.

“Don’t worry. That’s long in the past.” Sooyeon giggled. Taeyeon looked up at Sooyeon with guilty eyes before she finally snapped out of it. She then stared at Yoona and Yuri standing behind Sooyeon and remembered what the whole purpose of her being tied to a pole was.

“Miyoung isn’t the same anymore Taeyeon. Once she has the power of the Legion in her hands, who knows what would happen.” Yuri reminded.

“Most importantly… We don’t want to risk anything happening to OUR leader. You promised us that you would be our family Taeyeon… Family come first.” Yoona pleaded.

“Unless of course it’s Tiffany. We approve of Tiffany so that doesn’t matter.” Yuri added comically. Yoona nodded in agreement with Yuri before Sooyeon stood up and hit them at the back of their heads.

“Stay focused.” Sooyeon scolded.

“Unnie! Unnie! Yoona! Yuri! Sooyeon! Taeyeon! Help!” a sudden yell was heard from outside the gate. Everyone turned their heads down the road leading to the river as they saw SeoHyun quickly running up as fast as she could. As she reached the four of the non-humans, she leaned against Yoona and was desperately gasping for air.

“SeoHyun! SeoHyun what’s wrong?!” Yoona panicked. SeoHyun was still breathing heavily as she pointed down the road.

“Tiffany… Jessica… In trouble…” SeoHyun gasped. No one could understand what was happening as they waited for SeoHyun to clarify.

“Tiffany’s look-a-like… pushed Tiffany. Tiffany… drowning. Jessica… in trouble.” SeoHyun continued. Yuri’s and Taeyeon’s eyes immediately opened wide.

“Sooyeon. Untie Taeyeon. Yoona and I will go see what’s going on. Hurry!” Yuri panicked as she rushed down the road to the river. Yoona carried SeoHyun on her back and quickly followed after Yuri, leaving Sooyeon to untie Taeyeon.

“Sooyeon! Hurry” Taeyeon hurried as Sooyeon quickly tried to cut the ropes.

‘Tiffany’s in danger…’ Taeyeon panicked in her mind






It's been a while since we saw them ey? ;]

Yupp~ drama ending soon~ DDD:

Or shoudl i drag it all the way till 75 chapters? o_o




So~ I asked you guys what you thought of FFYA2 and what it was going to be about.
Some interesting responses o_o
About taeny, yoonhyun and yulsic's children. About maybe the past of the elites. -shrug-
I am not going to say anything on the matter.
I have the main plot already planned out ;]

On another note~
I will reveal that it wont be about the past because that wont really have any couplings in it.... besides maybe taeyeon's but you guys already know the story behind that one.
I might consider making a side story to FFYA.

You know, it will have the Elite's past,
Taeyeon with her family and Sooyeon. Yuri with her family and how she met Taeyeon and a glimpse to life with Yuri and Tae alone. Yoona's life before immortality and her life running from humans before she meets TaeRi. OH AND! Maybe a glimpse of Leeteuk's feelings for Tae, Sooyoung's past and how she met Sunny? OMG AND it most definitely needs to hate the Legion's view on things *w* I can write from like someone's point of view inside the Legion.
OH AND! Gi kwang's past love life and why he despises humans so much :DDDD


Omg yupp! I'm making a side story compliation to this >DDDD
It's gunna be awesome!!!


So my question for you guys this time is~

What would be some interesting side stories that you guys want to know about?

so~ What things do you want to see? A glimpse of the afterlife maybe? or maybe 50 years before TaeYoonYul met JeTiHyun, or maybe 30?
I dunno~ Suggest some that you would wish to see. 



.... But i have too many things to finish as it is >~<
Tell you what, I'll finish off 'A Blind Love' and 'Winter love' before i start my side stories :]
Sugges them anyway on either comments/wall/inbox ^^



Honestly i talk too much now :(
sorry >~<


Bubbles out~ (oh btw, by saying this, I'm referring to myself as Bubbles. I'm not 'bubbling'  out xD)


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randompersonhere1 #1
i love this story 💗
soshiujjang #2
Chapter 78: I LOVE THIS STORY 😭 Thank you authornim! 💗
Just found this story and omg it’s a blessinggg!!
diana_knight07 #4
I love this story and the concept :3 💖 great story
leftover #5
This is the first fic that I read when I was in high school in 2013ish. And here I am going to read it all over again.
Chapter 64: rereading this again.... fuhhhh my head hurts... LOL?
1131 streak #7
Chapter 63: Breen reading it for the 7th time and I'll still be reading it for the 8th gym later ^_^
Chapter 78: A lot of things happen in this fic but I love it really. Thank you so much author! You did such a good work. :)